Comical nude beach encounter

Until a couple of years ago I never would have considered the presence of the nudist beach, then it simply occurred. I had many prejudices, which initially have slowly tapering like ice in a glass of plain water. Like every man who doesn’t know them, I saw these places as though they were reserved for a certain type of individuals and there was some kind of access vital.
In fact they’re places open to all, I have no idea if necessarily, but I discover that the openness to all visitors is growing with every year. In my personal experience, I’ve seen only naturist beaches where individuals include families or friends to spend some time feeling real close to Mother Nature. Here, besides the costumes, many definitions fall to the earth to make room for an individual term: Naturism. Additionally , I attended naturist beaches where the individuals also accept those who don’t practice it.
I had never been to a nude beach before this summer. But a girl friend of mine Lisa loves this shore and she said I just needed to see it and so I agreed to go. I believed that she’d opt for the dressed part of the shore. Instead she took me to the shore where nearly everybody was nude. At first I didnt dare to take off even the very top of my bikini, and Lisa opted for topless for starters.
I thought I would be terribly embarrassed to see naked people. In fact it wasn’t just thus.
First, I discovered thus to say “interesting” to see so many guys suddenly naked when up until then
I had only seen the two lads with whom I ‘d some storylines. Definitely a dick without erection
is not the best of aesthetics, however, to excite my interest… And then there were among the nudist teenagers of my age, and they didn’t seem half bad!

I believed I would be seemed bothered by nude men;
I am an extremely pretty girl with nice breasts so I turn quite some heads in the streets. And instead didn’t give . A number of the guys looked at me with discretion possibly expecting that I’d take off my swimsuit and I discovered the visuals didn’t go lost on at least two of them. This kind of reaction was something surprisingly entertaining and challenging to see. In short, what I believed would be an annoying, demonstrated anything but that.

In that little corner of heaven we went back at other times (consistent with the work commitments of my friend). And we also spent a night there, sleeping in a tent. The following morning, at dawn, I also did something that I didn’t think I would ever be capable.
I saw a naked man there taking his morning shower. He seemed fairly fine!

At first I pulled myself right by saying: “Get your thing done and go away, so I approached the showers holding that notion. Nevertheless , as soon as I got nearer to where he was he greeted me, I reciprocated and we had a good chat with him for solid twenty minutes, while I was trying as hard as I could to look down as little as possible. It was not simple, as my eyes tended to fall constantly there and saw he was very “well hung” and not entirely “unperturbed”. I know that may seem like a trivial thing but I never anticipated that I could never do something such as this, knowing me.

In summary, the context in which I found myself intrigued me very much. Perhaps because it was sort of a soft way to play with sexuality without falling into sex and vulgarity.

Additionally , I began testing and found it really fine to sunbathe topless for the awareness of independence that it gave me. Surely, in this sense the behavior of others on the nude beach helped a lot. Despite some occasional glances, the nudists were all really nicely bred. Someone would peek at me from time to time, yes, but no one acted the same as a maniac. It was not too different from the specific situation in the streets of the city and very reassuring for that matter. I think I am on my way to the phase 2 of nudism that’s sunbathing completely nude, but I also believe it will take some time.

I was raised in a quite traditional Jewish heritage. We were assumed to dress modestly

at all times. I never thought of going nude in private, much less in public.
Then one day I came home from work very tired. I just needed to put on my nightie and get into bed. But it turned out to be a hot summer day and evening, and I was sweaty, so I showered first–that’s obviously the one thing I consistently did nude, though I never gave that any thought.
I wasn’t sweaty anymore, but I was exhausted. I just fell on the bed, too exhausted to even notice that I hadn’t bothered to put anything on. I fell asleep in minutes.
When I woke up, I was somewhat surprised to see that I had not only had I slept bare the whole night, but it absolutely was the very best night’s sleep I ever had. The next night, I wasn’t so tired–but I could not quit thinking about how great it felt to sleep naked. So I chose to attempt it on purpose this time.
I got into bed naked, also it felt really great. But of course I had to.
From there, it was a relatively short time till I was normally naked when home alone, because it felt so good. I felt a little bit guilty for awhile because it went against everything I had been taught since childhood. But the relaxation outweighed the guilt.
But, the thought of letting other girls see me naked in public–much less men!– never crossed my head. I still had some Jewish modesty. Being a Californian, from the greater LA area, I’d heard of nude beaches. But I had no desire to see one.
Fully being a great Californian though, I did spend a great deal of spare time on the beach in the summer–consistently wearing a bathing suit, naturally. And one day, while I was changing out of my wet and sandy bathing suit, I started to think about how great it felt to take it off. And the more I thought about it, the more I started to ponder the prospect of skinnydipping.
One really hot Sunday in August, I made a courageous choice: I was going to find out if I had the nerve to overcome my straitlaced upbringing. I nearly did not go.
But as I began to turn the key to drive away, I could not do it. I was ascertained the time I spent driving down there wasn’t going to be wasted. I’d come to see a nude beach, and I was not going to leave without seeing it.
Slowly, I began to walk down the trail to the beach. Actually that’s the only way you can do it, but I was going slower than needed. Eventually, I reached the base, and might barely believe what I was seeing. There were lots of guys, most of them naked. There were women in all phases of dress and undress. There were families with young kids.
I located an uncrowded area and put my towel down, and sat down on it, having no idea what I was going to do next. Part of me wanted to pull everything away and go running into the ocean. Part of me felt terrible for being in such a location.
I closed my eyes, and thought, and thought some more. The thought of taking off my clothes in front of guys–how could a nice Jewish girl do that? But there were other girls there , and they took their clothes off, and they’d no issue with letting guys see them.
The ocean looked increasingly more inviting. The remorse weighed on me. Even if I remained clothed, just being in this type of spot and seeing such sights was incorrect. For nearly an hour, I was lacerated. I went back and forth–and eventually, the ocean won. If it was a sin to be here anyway, it could not be any worse of a sin to participate.
Immediately, before I could think again and change my mind, I stripped. I took everything off, and ran into the ocean. As the waves washed over me, it washed the guilt away. I felt fantastic. I was skinnydipping in public, in mixed company, and enjoying it thoroughly. I came out of the ocean, and the sensation of not wearing a wet sandy bathing suit felt fantastic.
From that instant on, I was a new individual. I’m still a traditonal Jew. I eat only kosher food, and I do not drive on the Sabbath. I still proceed to the synagogue on Sabbaths and Holidays. But I’m a Jewish nudist, and I really like it.

and teenage pregnancy among young women exposed to primal scenes might appear at

first peek to represent harm unequivocally, more attentive examination leaves these
findings somewhat ambiguous. In the instance of of increased cases of pregnancy among
these women, for example, it should be noted that over half of those who reported having
become pregnant (and nearly half of the guys who reported impregnating someone) rated
their experience as “great” rather than “bad.” Although it’s true that issues occasionally serious problems – may attend such pregnancies in U.S. society, some data
Additionally imply that these issues have been exaggerated (Furstenberg et al., 1987;
Stevens-Simon and White, 1991), and may often result more from low SES than from
Teen pregnancy itself (Trussell, 1988). Current treatment of adolescent pregnancy as
intrinsically pathological may in part have generalized from an overall tendency to view
Teen sexual behavior as problematic (see Willis, 1986, for a sharply satirical
characterization of this inclination).
Even findings of increased instances of STD transmission among the women in our study
need to be considered carefully. Symons (February 1995, private communication)
pointed out that increased cases of STDs and pregnancy among women exposed to
primal pictures might be more parsimoniously comprehended as reduced use of condoms
among these women. Regardless of problematic outcome, decreased use of condoms may
be prompted by heightened want (and ability) for intimacy or higher amounts of trust in
partners – along with by simple lack of sexual duty or self destructive inclinations.
In this regard it should be remembered that there was a (nonsignificant) trend toward higher
Degrees of self acceptance and improved connections with grownups among these girls.
Interactions by sex of participant were found for several outcome measures in the
direction of favorable correlates for lads, and impersonal or problematic correlates for girls.
Ever since I was a child I was interested in the naked body. may be interpreted in several ways. One interpretation would be
that human males and females process sexuality-related occasions otherwise as the consequence of
sexually dimorphic mental mechanisms that have evolved through natural and
sexual selection (cf. Symons, 1979; Buss, 1994).

the view of I thought I’d share my newbie first encounter, just had it this weekend in fact! in emotional mechanisms (cf. Buss, 1994; Ellis and
Symons, 1990). Moore (1995) has proposed the possibility that these mechanisms might
Start to appear reliably in childhood. Some evidence is, in addition, consistent with this
Other explanations of the gender interactions are also possible. For instance, lads and
girls are socialized differently through the entire world where sexuality is concerned, with
girls being socialized more restrictively (Mead, 1967). Although these socialization
procedures may also represent expressions of sexually dimorphic mental
adaptation by natural and sexual selection, it could be argued that they instead signify
temporally particular but worldwide sociocultural or socioeconomic forces related to

Thoroughly artifactual statistical sound. Truly, the effect sizes are small, and although
interactions by sex in an identical basic direction were noticed for several the outcome
correction, and one of them was reversed in direction – with girls, but not men,
exposed to primal scenes reporting less use of specific drugs.
Furthermore, while findings of beneficial outcomes are interesting, particular findings are
not called by any theory that we understand.

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Consequently, one is maybe left with what may turn
out to be nonreplicable advantageous correlates of the predictors. As Scarr et al. (1990)
Discovered, nonreplicable results is the typical fate for long-term regression studies,
Especially when proximate, rather than distal, predictors are being examined. In our
Perspective, then, the significance of the current investigation, aside from the idea of
interactions by sex, lies not so much in positive findings as in the negative findings for
True, any one
set of negative results isn’t particularly enlightening. However, given almost no
Signs in this or any other empirical study that the behaviors examined in the current
study are unambiguously dangerous, the interesting question becomes: Why is it so widely
believed in America and certain European nations that these practices are
uniformly damaging to the mental health of children? (See Okami, 1995, for review of
professional and public opinion.) Such notions, definitely where exposure to parental
nudity is concerned, are maybe better conceptualized as myths. Whereas any of these

It is tough to understand just when or where my first bare experience was like except being very youthful playing in the water.

I used to be a part of a club where my favourite area and action was to swim laps in the pool. It felt free being there without a swimsuit. Back then work used up much of my time, nevertheless, were well worth the drive because it was a location which enabled me to become more socially & spiritually linked with the few very special people there. It was pleasant to attend an event; although it was the nature and quiet times I appreciated the finest. Being there seemed like a ‘small piece of heaven’.
Often there were times, while driving freely down the frontage road on hot summer days, the highway to the right was crowded with cars inching their way to the shore. I’d chuckle inside thinking . . . if only the people knew of this better spot just around the bend! My philosophy of naturism is that all of us are born bare because this is natures way of saying it’s completely natural to be nude. It is also the most comfortable way to be too. Being able to swim without clothing and to feel the cool water, the breezes, and open air, even the raindrops — this has been among the very freeing experiences Ive ever understood. It’s especially nice in the common company of special friends.
After reaching my 30s I got a better awareness of myself and began accepting my imperfections. When the 40s came around, I quit caring so much about what other people might be saying or believing. Being a real portion of the naturist community has instructed me to be more accepting of myself and also of others. I believe there’s a whole lot to be got from this, i.e. discarding the masks of insecurity and revealing there is nothing to hide. This has also made me a happier man.
If it were not for a longtime mutual friend, I’d never known the Clothesfree site existed either.

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Since then I’ve learned a good deal by read ing the varied issues discussed here. A large proportion of people here are open-minded, non-judgmental, educational, caring and supportive of naturism. Being here makes me feel part of an extended nudist family

went skinny dipping in a lake.

“It was an exhilarating feeling of freedom,” she recalls. “You can be yourself
when you’re clothing-free.”
Regrettably… many
people now call themselves a “naturist” as it’s a kinder and gentler way of
saying “fkk”..! So what is the difference..? Today there is really no
difference… however I’ll say this… we were all produced naked and we are all
nudists to one degree or another. Before I begin writing anything else and before I despise people calling nudism a
lifestyle… It’s simply a very important part of life itself..!
I’ll tell you… if you must give me a title aside from a woman… I’m a
“Fkk”… and I’m certainly not ashamed to say it simply that My wife finally consented to give ..!
Quick water, small parking, and a past history of anti-nudity arrests do not
The Russian River is higher, and its current is running quicker than usual, so
use additional caution at Wohler. Although Sonoma County has attempted to deter bare
beaching via passage of a tough ordinance and occasional raids by deputies,
their regular visits to the little clothes-optional glade near Wohler Bridge
Finished years ago and now take place only when complaints are received. “We do not
have a patrol [for antinudity],” Diana Nolan, head of the Sonoma Sheriff’s
Section’s Guerneville substation, has told us. Visiting Wohler, though,
requires perseverance. Nearby parking is heavily restricted, and no nude
sunbathing takes place everywhere near the bridge.
trail edged by redwoods to a small clearing that leads down to a little strip of
Level, soft sand and
river gravel spread out over perhaps an eighth to
a quarter of a mile. These days Wohler gets scattered bare use on warm weekends
that leans heavily (but far from fully) gay.
Legal status: Sonoma County Water Agency property bought from the family of the
Just how to locate it: Take Highway 101 north past Santa Rosa to River Road, then go

bridge, continue across, and search for parking where you can (and please send us
your input signal).
first reaches the strand.

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Look for a steel fence and go through a green gate with
a sizeable Keep Clear sign.
beyond starts there. The Water Agency doesn’t hassle bikers or hikers on the
Route. The walk is easy and takes perhaps 15 or 20 minutes. Follow the trail as it
winds along to the right and take it upstream (away from the ocean) from the
bridge until you reach a little meadow, with a path that goes to the river’s
Border, where you’ll see naked sunbathers. If you come to a water set
pumping area, you’ve gone too much.
The plage: An eighth- to quarter-mile-long ribbon of level, soft sand and river
gravel, fun for sunbathing. Although watercrafts are continuously passing the
Website, a few visitors sometimes wade. Sometimes people set up a volleyball net
The crowd: Nearly everyone’s bare.
weekend days. “I see hikers, bikers, couples, and mixed singles who love the
Attractiveness of the place and who usually skinny-dip and picnic at Wohler,” says
visitor Tom.
Difficulties: Unusually rapid water, subject to raids based on grievances, closeness
of canoeists and other watercraft users, path may be muddy following rainfall,
Remain on trail and within clearing to prevent
poison oak.
Rating: C
Many guys have this
fear… but I actually don’t believe you should worry about it… as it probably is
not going to occur..! Normally nudists always carry a towel with them… it
so should you get an erection and you’re in a location
where you’re feeling uneasy simply cover yourself with the towel. Rest
Guaranteed… nude beaches aren’t normally a sexual area… and normally after
Just several minutes you are going to forget that everyone around you is even bare. It’s
highly unlikely you’ll end up getting an erection because you will be
enjoying the sun and the plage… and it just usually doesn’t happen. But
if you wind up getting sexually excited and it does
happen… so what… erections are quite normal… but if it happens in an
Unsuitable spot simply cover it up..!
Health experts the world over agree that
breastfeeding is definitely the outstanding way to
nourish babies. For the great majority of human history, in all cultures,
this was so obvious as to be unquestioned.
But Western society came
As a consequence, breastfeeding declined
to the point an advocacy group, La Leche League, was formed in the 1950s to
counteract this trend. A group to recommend the most natural, the most healthy,
and the most convenient way to feed our infants!
Why did

My name is Elizabeth and

I needed to share my first nudist encounter
together with the universe and I believed that this may be the very best place to do so. I wanted to share not only my story on you, but my first bare graphic which was ever shot by somebody else, outside. But the image is only and while I’m sure that you’ll love the photograph (how’s that for modesty?), I believe that many of you’ll also prefer to discover how a girl like me, a shy girl that has never done anything crazy in her life, decided to take it all off and show the world her entire bod.
I was raised in a family that could perhaps best be described as an extremely conservative one. There was never discuss sex in our home, there was never talk of nudity, there was no HBO, things like that. This resulted in me becoming quite shy and quite to myself from the very beginning. On the other hand, the majority of my buddies were stop like that; the wonders of growing up in the 21st century, I suppose.
This past year, we went on a holiday to Mexico, just like we did every year. We’ve been checking out all the hottest areas in Mexico for a number of years back and we had amazing time every year.
Namely, because of the very fact that I never could or needed to drink as much as my pals, I always had the mornings to myself, mornings that I ‘d normally spend on a beach, reading a novel and relaxing like I never could when they were around. And this day, I overheard a fine Swedish couple from our resort talking about going to a nudist beach nearby. They were in their forties and still quite appealing, her in particular. And then I did something I ‘d never done before. I approached them in the foyer and asked them if I could hitch a ride with them.
It was the very first time I went to a nudist beach and I actually felt like fish out of water initially. All those naked people, so unaware of the fact that they’re nude, it was something else. The Swedish couple was likewise nude as soon as they reached the seashore. She looked amazing. That is when I decided that I got nothing to be ashamed of and I took off my clothes as well. I never believed something simple like that could be so liberating. I felt like a whole new person by just taking off my bikini. She explained that I’ll want to have a picture of myself nude on a beach for the very first time and she wasn’t incorrect. It’s this photo.
Being bare was just so fantastic. At first, you think like everyone is looking at you, but you soon realize this isn’t true. You are yourself, you’re free and you are feeling things you never had before. I could feel the sun on my flesh like never before and the cool water and also the breeze. I felt so naughty and so alluring like I ‘d never felt before. It was more than great, was life-changing.

We continue publishing stories shared by our subscribers that are female – young fkk girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time
Check it

I’ll never forget my first time and now I got a photograph to go with it. I am hoping you love it.

I really like google

, it located it for me. Here it is:
There was this drylander who was asked which was more significant, a literjon of water or a vast pool of water? The drylander thought a minute and then said: “The literjon is more important. No single individual could own a great pool of plain water. But a literjon you could hide under your cloak and run away with it. No one would know.”
-The Jokes of Historical Dune,
Bene Gesserit Archives

We treat nudity, and sexuality, as things that are really so precious, we literally need to hide it from others as we fear that, exposed, everyone would attempt to get it. In a land where it’s everywhere, yet, there isn’t any need for such fear. In a way, many western cultures are already like this in relation to numerous arab cultures, for example Saudi Arabia. There, they worry seeing anything but the slits of the eyes of women for fear a man would be tempted by one. Here we’re apalled at this idea that people would believe that men should be so weak, but we do not live in Saudi Arabia; there, seemingly, they’re; and it is engrained into them in their culture. We simply have the same notion only more average; here it’s fine to see not just a woman’s face, but her hair as well, and more besides, but most tend to draw the line at some stage of skimpy clothing in public. Nudists, ofcourse, go beyond even this, although generally only in some specific settings (at the very least nudists tend to avert being naked where it’s not legal to do so).

I’d argue the issue of sexuality is pretty similar, together with the one caveat that children and pregnancy, STDs and STIs are also factors there. Regardless, my point stands; I believe that with enough conversation people will realize that the advantages to being more liberal, both clothes shrewd and sexuality shrewd, while at the same time educating ourselves more so that we prevent the blunders that makes of some such puritans, will be better for everyone.


gone over and stayed back from the seashore getting up enough courage to go over to the seashore. Finally decided it was something I had desired to do, so walked on down, found a place and took off my swimsuit. was to get up and go play in the water which I did.

Another time was at a warm springtime and there was another person there sitting in a chair nude. After sitting in the springtime for awhile, I got out and enjoyed the sunshine nude also. At first when other folks came, I’d place the towel over me, but after observing him, I had the courage to stay uncovered with the next few folks that came. When the top slide a little to reveal one breast and so she casually pulled it upward again. It looked like she needed to join in, or at least go topless, but just could never move ahead with it.

She’s not into nudism and so sometimes when we’re alone someone and I ‘ve gone naked, she isn’t very approving. But it is early in the year and I was longing to get some bare time in the sun, so simply walked right outside and put on the lounge chair. With the solitude wall at this area, I was hoping she wouldn’t say anything or be upset. She joined me in her bikini and seemed comfortable with me laying out nude. Later on she took her top off which was a bit astonishing. Later she slipped her bottoms off and joined me nude. Even more surprising was the next day when we were going outside to catch some sunlight. She did not even trouble to place her bikini on, but merely went straight out naked. There were still other times that she still wore her bikini, but supporting that she was willing to do some nude sunbathing. Looking forward to the summer with her to see how much she is willing to really go.

One last time to associate was when I was at a little resevoir and was putting on a inflatable mat floating on the water. I ‘d on some swimwear that had some clasps, so I released the clasps and appreciated floating on the mat nude. There were boats going by and a few others on the shore, but it felt so nice. I have done this again once I got past the initial first time. Always keep them handy in case a ranger comes by.

Meet my girl Vasiliska

Hi, my name is Britney and I am lesbian. It will not really have anything to do with this particular story other than I was really prepared for a girl such as this. Her name is Vasiliska. She’s Russian. But I am getting ahead of myself. There’s more to this story and I truly needed to share it with you.
It was last year and this was the very first time I went to Europe. Me and a couple of my buddies went on a month long holiday visiting Spain, France and Italy. We were checking out a few of the most beautiful cities on the planet and also a number of the biggest beaches that I have ever seen in my life. And it absolutely was excellent. It was a real great holiday meeting new people, getting wasted throughout the spot and so forth. They were all amazing and we met so many great people that I simply could not give you one. Nonetheless, there’s something that happened in France that made it my favorite portion of the trip which is the girl in this picture, Vasiliska.
We met at a bar there, one of the greatest places for young tourists and locals equally in Marseille that’s an insanely interesting and wild town. She was there with some friends of hers as well, most of them Russians who studied in France and who were also on vacation. Let us simply say that it proved to be a crazy night. And when there ‘s anyone who understands how to party, then it’s the Russians. I mean, these were all girls who were hardly legal, like my Vasiliska here, just 19 and already crazy as hell, being able to drink gallons of booze without even getting tipsy. as soon as I met her, I knew she was something particular and the next day I realized how unique she’s really. Specifically, that night, we agreed that the two of us, only the two of us will attend a beach together.
I met her the next day, still hungover like hell and she was looking like she just had the most refreshing night ever after a night in the opera. I’ll never be able to understand those Russians. Regardless, she said that we were going to a nudist beach and I played it cool. I did not need to let her understand how nervous I was. It was a bit out of time, but she had leased a car and we were there in under an hour.
We got to the beach and there were maybe a dozen people there, not more. They were mainly locals, a couple of families and two or three couples. It was quiet and it absolutely was intimate. And then Vasiliska took off her clothing. Firstly, she’d the most beautiful skin I’d seen in my entire life, so creamy and so fresh I almost came. She was also absolutely shaven and had the most delectable-looking pussy I’d seen to that point. And her boobs, they were just perfect. They were so supple and so perky that I just needed to bury my head in them. I asked her if I could shoot a photo of her and she explained that I could. And that’s the picture you can see here. Oh yeah, she also had those nipple rings that I thought were just too tacky. Not on Vasiliska. She seemed so lovely that I just feel in love with her there and then.

I first realized I appreciated and loved practicing nudism some years back.

My closest friend whom I went to high school with (and we have been out of high school for bout 2 weeks when she and her husband invieted me over for (Fri,Sat,and Sun),is where I was first introduced to nudism.
Yes, she and I were quite close buddies,but for some reason I did not know she was a nudist(or a least she was at/and in her house. I can clearly recall when she called me on the telephone and invieted me over for the weekend. She asked me to come down and spend the weekend with she,her husband/and family,but that she and her family absolutly love being barefoot and nude(practice nudism),and that she and her family would be barefoot and completely bare in the home once I got there.

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I was actually with this,I believe she was nervous to see my reaction,but she told me on the phone to anticipate this,so I was toatlly comfortable with it and that is just what I told her. She said amazing and invieted me to take off my clothes also and practice nudism with her and her family,and that is exactually what I did.
Being barefoot@naked is an absolutly fantastic feeling. I took a holiday three years ago and while investigating the most effective alternative I found it,so I called for some info(spoke with one of the college girls that worked there as well as the young woman who possessed it.
The girls told me it was an absolutly beautiful ,tranquil area with lots of actions,but many of the tasks “everyone participated “barefoot and bare”(including the staff). I told the young woman that was great and sounded wounderful,so I made the booking. It was a very relaxing and fantastic 10 days
I do have amazing friends(although a tiny group and mainly women)),they adore practicing nudism and even though there’s only 6(in town),the other friends(3) who practice nudism live half hour away from me. Although we’re just nude the the house,or each other’s house. All of us have regular jobs and wear clothes.