I used to be much less cautious than I am now.

I have in the past gone bare on sometimes pretty busy Spanish beaches, taking nothing and walking purposefully past them for several miles. It is not prohibited there. Individuals would notice, but few looked at all troubled. Only once did anyone (a guy) item on the specific grounds that kids might see me. As we all know, kids take no notice of simple nudity, but I did feel worried because I subsequently felt exposed and had no means at all to cover-up. I occasionally experienced groups of two or three women expressing obvious acceptance that I was naked, not that I was looking for that. I avoided single women who weren’t bare or top-free so as not to make them feel uncomfortable or threatened. It was interesting to watch how some couples saw me nude and then removed their clothing.
young family nudism was before. In the interests of not causing offence and not giving naturism a bad name even if legal I have altered my strategy to public nudity to be less clear. Much like Pete, I concur hiking is a lot more enjoyable than the shore. I also use quieter Spanish beaches where few people pay any attention besides simply finding, some see me and do the same! Hiking in Spain, it is so quiet the chances of running into someone are low. Hiking in the UK the chances are much greater. If alone I ‘ve tend to vanish off into the bushes, feeling nervous since I ‘ve absolutely no wish to offend but fearful it might be taken as more than simple nudity. Doing a Spencer Tunick installation has given me a different pespective on how the Brits see nudity. 1700 people went naked for a number of hours in a city in the name of “art”. Most weren’t naturists and were quite nervous at first. I do not go naked on UK shores unless lying on my abdomen in a silent area. I just stand up when there’s not anyone about for at least 700 yards, but may walk a long way then. If a person keeps on walking towards me I do not usually worry about it, since it is their choice and I am on a very wide big shore, but if it is narrower I sit down and am unobtrusive until they have passed. If I see a lonely woman I frequently cover up as we get closer so she is able to feel “safe”. No one in the united kingdom has ever objected or appeared piqued. Occasionally they have been clearly amused, so view say hello. You might wonder why I do not use nudist beaches very often. The key response is simple. Regrettably, in the UK and on the smaller Spanish shores there are frequently various pervs hanging around and I usually do not feel as comfortable. They are the ones giving naturism a bad name.

In the last couple of years I’ve become an activist for nudism in our place and

really thought I had share some stories about how we go about it. Now I have a girlfriend who joins me in boosting nudism as well as the lifestyle.

It appears some places like Boulder Colorado are going backward instead of forward and http://nudismgirls.com me as it might start a trend in other cities as these things generally do. I’m 300 miles away on the other side of the state, maybe happily, but I expect a movement will grow to reverse these laws and to educate people as to the true nature of straightforward social nudism. We as a community need to encourage a better image of nudity along with the nudist lifestyle.

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Merely for instance, here’s that which we’re doing. I started a nudist group here in Colorado called the Grand Junction Naturists,(www.gjnaturists.com) and we do things like we hosted a World Naked Gardening Day at our house this year and we invited the media to cover the event if they agreed to present it in a positive light. We made the front page of the local paper and were on TV 4 times and all of it was very favorable. Next year we plan on hosting it again and again inviting the media to cover it, plus we aspire to begin some safe marketing to grow our group and offer free information for individuals who want to learn about our lifestyle. Our website has an adequate number of educational content on it already and we want to add more including a printable version to allow them to share it with others in a printed form.

This year my GF and I decided we no longer cared who knows we are nudists, including her company and fellow co-workers, along with family, and guess what? We have had practically no negative reactions. Some were http://nudismphotos.net shocked and said they could never do that, but most were curious about why we do it which opens up to the door for all of us to be ambassadors for the lifestyle and to attempt to encourage them to get over their negative body issues.

And it is working, slowly, a little at a time, but we are having an effect. Here’s some examples. One buddy of ours is really heavy set and was very self conscious of her body and said she could never go nude around others. Well over the course of maybe 8 months I gave her reasons why she shouldn’t be embarrassed about her body and just slowly let her know about the nudist values and way of life. Finally one day she went to a private commercial hot springs with us and surprised us all by dropping her robe with nothing on. Since then she’s far more comfy being naked around others and in talking about it.

It’s heartening to know that lots of experienced nudists here were as nervous as I was.

I was a little surprised to discover that many nudists are just as nervous as non-nudists would be in a bare situation. Perhaps what makes you a nudist is that the urge to be nude is more powerful than the first embarrassment of being grannie fucks on beach .

My first brave act was to strip off on a seashore. There are no nude beaches close to me but I found a little cove where people rarely go and attempted stripping off there. It turned out to be a lovely feeling, but I was constantly worried about being found. Although a little after I did meet another folks who went bare there.

The next brave thing I did was to shoot some photographs of http://partnerpost.net and reveal a few buddies. Not in a sleazy way mind you, I simply wanted to find out if I seemed alright in the nude. I was once offered a job modelling for an art group but I did not overly that. The notion of being bare in a room full of people was too nerve racking.

After wanting to for a long time, I finally found the guts to go to a actual nude beach. It took some finding and I was extremely nervous by the time I got there.

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This was on new years day so there were lots of folks there. But my hearts went away after seeing every one of the folks there being naked and thinking nothing of it. I was still clothed when I walked onto the seashore and intended to find a spot before undressing. But it looked so relaxed, that I took my shirt off before I even settled down. as soon as I located a spot to place my towel, I took the remainder of my clothing away and I was surprised how quickly I got used to it. After acclimatizing, I got up and went for a walk, totally bare for everyone to see and it was no big deal whatsoever because everyone was the same. In fact, I felt much more comfortable being naked there that I would feel only taking my shirt off on a regular beach.

I think the most recent courageous thing I did was to upload my naked avatar here. As mentioned, I’ve revealed photographs to a few buddies, but this is the very first time I have posted one for all the world to see. I do not believe I Will leave it up very long so love (if that is the word) it while you can. I don’t believe I’ll be using the photo albums feature however – I’m not that courageous.

I had needed for quite a long time to visit a nude beach

and eventually made it about 7 years ago. We had been to topless beaches in Australia and I enjoyed seeing my wife show her breasts. Although she was reluctant in the beginning, she soon got used to it and enjoyed going topless.
Now I never thought of myself as an exhibitionist. I frequently have nightmares where I am completely nude in some public place and attempting to hide myself. I liked to visit a nude beach since I thought it’d be fun to see my wife naked in public and so we could see other nude people.
In 2001 we toured Florida and remained for several nights in a motel in http://nudismnudist.com . We soon learned there was a nude section of beach within walking distance so we went the next day. I thought my wife would just go topless so I was a bit surprised when she ******** entirely bare. I did also, and was equally surprised that I enjoyed http://nudismsite.com . My wife was somewhat shy and never left our blanket, but after a while I went for a walk, and didnt feel self conscious.
There were way more men than women at the beach so my wife had more to look at than I. Many of the guys were gay so they probably didnt get a cost from looking at my wife, but there were many male/female couples as well.

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Of course I liked looking at the girls, but I believe my highlight was when I made eye contact using a woman who had been looking at me. That’s great for the ego!
I just put a picture of me on such beach in a private album that only my EP buddies can see. Right now I have only one friend on EP; will this get me more?

It was my first experience at a “Landed Nudist Club”.

It was at a pastoral facility currently called Drake’s Ridge in very rural Southern Indiana. I arrived early Friday evening with strategies to camp Friday and Saturday nights. I ‘d a Nissan pick-up with a high-rise cap which I ‘d outfitted as a one guy sleeper for camping. It was a warm late spring day and also the weather seemed like it was going to be wet. I checked in, and was assigned a place to camp. I immediately undressed before http://voy-zone.com/nudist-clip-sample.html did anything else. After all, that was why I was there.
When I has finished setting up my “campsite” I strolled around the grounds a bit. There were not lots of folks there yet, but the ones who were, were quite friendly. The pool was open, but being early in the year, the water was plenty chilly, despite the warmness of the evening. As it got dark, I wasn’t really prepared to go to bed yet. I noticed that there was smoke coming from the chimney at the lodge.
It was still drizzly, but not cold whatsoever. Still, I thought that a fire might be nice to drive off the dampness. With that thought I got a book from my things and headed for the lodge. Inside there were several seats and sofas in a semicircle around the hearth. I put my towel down on one (nudists consistently carry towels to sit down on), sat, and opened up my novel. People wandered in and out, and I talked to quite a few them, including Ellen, the owner/supervisor who was still waiting for folks to come and check in. She turned out to be very active in the national naturist organizations, and was also a political activist who had done a lot to further the cause of nudism in diverse legal areas.
It was during this time a van pulled up outside and in came a family. They consisted of Mom and Dad with three children. There was a 13 or 14 year old girl, a boy of 11, along with a younger girl who looked to be about 8. Overhearing their conversation with Ellen, it was apparent that they were regular members, and had a long-lasting camper already set up. The kids were clearly fidgety following the vehicle ride, as well as the parents looked like two individuals who had worked all day before starting on their weekend trip, in other words; tired. It was not awfully late yet, so the parents sat down on a sofa opposite me and began to relax. The kids, on the other hand were in no mood to take a seat.

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As kids normally do, they had their own plan. “Mother, can we go to the frog pond?” After a moments consideration she answered, “That’s fine, but take your clothes off first.”
I was immediately struck by several notions. First of all was, “What a really odd thing to hear a Mother say to her children in a public place. The second thing was, “That makes a lot of sense.” It wouldn’t matter a bit if the children got wet and muddy playing in the rain. They would rinse right off. Here was a Mother who wouldn’t have lots of laundry to do after the weekend. My third realization was a feeling of belonging. I was finally in a world that made sense to me. I was one of a group who had managed to lay aside http://macdollars.net , and live in a way that was comfortable and natural.

First Nude Beach

My first-time bare encounter was when I had turned 23 and merely moved to Monterey, CA for a new job. I was researching the region prior to beginning my job in a couple weeks, and the preceding Saturday had found a nude beach along the Big Sur Coast and chose to go there the next week.

I arrived quite early in the morning, made the half mile trek down to the bare section and found a superb spot about 20 yards down the beach from an elderly couple and also a young gentleman who were already down there. I was REALLY nervous and decided I Had take it step by step. I laid out my towel and removed all but my t-shirt and boxer shorts and sat on my towel for a while attempting to work up the nerve. In the meantime, more people began to populate the seashore and soon there was a gentleman about my age only fifteen feet away from me laying out naked reading a novel.

Time passed and one hour in the seashore and I still couldn’t get up the nerve.

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Eventually the man near me looks over at me, nods “hello” then asks me if I would enjoy a cold beer. I accepted, and to my surprise he got up and lugged his towel and all his possessions right next to me, reached in his cooler, grabbed a couple beers afterward introduced himself and handed me a beer. Among the very first things he said was “This is your very first time at a nude beach, is not it?” I said yes and he instantly said there was no need to worry- no one was going to stare at me or do anything if I took off my shirt and boxers.

So, REALLY furtively off came my boxers but my top stayed on. He laughed and said “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” I laughed and we continued to speak. Although the boxers were now away, I was sitting up with my knees pulled tightly to my chest, arms wrapped around my legs. Eventually, I became more relaxed, stood up and took off my top then set back down, this time putting my legs out and leaning back, propped up on my elbows. Well, “it” happened almost instantly and I quickly rolled over on my belly, just to hear a little laugh and “Don’t worry- occurred to me my first time too” from my new-found friend.

Within a couple hours I was completely comfortable and was tossing around a frisbee, walking up and down the seashore, and even got invited into a game of Scrabble by a closeby couple. Regrettably, the place where I worked in CA went out of business and I moved back to Michigan where nude beaches are non-existent and anti-nudity laws are strictly enforced on public properties. I actually wish there was a landed, private nude beach on Lake Michigan! I would be there every weekend!

-Mark P
Grand Haven, Michigan

My wife of http://voy-zone.com/nudist-video-sample.html died of cancer. She was raised strict Southern Baptist, so occasionally being nude at home was O.K., but she would have never considered social nudity.

A year after she died, I tried various things to get back into the social arena. Singles clubs were awkward, so I started taking short weekend trips to get out of the home.

Any of these trips found me near Panama City, Florida, about four hours from home. I had seen the Baybares website, so out of interest I called and inquired if a single man would be accepted. When the nice sounding woman on the telephone welcomed me, I asked ways. The nerves grew as I discovered and proceeded along the sandy drive to the club. I almost turned around three times, but there clearly was no place to turn without getting stuck in the sand. Then I came to the cable across the road that indicated the clubhouse entrance where I was met by a cordial man wearing a towel around his midsection. He let me in, showed me where to park and requested me to sign in at the clubhouse.

The nervousness escalated exponentially as I parked and started the walk to the clubhouse. There, by the pool proved to be a beautiful girl sunning totally bare. She flashed me a delightful smile, presented herself as Gloria and started to chat with me. I couldn’t believe how relaxed she was, even though she was completely naked. I then carried on to sign in, pay my grounds fees, and be given a brief synopsis of the rules and etiquette of the club.

I returned to my car to undress. After taking a tremendous breath, I took off the last of my clothing. Then I turned around, in whole panic, but I was instantly met by a throng of nude people of all ages and body types welcoming me and encouraging me to play water volleyball and attend the potluck dinner that evening. They treated me like a long lost cousin who had returned home.

It was a wonderful weekend, and it supplied just the closeness with friendly people which I desired so urgently at that time of my own life. Gloria will never understand what a wonderful gift her smile and friendly conversation was to a lonely stranger. It gave me the courage to return to my car, undress, and begin the next chapter of my life as a nudist among some of the friendliest, most welcoming people on earth.

I remarried a year after and my new wife came to realize how significant societal nudity was to me. After a year of marriage she graciously decided to participate as well. She enjoys our excursions to Cypress Cove when we can get away a couple of times annually.

My only regret is that I waited so long to detect the wonderful experience of social nudism and how friendly people are at nudist clubs.

-Joe B.
Lower, Alabama
Nude at the beach

On Saturday, July 16th, I went to my first clothing-optional beach at Robert Moses State Park’s Lighthouse Beach. It was early and when I arrived, several folks were already enjoying their nakedness. I looked around and slipped off my top & shorts and in an instant, standing naked and appreciating it. Nobody stared or gawked and for the next three hours I loved the freedom of no clothing. My only regret is that I was alone & had nobody to share my experience with. Perhaps next time, I’ll have a guest join me

-Tony M
New York
The single thing that irritated me

My first nudist experience was when my wife and I went with friends to Cypress Cove in Florida. Having lived in Fla many years, I was use to tiny swim wear and extreme sun. So that the transition to no clothes and extreme sun was easy. That is until I reached for my pocket-knife in my pocket. I used to not have one! Pocket that is. In the clothed world going without my knife I felt nude. Now without both my pockets and knife I was in a quandary. Luckily, I had a small satchel in my vehicle in which I could carry my wallet, knife, and reading material.

Once I had overcome my lack of pockets, the friendliness, ease, independence, and openness at the resort made the weekend very enjoyable. We’ve been back several times and I am looking forward to our next trip there next week.

-Bob B
Clearwater, Florida
Real Freedom

Our first encounter being socially bare was in 1998. We had as often as possible been naked independently at home for quite some time since the day we were wed but we had no notion what social nudism was around until we found it online. Being born again believers in God, we still felt that nudism proved to be a right, great, and healthy lifestyle. After more online study we were convinced that authentic nudism was not about sex and we scheduled a visit to Pine Tree Resort, in Crownsville, MD.

After driving through the gate one Saturday morning in June, the sight of so many naked people was at first surreal. We checked in at the office, and were introduced to a nude host couple who would give us a tour of the property. We undressed and toured the grounds. Individuals were swimming, playing tennis, grilling and just relaxing as at any resort in a park-like setting. There was an indoor and an outdoor pool, a hot tub, a hiking trail, snack bar, gift shop, etc.

It was our first time swimming nude, and we have never worn a swimsuit since that day. As the male half of this couple I can declare that there was no humiliation with an erection that I had prior concerns about. You’ll always have a towel as a back-up just in case. http://videonudism.com/plage haven’t seen that become an issue for anybody. The most difficult part of that first day nude was having to get dressed for the trip back home.

We now see White Tail Resort in Ivor, VA regularly, as it’s our favorite nudist resort. The folks are extremely friendly there. White Tail is a family oriented resort attended by people of all ages. To be nude all weekend, and to awaken and walk outside nude in the morning and feel sunlight as well as the air all over your naked body is pure bliss. We now vacation at nudist resorts almost completely.

Our other favorite nudist resorts comprise Cedar Creek, Serendipity Park, Cypress Cove, and Lake Como. All of these resorts are family oriented resorts and are listed on the AANR website. We know that we’re safer at a nudist resort than at a hotel. The relaxation at a nudist resort is beyond any other we’ve ever experienced. The practice of social nudism has been a lifesaver as a result of anxiety relief we appreciate while nude.

One day nude around others loving life in this wholesome environment is just like a week in a luxury clothed resort. If you have not experienced social nudism then do not deny yourself this experience. Nudism is a genuine retreat from the uptight and pretentious cloth society we live in. When we see people of all ages playing sports, having a meal together or simply unwinding nude among friends, our only regret is that we didn’t begin this awesome lifestyle sooner.

-Captain & Sweet

Global warming has completely changed the climate of the entire world. This is because of tons of gaseous discharges by our vehicles and businesses which distribute equally all across the world and make the natural climate warmer. As a consequence we need more ice, air conditioners, and cold drinks to keep our body temperature normal in such hot weather.

Why people become nudist?
A large amount of people in liberal societies go bare to save themselves from heat. They spend their day-to-day tasks as naked and dont care about any kind of odd looks over them. They have the view this is the sole workable solution of the global warming. They dont say this in madness of getting naked but they’ve strong arguments for this.

Nudists conserve energy
The nudist fraternity all across the world says that they dont have to switch on air conditioner to cool them. A standard air conditioner emits chlorofluorocarbon that directly causes ozone depletion and brings on acid rains that is quite harmful for our planet. Finally nudists consume less electricity and help reduce another cause of the global warming.

Nudists use no clothing
What nudists wear usually? Obviously nothing. They simply take a bag to keep the most essential things like non-nudists do and go out of home for their routine work. It means they use no clothing. Textile industries are just one of the most polluting industries. So nudists make them produce a little less and finally pollute less.

Less consumption of water by nudists
If we count the environmental advantages of nudism, these are many. Nudists dont wear clothes so that they dont want laundry at home or from a laundry service. In this way they help save ton of water which ultimately would have been consumed for laundry. So attention in water consumption is also an additional benefit of the manner of living.

Can all folks go naked?
Do whole communities of the world can go nude for the cause of green? Clearly not. Every one of them has different priorities and ways of thinking in life. Furthermore, there are many hurdles to turn the entire international community as nudist.

Ethnic impediment on nudism
Most significant impediment is ethnic. Most communities in the world are forbidden by their cultural norms to go bare. Even in a number of nations revealing http://hqnudism.com is treated as a great sin. In certain communities females are not permitted to reveal their faces to strangers. In this traditional surroundings how come all people of the world can go naked.

Weather is another barrier on nudism
Second the weather of the all nations is not uniform. In most of the African and Asian countries folks face scorching heat during six to seven months of the year. How can they produce hot sun directly reaching their bodies? Thus, this way of living cannot be adopted uniformly all around the world.

Nudism is a limited option to global warming
So nudism is a small remedy of global warming. The issue of climate change requires a broad based solution for its successful control. Thus we need to reduce every kind of pollution on http://nudistrude.com to restrain the global warming. For this purpose we can follow these measures:

Use auto in case of crisis and be habitual of using public transport for daily commuting
Spend an easy life with necessities and little touch comforts to make industries produce much less and pollute less.
Consume water with attention treating it as if our personal property
Dont make haste in losing used things and wherever possible reuse them
Embrace an eco-friendly life style by preferring green products on other luxurious ones
Every year make a pledge to avert or reduce one polluting act from your own personal life
Do you still believe nudism is a proper alternative of global warming or you agree with me? Please discuss your ideas in opinions given below.
The traditional values part results from our observation that numerous naturist clubs have lost the doctrine of naturism. To many, naturism is merely an occasional recreational action representing just an alternative to wearing a bathing suit. Gone are the societal, emotional, environmental, and moral aspects of the movement. While we dont need to revert to the days of mandatory calisthenics, vegetarianism, and alcohol/tobacco prohibitions, we do want to reintroduce naturism as a doctrine as well as a lifestyle. Obviously, thats not for everyone; but each person may make a choice whether Bare Oaks is right for her or him. Were not attempting to appeal to everyone. Bare Oaks exists for those people who are passionate about naturism.
-content’ id=’post-body-1434077378122617939’>
There are quite a lot of advantages to the naturist, or nudist, lifestyle, for example, joy of feeling the sun all over your own body, no tan lines, as well as the healthy self-confidence that naturism represents. A lot people find it too embarrassing to be naked even in front of loved ones, let alone strike up a conversation with a fellow vacationer at a nudist resort. Conversely, many of us are quite comfortable being nude yet dont understand how or where to practice naturism. This guide increases your comfort with naturism, and help you find methods and areas to practice it.

First Time Encounter

This may appear a bit odd, but I first got interested in nudism when I was about ten years old. I read the Adam & Eve story and wondered what it’d be like to be naked outside. So I went out to a patch of woods near our house and took off my clothing.

It felt great with the sunlight and air on my bare body. I was hooked from then on.I still go for walks in the woods for a nude hike. I started going to a nudist camp in southwest PA called White Thorn Lodge. I’m planning to join WhiteThorn Lodge this year.

I also have being to Avalon Resort in WV.they’ve a nude bike show there in the summertime. It is almost always a great time.

-Bob H.
Mannington, West Virginia
Afraid, But For What?

Every summer from my late 20s to 30s I would go to the office of Goodland in Hackettstown, NJ and ask all sorts of inquiries and chicken out and go home. Finally the year that I turned 40 I got brave enough to really enter the gate and discover what I was missing.

as soon as I disrobed in the parking lot I felt totally relaxed. This is the first time which I went into the pool and let the suns rays dry me and felt the breeze gently caress my entire body. The feeling was quite refreshing.

Today I go to Rock Lodge with my fiance. Rock Lodge was her first experience. At Rock Lodge I experienced two firsts. It was the first time that I walked in the rain nude and I also had the chance to drive my car that way too. We locate the people there to be somewhat friendly and we feel quite relaxed there.

What I was afraid of I will never understand but I’m happy I took that first step many years past.

-Jim A.
New Jersey
Proud To Be an Advocate

Having been exposed to nudist magazines as a kid, I always covered the delight of being naked. It wasn’t until I went off to college that I was able to really join a club in Spokane, WA. What a delight having the ability to be with other like minded folks of all ages. Upon moving to Seattle I had the chance to join another club in which I attended monthly swims.

While I am kind of isolated from the west side clubs and resorts here in Oregon, I more than ever consecrated to the nudist lifestyle and promote it every chance I get with family and friends. I can’t think of a better way to spend http://modestperson.com or when the weather is fine outside. Once you have tried it, you will never look back.

-Rod N.
Pendleton,, Oregon
How My Wife Became a Nudist

I met my wife in 1961. We were married in 1963. I was hired by TWA in 1966. I chose San Francisco as my domicile. When we moved to California, we lived with Sharon’s mom until we located an apartment. We were hired to manage the building we lived in.

About 1968 we were listening to a radio show. The subject of the show was free beaches. I knew what they were but Sharon didn’t have a hint. I had not brought up nudism with her since I had a poor experience with a past girlfriend I attempted to introduce to nudism.

Sharon asked (in a kidding way,)”You want to check that out, don’t you?”

I mentioned, “Sure!” She said not without her! I said, “Amazing!, let’s do it!” The next week the show had people from nudist resorts talking about national nude weekend.

The host asked why folks would go to a resort and pay ground fees when they could go to the free beaches. They gave several good reasons. Sharon said the resorts sounded better and if we go we’ll go there. I asked her if she desired to visit Santa Cruz. We put on suits, short pants and t shirts. On the way I pulled off to a side road. Sharon asked where I was going; I said it was a surprise. When I pulled in to a drive, she inquired again.

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I told her it was a spot we heard about on the radio. xxx nudists was uneasy. I said since we were here let us take the tour, that we didn’t have to stay. We took the tour, the guide said if we needed to stay drive in, take our clothes off and enjoy! I was able to talk her into staying a half hour.

She inquired if we needed to get bare right away. She said no, get cozy, than get bare. We drove in, I got nude, but Sharon did not right away. It took her no time to take all her clothing away. She said she felt out of place with her clothing on.

We were nudists until she got cancer. Sharon passed away 9/11/2001. Not a great day! I resumed nudism after her departure.

-George F.
Fallon, Nevada
My First Nude Experience

It absolutely was May 1960, I was a student at U of Ill.in Champaign. I ‘d been reading nudist magazines since I was in high school, beginning about 1950. At first I looked at the graphics, but after becoming bored I began to read the magazines. I decided that someday I’d like to be a nudist.

I joined the Air Force after I graduated from high school. I continued to purchase magazines while in the A.F. but at that time the law occasionally raided the nudist camps so I never tried to go. I was now free to go and I was in comfortable driving distance to a nudist camp, Zoro Nature Park.

I drove to the camp. as soon as I arrived the woman at the gate inquired if I’d written to get permission to visit. I said no. She called the owner, Alois Knapp. He came to the gate, asked me if I was a nudist and how I knew about Zoro. I told him I ‘d been reading nudist magazines for many years and needed to be a nudist.

He let me go in the camp for the day but asked me if I had a girlfriend. I said yes, but she was at school in Rock Island, Ill. He said to bring her next time that I came. I said I would attempt. Following the spring session was over we both went home and restarted dating. In about three weeks I asked Josie to go with me to this camp I’d visited in Indiana. I told her it was a real fine spot, the people were pleasant and friendly, there was a pond to swim in, volleyball courts, etc. I said I thought she’d love it.

She asked me what was this “nature park.” I told her there were trails through the woods. She kept asking to find out more and I eventually told her we could go skinny dipping in the pond. When she learned that she asked if this place was a nudist colony.

In those days there was no Internet for information so I had nothing to guide me to describe nudism to her. She called me a pervert, slapped my face and broke our relationship. Gee, I wish I had known the way to describe nudism to her before asking her to join me for that trip to Zoro!

-George F.
Fallon, Nevada

Two first experiences

I started loving nudism by sleeping in the nude. After I started to do my work round the house nude. My wife was surprised when I came downstairs nude one day and I could tell her reluctance.

One late summer day after working on the boat I was really warm so I drove around to the lake. Because it was mid-evening there were very few folks in the beech so it was able to find a secluded area. I walked into the lake and when torso deep took off my swimsuit. It felt amazing. Before I walked out of the water, so as to not offend anyone, I put the suit back on. I’ll never forget the feeling of the first time naked in Lake Michigan.

Near the end of summer I walked from the lake into the dunes. I removed my swimsuit and was naked outdoors, other than my backyard, for the first time. I remember thinking to myself that I am a “nudist.”

After trekking in the dunes a number of times but concerned about clothed hikers I decided on trying a nudist club. The best part of going to a club is you can wonder along the nature trail, go into the pool, etc. and not be concerned about other individuals.

Being at a club, it doesn’t matter if someone is url or not. YOU can really be bare and love. I just wish I would have started this before.

Everything I Thought It Would Be

After discussing a visit to Gunnison Beach here in NJ, my lovely wife and I made the decision to make the excursion. I am 40 and my wife is 41. We were both aware that it was ‘clothing optional’ and I knew that most folks would be bare, but I think my wife believed it would be a 50-50 split (nude, partially nude).

When we got there she was a little overwhelmed. She didn’t take her suit away at all. However, after a while of sitting in our chairs and seeing the scenery, I believed I really could take the next step. I asked my wife if she thought it was OK, and she looked at me with a look that said, “are you mad?” But she afterward said, “sure, do it.”

A number of seconds after, I stood up and took off my swim suit. And guess what? Nothing happened. No earthquake.

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No bolt of lightning. Nothing. Everyone went about their company.

I, however, adored this new feeling…sitting in the sun, wind blowing…it was incredibly refreshing and liberation. I adored it. After a few beers, I asked my wife if she desired to walk to the water with me. Again, she looked at me with a look that said, “are you mad?”

I said, “why not.” So, at first she did not need to go, but after a second she said sure. That was quite intimidating. I’m walking in my birthday suit through dozens of men and women.

Anyway, the water was lovely. Swimming sans clothing was a first for me too…and it was another great experience. I made the walk from our seats to the water 3 or 4 times, each time loving it more and more.

I’d like to go back and try it again. My wife is now referring to going back and removing her top. Hey, whatever makes her comfortable. We’ll see how it goes.

-Craig J
New Jersey
Our Nude Venture

When I was a lad the words “naked” or “nude” weren’t part of my family’s vocabulary. The sole nudity we understood started with your shower, and finished as soon as you can grab your towel. My brother and I never went shirtless or barefoot. We were never even permitted to wear sandals or flip-flops. Being naked was never an option.

As always, life goes on. Faculty, work, marriage, children, divorce; all flew by in what appeared to be a brief period of time. With the birth of the Internet I found out about this thing call “social nudism.” I was intrigued and the idea grew slowly that I’d like to take part in this nude adventure. After my divorce, I started to sleep in the nude, which I found to be a whole lot more comfortable than wearing pajamas. Still I lacked any social interaction with other nudists.

About this time I remarried. My wife, of Eastern European background, was open to our sleeping nude. Following the kids moved out to begin their particular families, we started to be much freer with our clothing at home and we talked regularly about nudity and whether it was right or wrong according to Biblical standards. As Christians we desired to do the right thing. Examination of the Scriptures led us to the conclusion that simply being naked, and being nude with others wasn’t in battle with our Bible. We began to be naked at home increasingly more. We still had not been able to go everywhere that allowed nudity.

Finally we had our opportunity one winter when we were on a Caribbean cruise. The ship docked in Jamaica. I ‘d already found out that we could get day passes at a resort that had an Au Natural isle. We took a taxi to the resort and checked in at the desk. They desired to show us around the resort but surprisingly http://videonudism.com/firsttime/sexy-beach-pussies.php would have nothing to do with such a tour. She needed to get out to the island as soon as possible. I couldn’t agree more. As soon as we arrived, we located two lounge chairs in a sunny location. We had our clothes off in the blink of an eye. Like many others have said, it was so great to be nude. We swam around a little and then came the moment of truth – meeting other people. We spoke to a few of the other guests and we loved our time there so much we actually hated to leave. Being nude on the isle was so natural and simple. We were solicited!

This summer we’ve traveled to three nudist clubs/resorts. We even ran in a clothes optional 5K race at Turtle Lake Resort in Michigan. We had so much fun. My wife and I agreed that we should have done this sooner! Why did we wait so long?

-John Y
Our Michigan First Time

My lovely wife and I frequently vacation in Michigan. We’re household nudists for the past six months. By this I mean that we were staying nude sometimes after a shower and then we began being naked before bedtime. We drink coffee and eat lunch naked.

My wife was unwilling but she agreed that there was no damage since we’ve been married more than 35 years. This summer we went north and found a isolated lonely shore in northern Michigan. We walked for miles to locate a peaceful place to read and sunbathe. Most beaches in Michigan are full of noisy children and angry parents. We simply wanted seclusion to locate some peace and enjoy the sunshine.

However, I went swimming after an hour of sunlight and my swimsuit got too wet to lay back on my towel , and so I took it away. My wife, who is terribly shy and very religious was upset that we might be arrested for my nakedness. We’re conservative Republicans and we usually do not condone criminal actions. But I explained to her that as long as nobody was seeing me naked I committed no crime.

She was becoming hot and after much complaining she also carried of her swimsuit and went for a dip in the lake. I really don’t understand why being nude is a crime if you have a designated location where it could be legal to be without your clothes. Anyway we will begin writing our representatives to modify the laws in the Michigan National Lakeshore in order that people don’t have to feel like criminals if they violate no one.

I do not understand why with the membership your organizations has, nobody has come up with a strategy to legalize some places of Michigan to be clothing optional. We need to change the perception that nakedness is a offense that should be punished by the law. A lewd act ought to be punished but a naked body is no reason to be arrested or punished.

Oak Park, Illinois
Allow the Adventure Begin!

I have always found it fascinating how different people define their “first time” nudist experience. While the first social nudist encounter is a significant occasion, I actually consider two “first times” when I think of my nudist life.

First, is the conscious decision to adopt nudism as part of who I am as a person — to buck social norms, to accept something some others see as odd. From my first era, I’ve always loved being naked. Yet, I was far from open about it, keeping it concealed, keeping it to myself, and like many more, only spending time naked when alone. Why? Panic. Fear of ridicule, humiliation, and not being who others wanted me to be.

Also, there was a certain level of self doubt that maybe my nudist hobby was “a bit odd.” Perhaps it was merely a stage. It was not until early maturity that I eventually said, nope, this isn’t peculiar, it isn’t a period — it is pure, it is wholesome, it is authentic, it’s enjoyable, and it’s amazing. More to the point, it’s part of me. I’m quite proud of that determination. It is an achievement every nudist or naturist shares.

My first “social” encounter wasn’t at a club or a beach or anything like that. It was in my house. It was the night I got up the nerve, turned to my wife and said, “I believe I Had like to be nude around the home sometimes…..merely because I enjoy it. Will that freak you out?” Obviously, she understood I certainly appreciated being naked, but I ‘d never sought out time to be nude only for the pure enjoyment of it. Naturally, she didn’t mind. I’ll never forget the exhilaration of walking into our living room, only moments after, fully nude.

Since then, I’ve had many “bare ventures.” As much as I cherish each if them, they all return to the day I first determined nudism was going to be part of my own life as well as the night I shared it with the love of my entire life. I am a better man for it — happier, more understanding, more accepting. I am happy to say I have never looked back!


My first experience was had Hedonism 2, June 1999. I went with my girlfriend it was her first encounter additionally.

I can recall the very first day, we spent a couple of hours on the clothed side, attempting to get up the courage to walk around to the nude side. So we decided to go over to get something to eat, since it absolutely was in between meal times….looked like a great reason at the time.
Well anyway we walk around to the nude side, and I am standing at the counter, and I must have seemed lost, I guess I was a bit in a daze…so http://nudism.name/nudism.html walked right up and asked me if I wanted any help….just as friendly as great be. It was rather a surprize at the time, she semmed soo comfortable, just chatting in the nude. So I did get a hamburger,and she helped me put my order!… and that interaction actually helped us feel comfortable.
So we went over a sat on a couple of lounge chairs, and eventually peeled off our clothes… so we are just laying there wondering what to do http://nudenudist.com .
We attempted do dare each other, to get up and walk around to the frozen beverage machine. so we both took our turns doing that….WOW what fun it was the first time. just an electrical feeling!
It didn’t take long to feel comfortable, because everyone was so friendly, we were just loving the encounter. Now here is 2009, and I spend most of my vacations and many, many weekends at nudist resorts.

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Sunnyrest, White Thorn Lodge, BAr-S-Ranch, Caliente, Lake Como, Gunnison Beach, Penn Sylvan, Orvis Hot Springs…all wonderful areas.
It is the individuals that are the best part for me, I adore the friendly feeling…everyone is your friend as well as a nudist resort. The individuals are amazing.