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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    fresh Christmas download at nudebeachcravings

    The other evening got alittle interesting and my wifey and I took these pics. She agreed to post them to see what type of response they would bring. Jizm on guys and gals give her some good comments so I can coax her to post more.

    March 2025 14:33:37

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    eating and fucking on the sand

    This is our very first time posting. My wifey would submit nicer pictures, with positive feedback from everyone. My wifey just received some fresh clothes from Victoria's Secret. Thought you might love observing what I liked.

    March 2025 2:16:56

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    A day at the playa - jerking off in the woods!

    Glad Fresh Year Everyone! It's been a while since our last post and I guess you can say I've missed being in on the joy. Here are a few soft core picture's just to test the water's again. If comments are nice I will display you more. Shadowrunner xoxoxoxo

    March 2025 7:32:50


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    Wrote Matzesex

    She have a toothache??

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    Wrote m00h

    Uber-cute and nasty.What a good combination!

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    Wrote adam12345

    Can't speak for your neighbor, but I would certainly peek at that. :)

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    Wrote WPBCpl

    Perceiving cheated that there isn't more pictures of this sexy lady!

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    Wrote jonesy5150

    Nice 1 , where is the entire flick ?

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    Wrote vicki4u2d

    Imagine that, we actually paid to see this.

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    Wrote jeanderodez

    Supreme pics. display more.

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    Wrote jazziedad

    OlA? amigos, adoramos as fotos, Somos um casal swinger de Sampa, mas se preferirem ele pode sair sA?zinho com vocA?s (menage masculino). Aguardamos retorno no e-mail: [email protected]. Beijos Sonny e Cher.

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    Wrote Arkadiy1

    awesome...thanks d

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    Wrote n_dan78

    Greatvideo! Is this in Holland? The skinny chick looks perfect! A shame she didn't share her cunt ;)

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    Wrote arvato

    What's the idea of posting the very first pic??

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    Wrote deepjenny

    What a beautiful stunner

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    Wrote HungandHa

    Sans a face, your pics aren't even worth viewing. NO FACE - NO VOTE !!

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    Wrote sash_sol

    I see a peek of your nice hairy beaver - I'd love to gobble you out nice and slow and then do whatever you want me to - I bet you could instruct me a few tricks.

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    Wrote GOTTARDI

    for Commercial SPAMMERS like hardnrockin (also poses as california9, caliLA and totoo). Same comment on every post. From one contributor to another, beware.

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    Wrote mohagonyw


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    Wrote felix74

    I liked it. Nice toe, nice cleavage, nice pokies. Would choose less clothing but off to a good commence. Keep Posting

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    Wrote Vendetta222

    Well, where are the pics of you taking it in your tught ass?

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    Wrote Roundpaper

    I wood love to see you in the bathroom. Your aficionado jeff_owl

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    Wrote Petra15


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    Wrote francjuli

    My dick is still hard from your other post. You are noy a good woman. You demonstrate no grace on a man who can't help but grow a tree inbetween his gams each time he sees you. Indeed Dame YOU ARE HOTT. Send me some pics please?Yuh indeed good chick.

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    Wrote Fisher75

    erotic female plageNon badare alle critiche, sei nuda e questo basta, per lo spirito positivo che [email protected]

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    Wrote darkolmi

    erotic doll playaMy SUPERB vote!

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    Wrote weplaywet

    erotic lady strandLooks like spiderwoman. "She don't know"??? Whew, work on the grammer acquaintance.

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    Wrote AdmanMiami

    Love that 1st picture of this set!!!I just love to see chunky hips...I can only imagine grabbing that booty and catapult you hard as i can...This is David from portugal 33yo, and just find you absolutely astonishing!!Please KEEP POSTING!!!Would also love to trade few words with you, even if it was just to suggest on your future contris. E mail me if wanted: [email protected] As i said before, keep us updated with YOU!KEEP POSTING!! Best wishes and fattest kisses!! XoXo DaviD.

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    Wrote Loone04

    erotic lady strandDio salvi Dulcinea!

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    Wrote schlumpf1

    I am your breast aficionado. Whohoo!

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    Wrote easybigfe

    Wow supreme job.

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    Wrote tattood_f

    has a big cock? What you been smoking? That dick is tiny!

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    Wrote Sniceguy

    Lets see her with Two other guys now

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    Wrote Bendinover

    erotic chick strandlean and oh so sexy with your hard puffies and wild bush!

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    Wrote kernowkid2

    howdy again Crimson HOT !!!, checked out the overview this morning and to my good surprise, i spotted you had two contri's and i thought this is going to be a excellent day. then i checked them out and sure enough it's a Dual SUPERB DAY !!! you are definit

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    Wrote janjoic

    that's not jism, it's pus

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    Wrote FatDickci

    What did you do, acidently drop your camera? nothing worth eyeing here.

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    Wrote Wetdreams

    Vacquero let's see a pic of you or shut the fuck up

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    Wrote meatlogmo

    Niiice rump!!

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    Wrote sheerhose1

    I voted superb. I'd love to do a photo shoot with her and my wifey together

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    Wrote chillbbc

    NOOOOO!!! LAS, do not pierce your gorgeous beaver (or any other part of your amazing body)!!! dosn't add anything!!!

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    Wrote publicluvr

    love to snuffle all those undies

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    Wrote JhnWht

    Nice sexy bod sweet twat asesome sleek caboose.

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    Wrote ohgent1958

    Dear Mrs. M,

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    Wrote swaffel

    Mikey is the Best!! Due to compelling requests, he will be posting again Briefly for all his Fans!! STAY TUNED FOLKS!!

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    Wrote tendremen

    Nice. I truly liked picture Six. I have supreme admiration for the person who sewed that button on. And, if that's what you wore to work, do you need an assistant?

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    Wrote DirtyFeet

    erotic chick playathat is not a florida female, thats a florida WOMAN, and be damn proud of it, you look wonderful my dear, keep up the supreme pics..

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    Wrote subdragan

    erotic damsel plageSuperb Job brother! But how could anyone ever get tired of Hairless Pussy???????

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    Wrote PARANITO

    Magnifico! I would slurp every inch of that figure :)

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    Wrote licker77

    Where is this beach? I want to go!

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    Wrote irenetrav

    Hi, Superb!!!!!!!!!! Voted superb. If you appreciate female admirers, graciously mail me some of your hot picsLuv,Latika

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    Wrote twitch82

    I belive you and find you very sexy. Im 25 years junior and would love to slide my hard meaty hard-on into you. You are a very hot woman for your age. POST MORE!!!!

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    Wrote richyrich

    Truly getting even with her.

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    Wrote Gaseous_S

    Bravo,Belle et bien bandanteJe te ferais bien des chosesJ

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    Wrote kevsex27

    ok who is up for strand blanket bingo?

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    Wrote cheaterby

    very hot fucking holes!!!

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    Wrote patcheck

    I If she want a three some, I volunteer to have my manstick stuck into her ASS,PUSSY,and her mouth.sounds good to me.

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    Wrote arthur2010

    Pic Four, I would like to have permission to suspend on my wall and say this is an ex gf. You took my breathe away and that doesn't happen often.

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    Wrote Schluessel

    GORGEOUS!!! AWESOME TITS!!! LOVE that awesome body!!! would love to caress and smooch that sweet bod all over, luving your sweet nips and awesome pussy!!!!

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    Wrote kymaton

    WOW"""What flawless sexy body....Send more of you sexy lady & display your eyes...

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    Wrote cokrider2

    Did you get thru 3rd grade?

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    Wrote BIGTED666

    Am I ever glad you've clean-shaved off the thicket again. LOVE your hairless pussy...that turns me on sooo much - you are sooo fucking hot!

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    Wrote cougarmum

    damn your hot....i wish you were my chick.

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