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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    handjob andbig money-shot at the plage

    This is my very first contri, and albeit my GF doesn't like my posting them, she didn't stop me. She doesn't think she looks any good, and that no one would want to look at her. Hopefully she will get some nice comments and sense nicer about herself. Please hide my email address, thanks.

    March 2025 8:45:38

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Spying Mummy with big fat butt at sand

    We read the comments from the last set and they were supreme. Lynne loved them all except that some of you got the year they were taken wrong... All were taken in the 80ies. These were also taken in the late 80ies.

    March 2025 12:58:47

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Caribic Threesome on the Sand

    Hi Guys & Gals Here are some fresh pictures of me having hookup with with this black fellow. It was truly supreme and i had a marvelous time. The pictures were taken by my spouse. I indeed liked getting fucked by this vwe dude. It was a good night. I hope you like them ... You can see more pictures at: Smooches Beth

    March 2025 15:7:56


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    Wrote Nackedei

    Very pretty gal. Very pretty gal. Yes, lengthy , lean, and lithe. I like that! You can blur her eyes but I know her. She is an operative for the CIA in the Cleveland office. Sorry I exposed her cover - I'll most likely go to prison.kitmyers23@y

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    Wrote coolcasan

    please fart on my face......

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    Wrote zorinafel

    She permanently has her back to us, and always hiding her face. Not incredible, or inviting at all. Attempt taking pictures of a woman who actually WANTS to be seen in her own pictures.

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    Wrote Dr_Chilly

    Amazing nips hon, fine breast , would LOVE to see lots more of you !!!!!

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    Wrote appleCock

    To "someone on Sat 25 July 7:03am". . . . Best to learn to spell before you call others dump! (dumb)

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    Wrote pat0121

    These pictures don't even belong here on RCWhy do they always beg for votes and tell you all about how supreme the next contribution is going to be, when the very first suck.

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    Wrote Nylonboy26

    Supremely nice vagina waiting to be ate, sucked and fucked. You made my tongue instantly hard.

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    Wrote wet4bigcock

    awesome as always...thanks bambii

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    Wrote boulmich

    Squeeze those tots around my meat baby

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    Wrote FreddieB

    well stick you dick in her mouth all ready. an yes supreme tits&nips

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    Wrote irokichigai

    OMG! My tongue wants to marry your sweet pussy!!!

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    Wrote Boje_dk

    fuck fest beach pictureLove round ladies like her. Hope to see more. If this is the 2nd set, when & where was the very first ones. Thanks for posing, sharing & displaying. She looks good enough to eat. (dh1978fd)

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    Wrote qwerty95

    the one in pink has a big culo

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    Wrote KLEO34


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    Wrote horny_bob

    I would like to see pics from your wifey & daughter

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    Wrote cleonmax

    Nice gal, good pictures, more more more! :)

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    Wrote bigp1313

    nice to have such a friendly neighbor!

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    Wrote layinwood

    Whaw! What a beautiful woman you are. Watching you gives me such a warm sensing inwards. I'm Berry from Holland, singelman of 50 years old. I hope to find somebody who wants to be my email friend. These emails can be fairly erotic. Mayby you will be this? Smooches AND Glad Fresh [email protected]

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    Wrote prophet617


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    Wrote Joker50

    Porque le falta,

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    Wrote beetredas

    A very loyal and lengthy time fan..Any chance of watching you in Double penetration. like the one on TV (last pic)

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    Wrote cojoporel

    SWEET!!!! I think mine would implode as well!!! so MANY HOT things to do!!!!!! [email protected]

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    Wrote Caramella

    Why post this? Honestly, why?

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    Wrote smarty_cool

    Supreme bod. I like pic # Five, big tits and clean-shaven dick.

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    Wrote sun_sun

    Mmmmm play time arse Xx

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    Wrote kern

    very nice......

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    Wrote kr660

    I hope this is the santa coming to my building this year!!

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    Wrote basset47

    Is that a snatch bee on your gam

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    Wrote cathace2000

    She looks so used and confused!

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    Wrote mido20202

    looks like a super taut cootchie to me

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    Wrote huegelkuc

    People "THIS IS A MAN MADE PUSSY". It's a dude (or was one at one time) you stupid fucks.

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    Wrote sl0wpoke69

    I spotted your stills and this is even nicer would love to see more. I am in middle GA too, write me [email protected]

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    Wrote vavav

    fuck jamboree playa pictureadesso spogliati!!

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    Wrote romain14

    Lovely, ripe, blowable, sexy tits, Sunny!!!

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    Wrote cole2417

    I would know your big yummy tits anywhere Kay!! Always vote you superb!!

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    Wrote bushnicks

    fuck festival sand picturei leave behind to tell you i want to milk them so hard you made me so dry i come two times and waitting for my freind to go i want to do it again sexy [email protected]

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    Wrote agapoo

    send her to Chicago, i'd love to see her sweet mouth packaged around my hard thick Daddy dick!

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    Wrote luciano65

    She has a nice smile and supreme puffies. Johnnysmith803@gmail

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    Wrote nick767

    Their is truly no need to hide you are with freinds here. neither do we smooch and tell or trade pics off the site. So showcase us those beautiful breast and you could indeed drop the bottoms too.

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    Wrote WildFunPhx

    Outstanding package

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    Wrote hanna-cd

    You need to display us what you look like standing up..cannot wait to see those tits and you lovely time PLEASE???

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    Wrote Gobucs2012

    Might have been meant for your GF but I would love to be tonguing up your spunk for you

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    Wrote hubbanw

    Your a fine woman.

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    Wrote ShaveAndL

    fuck jamboree sand pictureLisa en plus de ton corps je decouvre que tu as de tres jolis doigts. Ca compte beaucoup pour moi.

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    Wrote pecker469s

    I like these pics!! Got any more?

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    Wrote nutbolt

    He is one lucky man

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    Wrote Doxix

    Gorgoeus creamy slick rock-hard sweet shapely tits and nips!!! Thanks!!

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    Wrote frenchbiguy

    That is one sweet cootchie. Thanks.

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    Wrote stesik

    love that smil. and thos tits, that bum, that sweet snatch.

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    Wrote pollonrum

    Love to get in there and tongue that asshole while she dildo's that beaver. Then observe you fuck her and I would suck her clean.

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    Wrote felipepz

    shiny globes make me blessed

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    Wrote ferryt11

    fuck jamboree playa pictureI see that there is some others that like nubs too. Please send some finer pics of it with the spandex hood pulled back, and be sure that its turgid up to its max. Love these big talkative pussys.

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    Wrote piresa46g

    Who knew that T man had a sister? Is she into "pics of guys on inflatable rafts"?;-)Anyway, most likely she's not realted to T but you have to wonder...but NICE pictures of a sexy woman, shaven, closeup, and erotic

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    Wrote bi_jay4u

    Super delicious

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    Wrote zmeygorin

    Ola tudo bem nA?s somos de portugal... ems um corpo muito belo. [email protected] adoramos trocar fotos

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    Wrote latinluva

    Always love your posts! You never fail to get me hard, thank you very much.

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    Wrote botorut

    What's to wonder. It's wonderful. I used to hae a paramour who was truly big. She loved going knuckle deep and thick playthings. It was the most erotic bang-out of my life, it opens up (no pun intended) the possibilities! Voted superb. "More please"

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    Wrote duplicity

    fuck festival plage pictureThe photos of you modeling underwear don't.

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    Wrote jissofine

    Bella Daniela, lo sai che sei molto meglio nuda che vestita? Una leccatina... ciao

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    Wrote jakew51

    Wow, you are so hot! What a fine looking babe! There is definately something that draws me to looking at your hot body! Sweet Lady, please demonstrate us more

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    Wrote amux

    wishing i could do you ,love that ass,and every thing

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    Wrote spm36

    que exitante, eres unicasaludos desde M E X I C Odnes_link

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    Wrote little_joe

    bellissima e sexy, proprio come piace a memandane altresuperb

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    Wrote appreciator

    nide and ssek..all night lengthy. love to stuff your sweet cootchie with my big hardd hard-on

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