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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Japanese Grizzly Nude on the Sand

    These are some pictures of my wifey Brenda. AKA Bambii. Brenda is 52 and is a mom of Trio and grandmother of 7. She is taking care of twins right now , so our free time is all but gone. She will however post more briefly.

    March 2025 14:43:54

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    jerking, spunking and manhandling woman on the plage

    Howdy ladies & gents Here are some sexy photos of in the bathroom getting undressed! I was experiencing indeed horny and i began playing with my kitty while hubby was taking the pictures. I hope you like them. You can see more of me smooches

    March 2025 6:18:19

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    How italian strand damsels made me jizz

    Chief Loves Some Pie! - Just some special time with Chief suspending out in my closet and thought I would share a few with all of you here in VW world. I hope you all love the pics as much as we liked the time together.

    March 2025 21:31:14


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    Wrote bitoy

    Hott looking doll, but is that all the deeper you got? I can believe hot, but wet? What are you using for lube? I hope not ass-juice, that's just n a s t y!

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    Wrote crogan

    a nice lengthy man sausage and a superb nymph.

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    Wrote AndreaCor

    Beautiful lady and she knows how to fuck....need to finish with a fluid pie

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    Wrote gheata77

    ok where are you and when can i play with those tits blaster243

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    Wrote guest34

    pissing porn nudistsTHANK U FOR Showcase YOUR PICS, LOVE U!!!

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    Wrote lykimhuang

    It's good to see a woman who luvs fucky-fucky so much. Thanks.

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    Wrote giggiti

    Your spouse or boy friend is one lucky dude. You are an incredible beautiful women.

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    Wrote tricky070

    thats weird the lady taking her bottom off and not her top

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    Wrote ikbol

    Complimenti una collezione da sballo..., che mette in risalto, come merita, un culo superlativo, magnifico, tutto da mangiare.Complimenti sei un vera e bellissima troia.Un bacio, Andrea - 43 enne da Veronamail + msn = [email protected]

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    Wrote tilemachos1

    Above all, I choose natural tits. But big tits are very nice (i.e., a C- or D-cup). Of course, yours are amazing. Would you want me to stop or proceed once they begin to ache? Or would you want me to suck somewhere else...?

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    Wrote amig

    Gotta SUCK those nipps.

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    Wrote Fucksies2

    is she in India..the U.K...America? Is she married?

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    Wrote art683

    What a sexy wife!

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    Wrote funsex91

    Love the hairy pussy! Pretty nips as well

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    Wrote joelear

    There's no see thru

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    Wrote parker01

    Gorgeous! I like her hairy clam farm.

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    Wrote iloveskyrim

    WOW! Leanne you are stunning!

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    Wrote alex01012

    Audrey.... WOW.... If you live anywhere near middle Georgia, give me a shout. I'd love to help you with your next photo shoot. By the way, I LOVE your forms. NewDay4CJ

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    Wrote odysseus333

    Lets go tto the back and take inventory. RR

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    Wrote taiyo2004

    there is no such word as FUNNER. It's MORE joy.

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    Wrote Silvestr007

    The usual bashers making their usual insults while NOT posting pictures of their women . . . as usual. Of course, you can't blame them for not taking pictures of something that doesn't exist. And, of course, you have "fart remover" spouting off. Hey, at least this woman has coworkers . . . the only way you'd have a coworker is if someone else walked out to the mailbox and picked up your welfare check for you.

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    Wrote NikolaSRB

    I love your tattoos and breasts! send me some pics I couldn't see here please! I would love close-ups of your tattoos and lovely breasts. dan4e

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    Wrote Gidney

    WOW ZZZZZZ.....nothing more boring then Three donk shot and a clean-shaven twat shot...

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    Wrote jdf3246

    NICE clip^^

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    Wrote gardin

    Lovely size, please display more..

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    Wrote gcljohn

    Your pictures are wonderful and I truly loved them. In fact, you got the only superb vote I have given in Trio days. Thank you for flashing such a beautiful form in such sexy ways.

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    Wrote sisisoso

    Nice anal shots!!! This is what RC is supposed to be, explicit and arousing contris!!! thx....

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    Wrote deepdarkt

    You are kidding..

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    Wrote btm777

    cumere bigboy - Jimmy

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    Wrote brigidsde

    Gabby you are so Beautiful I just love to see your pictures it brightens my day

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    Wrote bastat1

    Gorgeous nips. Gorgeous pubic hair and a big donk. Your wifey is truly nice.

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    Wrote tasha29

    pissing pornography naturistswhat fantasies are made of( . )( . )great pair tiwnslove to have big soft blowable titttties string up in my face

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    Wrote ecoute2015

    as allways fine pics from a sexy women

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    Wrote stefanGro

    pissing porno naturistssuperb pics...m interested if u have some more to share...pls drop me a line nilbor_chris

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    Wrote TorontoDude

    Both of you have adorable butts. Love eyeing her suck your lips. Hope you have more pics to share.

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    Wrote djmoore33

    Oh to have such a SEXY sub!

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    Wrote IrrMKD

    I need to tie a board to my culo to fuck her so I don't fall in. I do love big fuck holes tho

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    Wrote jony2222

    Sorry there ain't nothing to vote for !

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    Wrote Khaleesy

    Gorgeously succulent ass! But is this Jay posting or Jay's boyfriend?

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    Wrote damage_one

    Que rica estas isa! love those thighs,suckable tits! and cock-squeezing ass! que culo y tetas mas rica tienes! Would love to tap that ass!Send me some pics of you playing with that hot pussy! Kises from Florida

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    Wrote calvin966

    BEAUTIFUL! I would love to see your gams and feet spread out. If you sense generous, please send me a duo. Thanks.

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    Wrote pornstar650

    pissing pornography naturistsu have a remarkable body..gorgeous face! superb body...wut else can i say...just a superb figure on a excellent women...very pretty..keep me posted...hope to hear from u briefly.

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    Wrote Bushdaddy

    Sexy body- HOT lady! Wish I were fucking you!

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    Wrote fotobr

    I would love to eat your raw cunt while you are getting fucked hard in the caboose !!Sure to make you cummm [email protected]

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    Wrote Ganik

    Good boobies and so hot watching you play.

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    Wrote amanteper

    Please granny put the camera away and bake cokkies.

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    THANK YOU AND MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Wrote charlyboss

    I'd like some tips on where u hid the cam..what sort of web cam did u use?? me??

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    Wrote jjmcz

    Arrogance at it's finest. S-M-I-L-E. A woman this beautiful needs to reminisce the world is utter of women with arrogance. Sexy is in baby. You can be it, smile and Oh By the way I love the smoothly-shaven cootchie

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    Wrote successor

    pissing pornography naturistsAnyway; keep

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    Wrote analisters

    pissing pornography naturistsUn cuerpo de escandalo.

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    Wrote mysexass

    Amazing body!These are the type of women that make this site so good....nothing fake...all natural and beautiful!Congrats!Always wanting to see more!Keep it up and do email me if you can....i'd love that!Voted superb!

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    Wrote bigkev69


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    Wrote becontreeuk

    you look always so stunning

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    Wrote masterzim

    maybe you could e mail me?

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    Wrote Markohollo

    Good.Very good.Oposdipote omorphia apo Voulgares, kai ola kala kai o OSFP to protathlima.

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    Wrote stevenfoo

    Hey, schwule Sau, we willen vrouwen zien en niet van die eikels als jou. Flikker op naar een GAYSITE en toon daar jouw foto's, interressante soeplul.

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    Wrote cokrider2

    Had to come back for a 2nd, 3rd and fourth look --- display us a lot more if you will please.

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    Wrote mangoexh

    Stunning as usuall love the tree's but I love you more.Steve xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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    Wrote volfic

    pissing pornography naturistsciao bella puttanona,perchA? non mi scrivi che ti dico di molto peggio pur di farti godere come una [email protected]

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    Wrote sananeyse

    Do I want to play with you, the reaction is yes.....You are something else Crimson

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    Wrote frankfran

    super-cute bun

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    Wrote SWLondonN

    pissing pornography naturistsAlways talking about your frigs up your cunt and sucking this and that. You are just a whore.

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    Wrote jjdoe

    pissing pornography naturistsawesome again...thanks mrs cleaver

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    Wrote ymcm

    pissing pornography naturistsour very first time I thought she had pissed to floor but she had just shot her very first explosion she was so humid on entry I had to pull out and pull back my foreskin after she had cummed again then we got her 3rd ejaculation together

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    Wrote anton314

    pissing pornography naturistsGood pics. I like your man sausage and it looks like you were very revved on when you had the pics taken. Not everyone has to have such a enormous man sausage. Yours is very nice looking and hot.

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    Wrote lincslou

    Trio pics....that's it????

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    Wrote friskyone

    pissing porno naturistswould love to see you're face, and maybe bald or trimmed brief pubes.

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    Wrote pornman2001


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    Wrote master4sl

    Punta Cana sounds nasty. But, me being a heterosexual shooter, all I want is one of these lovelies to leap my bone.

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    Wrote divindriver

    Mary, Mary, fairly contrary,

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    Wrote johnluvsj

    Another nice view of your beautiful tits. This is the way I'd like to see you as I'm laying on my back and you're about to grab my shaft, eat it, then suck it until your mouth is overflowing.

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    Wrote babylonian1

    marvellous woman, I like her style, would drive me crazy to know that my wifey works in this garb, supreme excellent supreme, voted superb!can you send me a pic sans shoes?cheers

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    Wrote allhellle

    Super fucking bod. Breasts are a little too obviously faux tho. Shame

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    hmm looking good but defenetly needs a trim ........

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    Wrote FiveByFiv

    I would joyfully munch the sand out of every crevice of your super body!

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    Wrote xterra04

    All of your contri's are hot, they never fail to make me jizm. This one's no exception. Very hot witnessing you fuck your culo and grope your beaver. Would love to see a set of you being DP'd.

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    Wrote fukurbrai

    horny !!!

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    Wrote Dasher86

    Thanks for the gam and feet shot. Love to suck on your toes as I'm pounding your beaver.

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    Wrote SexMidas

    Merry Christmas Aussie Stunner and Hubby. Fabulous tits very sexy dame.

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    Wrote chas1423

    Fine model (hot bod & willing) but get creative. Gams spread, arched over, (Yawn), again and again and again .....Don't need "artsy" - just imaginative & hot !

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    Wrote luckymike

    I laughed when I eyed this entry, did you mean to send here or to a friend or family member Look at the name or this site,lol.Getting any ideas now to what picture ,people usaully put

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    Wrote bipirate

    Thick areolas, curvy hips, utter pubic hair - more than superb !!

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