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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Public russian strand lovemaking part Two

    I've been away for a duo of months...but I'm back now...I loved all the comments I got from I and II and have been waiting for just the right time to snap a few more more. Let me know what you think...I have almost as much joy reading them as I do AFTER the pics are taken...;)

    March 2025 20:10:31

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Nude Playa - Hot Honies & Couples

    She did not like these pictures because her donk passed out when we were supposed to have joy so lengthy story brief i had joy and she did to when i eventually woke her up and yes i do realize there is a buttplug there and she needs a trim

    March 2025 3:9:10

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Nice youthfull tits - playa spycam movie

    I stood naked and swayed to the workmen as they cheered, i then revved and arched over for them. Shortly we all left for a bathroom. Mmmmm never did catch that guys name or spotted him again. A good afternoon in Sydney BUT have some superb pics to demonstrate that my fucking partner took.

    March 2025 19:39:9


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    Wrote DoggingDa

    I choose the asshole

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    Wrote hotraging

    nothing left to say

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    Wrote milo23

    I didn't think I was into bbw, but she is very sexy. Couldn't see her face, but looks like she could be a cutie

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    Wrote coitusmax

    vacation pics, like to turn you over

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    Wrote coachnut1

    Amazing pic's Willow. You look so fucking hot in those fishnets. Of course then agan you look hot sans the fishnets to. lol

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    Wrote crompton

    What is there to like? I cigarette smoking woman with only one blurred labia picture?

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    Wrote AL729

    You should indeed tell her you are posting her pics my brutha. It's the right thing to do. cheers and thanx

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    Wrote E2sexy

    Love your gorgeous body! Hubby and I think your breasts are lovely and we love your shave!Very Nice! Thanks

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    Wrote buescher302

    I want to know what kind of camera you are using... the quality is outstandin

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    Wrote flamegoddes

    as you should know by now ....I am one of your thickest aficionado.

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    Wrote damien29

    er,I was going to make a very similar comment, but fuck-hole could be adequate also. Crevasse time could be referring to the ime her fuckhole was exposed! *LOL*At least use spell/grammer check!

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    Wrote privateer

    Just let me know if you would like me to take some photos for you!

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    Wrote Anneputtel

    Amazing bod, such an inviting pose, right down to that hot lil toe ring!

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    Wrote ZobJuice

    Your pics are so clear and in concentrate. What kind of camera did you use?

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    Wrote ilovessbbws

    hard-ons out at the strand vidsFrom Cathy,your hubby is so lucky to have a wifey that is so very sexy and open minded.Jay and I love your pics,I have never been with another woman but you do get me to thinking.Email if you wish H-H-K-K Cathy and Jay tusky99

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    Wrote sarai516

    why only positive reviews are accepted and published?this woman sucks!

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    Wrote xmen406

    You take the cake.

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    Wrote youngpada

    Lady, these are rotten pictures. Stop hiding your face, take off all your clothes. You got the looks to do so.

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    Wrote Sunnetsiz2

    Two. Beautiful nude feet

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    Wrote polobro

    please send again

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    Wrote jjking80

    Ads for a high end pool company

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    Wrote Bihappyman

    I can smell her burito fart from here. NICE!!!

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    Wrote navajodude

    Beautiful bodyThe fall in the background adds to it.Great

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    Wrote usamamaram

    Love her to fuck me

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    Wrote cagedecha

    peckers out at the playa vidsNext time tell her to get those fucking bathing suit bottoms off, or wear something smaller

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    She has what to showcase off.....lovely tits....and amzing blowable nipples! yum yum!She has a beautiful pair of breasts!Can you send some more?Voted superb!thanksSteve

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    Wrote VoidlessL

    Very HOT...You have a supreme looking arse. I am 23, 6'4", muscular build, with a 9" dick. I would love to spend a weekend with you and instruct you the joys of supreme anal hump. Scream for me darling as I begin to slide it in....Louder as you take

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    Wrote dana213

    I'm betting she fucks like an animal too? She's one gorgeous Doll

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    Wrote chas1423

    I would love to pound her snatch

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    Wrote roscoe8x6

    Well there are Fags & Bisexuals we accept & now we know the true meaning of "FAG"!

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    Wrote boyguate-10

    Flora, the same question asked by Driveby crossed my mind as well. At what point did the question of money arise? Who was required to pay? I just can't believe such a ultra-cute thing would go that route. Oh. well, I just wish you pointed your delightful de

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    Wrote stanleyku

    Your caboose makes me perceive soooo horny ...

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    Wrote timidman

    like to see the fatty nude

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    Wrote BigJohn610

    By the way, she's the only that worth a look in this contry.

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    Wrote Brain4Porn

    Taken at different times?Last one looks like she had baby.

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    Wrote pauljam

    BEAUTIFUL vagina, fine breasts, flawless nips, nice culo. Oh, did I say she has a BEAUTIFUL pussy? Well, she does! Would love to make that pleasure button hard with my tongue. So hot! Thanks!

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    Wrote mcnewyork

    peckers out at the strand vidsjesus christ on a cracker. what the fuck is that thing inbetween your legs? do you fuck your wifey in her ear?

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    Wrote fullsteven

    Hot baby.Come to Kuwait, I,ll make you a starlet.

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    Wrote porikrusso

    Dear Sue,my bisexual hard went wild over you, fucking you Doggie Style so hard and deep tha tyour big soft titties would wag in the air

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    Wrote wetnwild65

    Pax823x Lets see her naked

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    Wrote snapplet

    Damn you are HOT HOT HOT!!!!!

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    Wrote mellswort

    From Cathy,Jay and I think your are the most lovely real woman on the net.Jay loves your tummy and hips.I myself would like to play with your snatch and that sexy bottom.Email us if you wish Cathy [email protected]

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    Wrote NonameNop

    oh wow you are so hot

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    Wrote alanbmx

    hard-ons out at the strand vidswish i wuz there

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    Wrote echtjetzt

    OMG! What a beautiful cock!! Would LOVE to play with you!

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    Wrote nikaluva

    I hope you would send me (for trading) a close-up photo of your impressively arousing and so ideally full-shaved snatch (what do you use? simply the razor? wax? laser depilation?) with pierced [email protected]

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    Wrote Caligula21

    Beautiful melons and hardware !!

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    Wrote bi44oral

    Fucking vivacious curves;-)))Catherine, you're ALL woman... Makes me cascade with anticipation.Love those lips... Would like to slide my dick up and down - up and down - up and down those powerful lips. What... Ohhh, just dreaming.Thanks f

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    Wrote bayongo

    eisai kavla megalh steile mou photo sto [email protected] gia na stis steilw pisw me ta hisia panv sou

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    Wrote gallantfl

    I'd love to fuck her. would you care to observe as I pack her with my hot cum?

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    Wrote Hinterster

    Couldn't help myself, voted SUPERB, just a milky titty. How about a total contri with you squirting your TITTS?!?!

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    Wrote jdf3246

    how can that nasty looking fuck hole turn you on?

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    Wrote tony_wood

    Gruesome photography..rather pretty lady

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    Wrote dicktingl

    love to get in that booty now

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    Wrote alfred52

    Hi Rob, thanks! She touched her puffies a bit right before the photo...

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    Wrote marcmedal

    In person, Yes!

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    Wrote Martin888

    Rita is awesome & I hope she will do lots more for everyone who luvs her, overlook the negative comments!

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    Wrote bavarius13

    superb! complimenti per il tuo contri! hai un corpo spettacolare. un vero peccato non essere li' per fotografarti! se ti interessa vicino la mia citta' c'e' una splendida spiaggia FKK. scrivimi anche per un saluto. [email protected]

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    Wrote jamesdean51

    They R never too big.They do look beutiful well utter but beuty!!I love them a looooot

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