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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Glamour Shoot On The Playa (Vintage)

    Tormentor Kate, Please don`t publish my e-mail!! Here is my 2nd contri titled Mate`s Soiree Two Here`s the story. This blonde damsel was supposed to be a underwear waitress. With some effortless negotiations (money talks!) she became our nude waitress! Cheers

    March 2025 2:50:43

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Public Sand Labia Getting off

    For the ladies,I amalways asking my wifey to trim, thought it was only fair that I trim too. ladies let me know what you think, wifey says I got a nice butt, and a big @#$%. All comments welcome. Please don't flash email add.

    March 2025 4:37:6

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Nude Plage - Two Hot Teenagers Frolicking

    Computer Work Is So Much Fun! This session embarked as a computer set up and revved out to be much more! This beautiful lady was so irresistable, I could't help taking her picture! The more I took, the more she desired. Take a look!

    March 2025 14:13:47


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    Wrote Random_Us

    BLACK And Milky, Are You Nut's.

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    Wrote Perlican

    Berta, Innes, Angeles, Smiley, look how the faces have all had the same Photoshop done. Then look at their figures for similarities.

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    Wrote Rockbitch

    Your wifey have one of the best tits. Her culo is awesome. She have a flawless chubby figure. Sucking her tits would be titillating. Love to talk with you and share my practice what I did after looking at your sexy wifey pictures. Come on log in and send me a email with more of your wifey sexy pictures. Waiting for your email or message. U can get me on [email protected].

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    Wrote roryc

    I delve the mitt prints on her face. Smack that bitch while fucking her in the donk is awesome!!!

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    Wrote jerkyman2

    Hi cutie, superb pics - voted superb!! Please post more

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    Wrote srtipetig

    I got my eyes closed too.

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    Wrote alestella

    Looks Delicious and inviting!

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    Wrote mrjuggs

    Superb vulva. What a woman. How joy and flirty. Excellent work out in public. Thanks for sharing. [email protected]

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    Wrote ilovehair

    Damn girl...Got Sun? Where do you live in cave? even Plants need sun. Get some Hew...Damn! Suntan Up!

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    Wrote babygangs

    Dear Melissa,

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    Wrote cornudo1975

    Dark haired your awesome,I would love to Join in with you sometime.......Smooch Baby

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    Wrote duffer010

    tienes un bufete`perfecto desde huesca-pirineos con todo mi cariño te quiero ver enviame mas fotos eres guapisima unos mofletes de leyenda

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    Wrote tarakap

    Wowwwwwwwwwww You are Fantastic!! Pretty Oh Soo Beautiful Hottttttt and Soo Sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy,,,>Showing off every desirable inch soo hotttt playful and Mmmmmmm FUN,,,)Absolutely Fantastic!!!

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    Wrote kamelzinho

    I like your directness. You say it as it is. SO, give more commentary. If I tell you how I perceive looking at your explicit cunt pics will you tell me how you perceive as your accomplice takes the pics while you play with yourself?

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    Wrote bilpit

    I will join as briefly as I see you with another man...

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    Wrote botorut

    Awesome pics of a beautiful lady, such sexy feet and toes as well.

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    Wrote Hotpanty73

    Super-cute labia demonstrate us the rest of her assets.

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    Wrote samanthaw


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    Wrote panama74

    this female are indeed lovely

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    Wrote playwithmeH

    Gorgeous bum and a very tasty twat. Love her sexy nude toes and voted superb. Love to soak my jizz-shotgun in her humid beaver.

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    Wrote tonetone3

    naturist playeri'm in love with your hairy thicket and pits!!! please, more photos and videos!!! I could eat them 24/7/365!!!

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    Wrote mark21222

    would love to see you sans that sundress on

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    Wrote zeygos

    Has at least Three kids, like a good mexi can

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    Wrote Jackandth

    this is just fantastic, please let us see more of this women

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    Wrote alderiahmed

    naturist playerLove those breast and would love to suck those puffies. That is a nice vagina and the last shot shows a taut hot starfish. Love to see that bootie and asshole spread.

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    Wrote CordlessD

    Two things come to mind right away. She goes boulder-holder less alomost all the time AND the slightest touch, she's more than ready for activity.

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    Wrote Andros-D

    Outstanding! Simply perfect;) love a taut lil woman.. Front to back you're spectacular, would love to trade some biker shaft pics for more of your sweet caboose. [email protected] if ya want to play;)

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    Wrote triplextr

    she is awesome, Id love to put my dick in her

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    Wrote angie0865

    I love a woman who knows how to please herself. My man sausage is hard and dribbling looking at her plunge that vibe deep into her cunt. Keep posting. I'd like to see some thumbs or a dick deep inwards her.

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    Wrote horny4whi

    Very first your skin is very beautiful. Very sleek looking. Yes you are beautiful, your tits are superb and you beaver is inviting. If you want to share more. [email protected]

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    Wrote bumonion

    love you titties but would love to peek inbetween those hips, and see that labia and butthole while i stroke my manstick looking at them, would you send me a pic of your twat and if you like i will send it back to you covered in my jizz and a pic of me lickin

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    Wrote Le_renard

    I'd like to love some of your wifes pussy!

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    Wrote SolesLove

    Nice titsLose the clothes and demonstrate that tasty snatch

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    Wrote maurice35

    Personally, I think you look damn fine! Just need to get a little light shined down on the subject! Beautiful, hot, sexy...what more could you want? More photos, at the very least! Thank you for sharing! May I join you some night, while you're out dri

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    Wrote tonyka54

    what was making them hard, kat? were u playing w/ urself? do u like Two gobble it? verrry slexxxy dame.

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    Wrote asiancalm

    Very SEXY LADY! Please submit more!

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    Wrote manroker

    Very prettily done! Gotta love a superb time...only wish I was there with you. [email protected]

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    Wrote seeker4183

    naturist playerI'll bet it's Halloween

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    Wrote BBC4White

    Jay, very nice. I'd love to see how you love the female form. That would be smoking.

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    Wrote tweddy

    Supreme assets, nips built for piercing and a lovely slick twat. Nope make that Superb.

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    Wrote danilger

    sexy topless....but you gotta liberate the undies next time....PLEASE !!!!

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    Wrote Rover33

    naturist playerAdd in Msn,please:

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    Wrote darknight

    Absolutely fucking fine shots of a excellent hairy cunt. More please before you trim. Does she have hairy underarms as well?

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    Wrote Tbirder

    These pics should not qualify for this site... these women are professionals.

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    Wrote x-mannn

    Jen, I'd like to see those sexy lips packaged around a cock...namely mine! Find a hard-on and wrap your lips around it then send us pictures. Good pics, love to see more...JT

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    Wrote hardwhite

    I love those titsYou look like a supreme fuck

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    Wrote parels are an absolute sexy and so classy!!! You are gorgeous and fabulous...your donk is all i want! Write me....i would love to share my horny moment with you! You are perfect! Hope to see more soon! [email protected]

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    Wrote fraster

    Very nice . Good face , very sexy figure .

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    Wrote ich666

    bananas are hot! i could use one now

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    Wrote leeecker666

    I would take it, all

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    Wrote Dirk707

    Nice and sexy - where is this fine place? From UK based duo

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    Wrote Jglendab

    They look fabulous, too bad you did not let them demonstrate loosely.

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    Wrote pepelo

    Superb as ever Becca, supreme shots Burt. looks like NE England to me.

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    Wrote thatGuyWi

    you are kinda uber-cute, but you need to clean up that mess inbetween your legs!

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    Wrote mangoexh

    another mail order catalogue post

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    Wrote roma35

    again a superb series - one of the finest chicks on the web

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    Wrote sea1980

    Faux TITS... but nice booty arching

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    Wrote mscotton12

    a bocca aperta...

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    Wrote zzhill

    me love you lengthy time

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    Wrote cbtslave2

    Certainly want to see more of her. Particularly that pretty face covered in spunk. That made superb.

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    Wrote steiner-d

    superb You are simply gorgeous love the smile

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    Wrote uscboy

    You make me think of my man wearing my knickers! Makes me humid moist wet.Show me more pics. Other masculines welcome too!!! Moist Whore Marijke from Belgium-Brussels. Subslutsusan, forward me pics if you receive them please.So we can get humid together-hihihi... Marijkedu

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    Wrote frogfur

    I hope not your last. Nice equipment

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    Wrote irene123m

    I applaud the effort, but not the result. The damsel is too hot for crappy photography like this...Please attempt again with finer photography, and submit Ten Explicit pics ;-)

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    Wrote mizuno200

    Boring,feels like I'm looking at an old day comic,surprised the starlets are as high as they are

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    Wrote janvarsky

    naturist playervery nice, please post more.

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    Wrote m3210

    MmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmYou are VERY Hot! Would love to see preggo pics (or any pics that you'd like to share with me [email protected])

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    Wrote BobNYC

    Such a beautiful woman! What is you ethnic background? You are so exotic looking.

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    Wrote evolution

    HOT! Nice hair pull!

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    Wrote KatSamurai

    I just love it when tits sneak out sans their holder knowing, fantastic bit of voyeurism.

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    Wrote mannem

    superb! superb! superb!ciao! i love your peircing!you are very very sexy and exciting! i'm crazy for your clean-shaved beaver and your big boobs!you have a brilliant body! you are the chick of my dreams!i hope we can meet you!

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    Wrote carldemon

    Woof! Woof! Woof! Good shots!

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    Wrote leaulyphe

    It's fine to see you back even however this is not one of your best contris...and more of the same from last time.I don't get why you do so many photos with the dolls as your background, but that's your thing.However, c

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    Wrote iamdemon7

    naturist playerDear Jewel,you look wonderfulnice big soft titttiesvery very sexy round poundable donk you are very hot ladylove to play with your forms

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    Wrote necrovision

    I have a secret --- I'm porking your wifey at work!

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    Wrote luvlickin

    A lil' dumpy in the donk and in thetummy, but I wouldn't tell her no.

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    Wrote dreambose

    the female in pic 7 looked superb.the rest looked like poo-poo

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    Wrote jed001

    ciao,lei è superb all'ennesima potenza...mi eccita molto vedere il suo favoloso sensuale corpo nudo ed adesso mi piacerebbe scambiare email infuocate con voi...te lo dico subito che sono single per adesso ma non significa niente,posso scam

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    Wrote HHHSquare

    Sensational as always. The fellow in the blue tee-shirt wasn't a cop then.. thank goodness. Also, I guess pic Ten was a different occasion? Any more pics from that time?

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