Went on a little hike with the wifey and she let me take a few pics along the way. She is a little jumpy sending these in for you to view because she is 48 with Trio teenage kids and not sure what kind of response she will receive. I hope it will be possitive so she will let me send in more pics in the future.
March 2025 23:52:38
Howdy Everyone, We had a request to do a picture in a bar, how jokey it's already been done, Thanks for all the support VW viewers AND BE SURE TO POST YOUR EMAIL IF YOU WANT TO KEEP TRACK OF US IN THE FUTURE! Call this Sugar and Spikes venture NIP, PDPMEA. THANKS
March 2025 8:28:11
Well we have posted enough of me sooooo now its my turn to post him!!! Ladies tell me what you think of him and his instrument !!!!! All good comments welcome and tell me what else you would like to see of him and i'll get cracking on it for ya :o)
March 2025 24:27:15
Congrat your wifey for ultimately being willing to be photoed and submitted. Asking for no negative comments, well, good luck with that. Contributions which I think are outstanding even get blasted.Just let her know, bunches of us love bods like
I have a rabbit too, but it's ears are larger.
Awesome tits, Awesome assets, very pretty woman. thanks for sharing. XO Ciao Belle.
hot hot hot will she suck your man rod Four us????
please please.
Now this is clean and so slick. Very adorable and you know she's with it!
No me gustan las contribuciiones donde "borran" las caras. Pero contigo no importa! Que cuerpazo! Que armonia de extremidades! Que perfecta!
I'm a sucker for SAG, and vote "Superb" on every clip, but this is Superbly Superb! Even sans any cockblowing or fucking, it's just a pleasure to drink in that gorgeous assets and listen to those sweet yells and yelps and sexy vocalizations. Supreme to see a hint of the sweet internal pink moist heaven while she gets herself off, so it was a super treat to see those big pointy lips parted and get a view up inwards that gorgeous cootchie. Damn is SAG a SexyAsianGirl, or she's just a SUPER SEXY Female, regardless of race or ethnicity. Thanks as always, you two are the best! [email protected]
Love that garment and defintely your big titties in it! Please post more.
Very sexy gal! Loved the pics hope she shares more real soon!
Opps Emily. One too many s's. should be [email protected] Love looking at your hot tits nymph
She has indeed nice jugs. Very nice paint job. It would have been truly nice to see them sans the paint however.
Superb,where do you embark to gobble on a dame that looks that good?
as real as my 2ft dick
Does that bit?
Lucious, sexy, beautiful woman - [email protected]
Thanks hip high ;-)
Your pics are horrible...Please stop ,please don't post again.
Love your sweet succulent puffies. would love to see more baby
. . Unlike Californias collectives, which differ inwards their city based jurisdiction of how much medical marijuana sellers can distribute, the laws in Maine don't address this problem, and medical marijuana patients are encouraged to use their own discre
And your workin it real good!! retiredguy57
Viva Las Vegas!
mmmmmmmmm, as i've said before-good pussy!
crimson is THE color for your wonderful skin .... i agree with pappy on the butt fuck-hole shots
A very nice chrismas tree :-)
How can I forget? Yuck!!!!
actually a nice assortment, good job
Please trim it........
Like JK - I agree - pic Four is superb!!!
Hot movie, love your sexy taut asshole. I want you to cowboy me with my hard dick in your taut booty so your taut arse can milk me dry. [email protected]
nice model, lose the bubbles next time
NO FACE and nothing but photo's of "a", "one", assets part bj's. Don't send more if you cannot make a nicer effort.
Love the lady she is hot and the outfit....more please
I would like to tongue fuck that superb looking pusst nice and moist. would have voter but the head was cut off. get her a mask if you dont want to display her face.
Sweet tits! Awesome legs!!
Joy looking penis.
naturist celebritiesvery nice titties like to see more pics of her email me [email protected]
She's right, and you're desperate.
lg aus österreich ([email protected]
naturist celebritiesGulp!Jo you just get finer and better.Thanks. I mean, thanks a lot.I truly appreaciate your contris.
Voted superb for u!!! I love the wool peeking out of your armpits--mmmm would love to spend all day gobbling all up and down your sexy bod --thx for the posts and keep them coming too --- [email protected]
Nice. Two flicks, huh? Is the popshot compliation one? I hope so.bdmcgee74 at gmail dot com
We'll take your word for it that she is hot, since we didn't get to see to much.
I love your wife's butthole. Looks so delicious!
Beautiful smile! Sexy tits and vagina too,thanks.
Hey, look! It's "to Fool!" Very first, as always, I point out that you NEVER make positive comments, so you're hardly in a position to discuss what I have to say. 2nd, again as always, I point out that you have never posted a picture of your woman to this site. Guess you can't photograph something that doesn't exist. And if you wish to use the driving example, you would be the person hitchhiking because you don't have a job and can't afford a car. Eventually, your inability to see beyond my moniker only proves how big a dummy you are. I permanently praise the ladies on this site . . . usually within my comments jamming misogynistic h0m0s like you. Of course, you're an illiterate clod, so I guess hoping you to read is hoping too much.
Man, she sure looks happy???
A sistiana si puo fare
I have looked at all your pics I think you are awsome
Any bi-atch that takes it in the caboose is alright with me. Smokin' hot stunner.
naturist celebrities"These are just some older pics of my ex that I had found on an old computer. Its a nice mix of older and newer pics."
Fookin' nasty. Just 'cos you have to see it don't mean we have to. Stop posting please.
NICE SPREAD, mind if I bury my face!!!! [email protected]
mayo gostosa! email me pics of your big round bootie, kss
he's not too picky
Beautiful...Now eat some food, please!
Amazing pictures of a very pretty woman with a just about ideal assets. Can't get much sexier then that.Love to see moremerlin_2005_
I guess I'm a "tat hater", but you're gorgeous none the less. I'd like to get my forearms all over those tattoos and everything in inbetween.
naturist celebritiesWho Want's To See More, No More Prayers.
What a gorgeous woman. Hope to see more.
Love the body! How about latest photosd? [email protected]
Best pix posted for lengthy, lengthy time!
parece rica .podria chacharla por el culo .....con la luz apagada
it was romp discrimination to
naturist celebritiesGrease up her arse and DRIVE IT HOME!!
What a excellent pubic hair and a lovely pair of tits!!!
You cannot be timid with those awesome tits. Please!!!
I vote that Booty is VERY EDIBLE
Very , Very Nice
naturist celebritiesAbsolutly breathtaking, you are the most beautiful woman to ever have posted on this site arms down, absolutly superb.
VERY cute! Got more?