All I can think about now that the weather is warmer is becoming outside. Since my last experience, I started thinking more about how quiet it is around here at 2 am. I’ve worked shift work before and I understand that t here might be others awake at 2 am because they might have just got home from work. Not wanting to get caught but appreciating the outdoors…at least until I can get to Gunnison or when MARNA starts their outside swims… I need to do what I can. Well…there’s this park that’s part of the apartment complex…it’s about a 1/2 mile walk…and before you ask… I didn’t try and walk it in the nude. Remember…this issue is about …not ignorant. I had checked it out a few days past and a few of the lights are out, so there are a couple spots of dark area…so I thought, why not? This time I actually set my alarm clock last night for 2 am (must be crazy), got dressed and walked to the park. One of many dark areas was around the swing set, jungle jim etc… No apartments close by, great visibility of viewing anyone approaching on foot or by car because they would have to be in the lighted spaces first. Saw no one about so I stripped down. A little cool and windy last night, but it felt amazing to be outside in the nude. Since I just needed to be outside for about a 1/2 hour…after all I need my beauty sleep. I could only appreciate for about 5 min. or so as it took me about 10 min. to walk the distance to the park. There was more to investigate, so I am really thinking of going back tonight…but driving over (clothed), and that would give me about 20 min. at the park…and it is a warmer nighttime and less windy.
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Click to viewI’m going to be a tired pup tomorrow…but I’ll inform you the way that it goes.