My first public bare expericence was on vacation in Mallorca.

My girlfriend and I had been staying in a lovely low rise beach side resort on the south of the isle and had a great weekdriving round the isle finding new towns and seashores It was our last day and we chose to stay local to the hotel and take a walk along the shore. It was vey hot in the late 80’s. We walked about half a mile past two other big hotels until the beach was backed by sand dunes. We carried on a few hundred yards more and then dropped our bags and towels. It was a beauiful area with gold sand, a clam sea and not a cloud in the sky.
I was soon stripped down to my shorts and my girlfriend to her bikini bottoms, ( sunbathed topless). After using generous amounts of suntan lotion we settled down to sunbath. The shore was deserted and we felt like the only two souls for miles. We chatted away for some time and then the conversation moved on to how tanned we had got over the last week and comparing the white marks around our waists.
My girlfriend said it looked ridiculous how we’d walk around nude on a regular basis at home and yet we covered up when we swam and sun bathed. She suggested that I try slipping off my shorts as there clearly was no one about. This was amazing because I had always thought about it but was never sure how to introduce the idea to my girlfriend. The finally selection was made that we would both go bare on the beach there and then. We had a glimpse about and then undressed.
Well what a releif, you can not beleive the difference, the feeling of the sun and the breeze was amazing and we both agreed we should have done this at the start of the holiday and not on the last day.
It did not take long for us to get in the water, another unique and satisfying experience, we swam about for a while and the my girlfriend left me to do some snorkling still totally naked and loving it.
A couple of hours after we saw a couple approaching along the sand in the space. We weren’t quite sure what to do so we set baked and feigned not to see. They have to have walked passed us and they settled down about 50 yards further along the beach.
They were in there early 20’s, they set out there towels and were clearly interested in the undeniable fact that we were sunbathing naked.

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She was topless with cord bikini bottoms and he wore Speedos. After a while I was getting so hot that I needed to return in the ocean, I decided merely to act normal and walk to the waters edge with merely my snorkle and goggles.
I felt quite convinced after a while and went in and out of the water several times but my girlfriend stayed on the beach, still naked but reading.
A bit later on the couple along the shore took to the water, they were splashing around and generally having a great time, it was soon obvious that they had removed their swim suits while in the water and were now nude themselves. It has to have been their first time as well because their tan lines were as poor as ours. They overly spent the rest of the afternnon nude and even played shore tennis for a short time. I feel good that even though we didn’t speak we must have given them some confidence to try it outside, I only expect they had another week to love it.
On the way back we walked bare until we could see the sunbeds and some people from the very first hotel. was a wonderul experience, one that we have duplicated many times since.

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