Hey, Im from Brighton in England. I have been a nudist for three years now.

Sadly for me, no-one in my family knows about it and if they did, I would most likely get grounded for the rest of my life! I come from a very traditional Christian family and they’d think that nudism equals lust and sex.
When I was 16, there was a woman called Tracy Seargeant who streaked at the indoor Bowls Championship. Now, I’m by no means interested in bowls but it was all over the news for some days. I had heard of streaking before but until then, it’d never captured my attention. I went online several days later and sought for streaking. I scrolled through a few websites that looked dodgy and discovered one called Streaking.org, I visited that site and found a forum there and read through as many of the posts as possible in the time I had before someone came down the stairway to make use of the computer. As far as I could tell, all these folks were interested in being naked whenever possible; they called their lifestyle a nudist lifestyle.
A couple of days afterwards I was left at home by myself and recalled what I ‘d read. http://picsnudism.net decided to take my clothes off; I was in my basement where the computer was so I’d have lots of time to get redressed. The very first thing I did when I got online was search for nudist Christian; I needed to be sure that what I was doing was okay by God. I found so many sites and after reading through some of them, I had enough scripture to back up living my life nude.
I spent as much time as possible naked after that (which wasnt quite commonly really as I shared a room with my younger brother). I also started sleeping nude (did anyone not begin this way! Lol). I got into bed wearing my boxers and when I was under the covers, I took them off. I had to make sure I was awake before my dad came into my room to wake up my brother and I; I needed to put my boxers back on so he wouldnt understand I ‘d been nude.
http://b-boyz.com started sneaking out late at night to streak my road (my sways back then were clearly streakers!). My road was a rather active one and I was seen so many times that Im surprised my family never found out about it.

We continue publishing stories shared by our subscribers that are female – young fkk girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time

Pretty soon, I didnt trouble putting my boxers back on in the morning.
This behaviour continued for about a year with little other differences. Originally, my father attempted to get me to sleep with my boxers on but shortly he stopped trying. Subsequently, I found out about the nudist beach in Brighton. I was quite happy as I hadnt ever been nude with another person. I went down there for the first time in April 2003. It was strange being naked with other people but I wasn’t hesitant to get naked. It looked very natural. I visited the nudist beach for the entire summer of 2005. I also met some other nudists and spent some time on the South Downs with them. They have been the only nudists I have ever met personally.
We’ve now moved to the other side of Brighton and I’ve now got more opportunity to get naked as I no longer share a room with my brother. Yet, I can no longer go out on late night runs as the ground floor has an alarm system which makes a sound when it is turned off. I dont go to Brighton nudist beach very often anymore because it’s too far for someone without a car to visit. Rather, I visit the beach at Shoreham that’s also nudist.

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