This is the 3rd series of "my russian wife" posing for you all and we hope that every time the comments and votes increase....I dont truly know how "far" my wifey will accept to go and how much more of her bod will accept to reveal to the world but your encouragement is always appreciated
March 2025 6:47:56
As promised, here is part Two of the pics of Bashful Denise. She has loved reading all the compliments so far and wants to thank you all. She hopes that you likes these pictures as well. Part Three will go after shortly.
March 2025 12:22:25
Agnieszka, Tania And Tom - Hi ladies & gents Here are some fresh pictures of me and my seyx friends Tania and Tom. I loved your comments on my former contribution and this is my fresh one.I hope you like them. You can see more of me at Agnieszka's site at: Smooches
March 2025 14:18:33
Hey, "Alfredkwak," until you can post something superior, you should learn to keep your comments to yourself. As to "69erwithguys," the fact that a little tattoo is enough to chase him away is only proof of the fact that he isn't that attracted to women in the very first place.
You are indeed hot my dear. You make me so hard with your sexy petitte figure, those diminutive but yet they look ever so blowable and f...I would love to lay you down and fondle you all over with babyoil along every [email protected] I would love to s
Hi Your Absolutely stunning!!!!! Voluptuous Body!!! Beautiful Boobs!! Awesome Ass!! ideal Cootchie, like to gobble it untill you Cum!! And thanfuck you realy good!!! Pretty face. :) ;) I hope to see MUCH more of you!!! Maybe you could even e-mail me? With love from Belguim [email protected]
I guess I've seen some fucked up shit and this is right up there
hi i aprieciate all your picks what a lovely body!!!please send me more bye email thanks i smooch you
I'd love to taste some Karamel!
gorgeous wow pls e mail me lov [email protected] your pics turn me on
Isn't that Tickfaw State Park in Louisiana?
Wow smooches
Sugary, lovely, sweet, sexy tits!! What a flawless size and form. I think we deserve an encore of her precious, brilliant tits sans the fishnet. Expose her tits and gets us all hard and horny. [email protected]
Parabens por sua mulher maravilhosa. Adorei as fotos.
46 and so bangable looking,,I`d love to east your hot cootchie out!!Awesome tits to suck those nipples.How about sending me a close up vulva shot? spread broad and pink!!
pierced clitoris is SO seXy!
love your little titties! Would LOVE to suck them to see how hard those nips get!
MMMMouthwatering! My 57y/o penis is hard and my tongue is cascading. Aboslutel sexy! I love eating shaven beaver, yours looks sooooo tasty, Thanks, [email protected]
Gorgeous Good Girl!
Love the shots baby. I hope you take some more.
I agree Threesome indeed implies three people I only count Two. Nedd a few more picture also
Yes...yes I am. I'm thinking very much of you...of your slick, silky skin, of your sensuously inviting forms, of your sweet, sexy breasts...and of those deliciously inviting nipples...and I can't get you off of my mind...
Elli, wow you are so beautiful and sexy. Totally love the garb and high-heeled shoes. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Looking forward to your next set.
an escort or just a nasty bar whore you picked up ? That little dick ain't making you any friends here
I would lubricant my 8 and a half inch manstick with flavoured KY Oil and come up to you from behind and leisurely thrust my jizz-shotgun into you, wait for a bout Two, Three minutes then leisurely begin to go in and out---only to go swifter when you would tell me to do so--have you ever had an orgasm so strong it perceived like your gams were going to gargle offjQuery110209461652600010715_1401952200392??????????---I would give you lots of them.
If this is your best angle...YOU are in deep trouble!
Che culo fantastico molto invitante!!!!!!!! se vuoi farmi venire ancora o fotoscambiare: [email protected]
wonderfull and sexy pics!!
Love how daring you are, excellent shot
sand porno grannyLove to see more of this natural beauty.
Mum, please, you promised.
sand porno granny"Tell me what you would do to me." I would get you a nicer photographer.
That SUCKED!Sorry, I do not speak or write Russian!!!
Genna, You got my Superb Vote! Is that bar in NH?
wow,what a nice little fuck doll..i want one of those!!
Awesome Lady !!! ... Incredible Assets !!! ... Awesome Feet And Toes !!!
outstanding,What a sweet lady,love to give her a tongue bath
mm i wanna suck on that labia then slide my youthful jizz-shotgun deep in you [email protected]
I love how humid and dark her cootchie and asshole are. Let's see mor of her creamy pink inwards.
stunning breasts, beautiful puffies, so blowable. more please of this gorgeous woman! I'd love to see your spunk dribbling all over them!
lovely slick gams with sugary hips in the very first pic
Hubby liked shaping it and then checking how sleek with his tongue, said something about very raw lol
wow missy is stunning, a flawless beauty, your a lucky boy, wish i was your neighbour,with missy walking around the garden naked and me looking over the fence wanking over her.....
strand porno grannywould love to see that vagina [email protected]
Bom ensaio! Mais fotos! :)
Love em!
Fine assets. What a superb sweetie. Superb melons and booty. Supreme use of the hat as a prop. Very scenic and beautiful next to the pool. Love the shots. Thanks for sharing. Love to see [email protected]
Nice -- you got our superb vote & the wifey wants to take you & munch you! [email protected]
How nice and relieving and fun! Thanks for sharing :) Smooches ~ Bree