I was not raised in a nudist family but I ‘d go skinny dipping as a youngster growing up on a farm. I had a fantastic time; it was a very liberating experience.
I continued going and made friends. Over time I joined a club and then began going to bare resorts. I found the people there were so open and honest and nonjudgmental. I found that there were so many others just like me there and no one was there to check out others, just for the pure fun and enjoyment of relaxing without clothing. I know that may sound hard to trust but that’s the truth. We made great friends and http://nudests.net became members to that club and even now we maintain our membership at a closeby club.
I simply wish the people could see that we are ordinary, regular people who just chance to enjoy relaxing without clothes on our time off. My grown daughter has loads of self confidence about herself and element of the reason is that she knows what real women look like and does not feel insecure about herself. That’s a direct consequence of her being raised in a nudist family. I think that if more people tried it they would see what I’m talking about.
Hiking In The Nude
Nevertheless, I started noticing stories about trekking nude outside west and in the Alps, first in Wikipedia, then elsewhere, seven years back.
What a simple, legitimate notion that couldn’t possibly fly on the east shore, or so I thought. I needed to attempt it (bucket list in case you will). Like skinny dipping in the breeze instead of in the water. So I headed to Vermont where I could find suitably distant terrain and legality. Well all I can say is the fact that the experience was transforming, like that of finding the liberty relaxation and peace of nudity for the first time, all over again.
Since that fateful instant, I’ve hiked, backpacked, and camped hundreds of miles on the distant trails of the northeast, in all sorts of weather. I’ve gone for as long as a week without putting on garments in the outback during the summertime. I have trekked bare for hours at a time in the snow. I one day trekked in the nude legally and without troubling anyone, in a city (Toronto…CO seashore and immediate surroundings off season in November).
Being in the nude in the wilds is a life affirming outdoor activity which has few rivals in my humble view. It sharpens your senses as well as your comprehension of your natural environment and those creatures that share this little part of the universe with us. Additionally you shortly understand how incredibly adept our bodies are, as delivered by our Creator, at adapting the challenges of our surroundings. Perspiration direction is a breeze. Animals of the woods come closer and take your existence more easily. I once had a moose cross my path, and pause, not more than three arms lengths in front of me. We stared at each other for the better part of three minutes, both evenly accepting each others’ right to be there. Finally I spoke up and apologized to Mr Moose for startling him, the same greeting that I generally use in my infrequent meetings with textiles. With that he took one closing unconcerned look at me and ambled away, crashing through the underbrush.
Long distance hikers are accepting, even encouraging, of http://nudismhot.com . I pick my times and places, so as to avoid having to describe the numerous pleasures of hiking in the buff to anxious parents with kids in tow. Portion of the ethos of the type of outdoor recreation is acceptance and regard for the feelings of others less comfortable with the idea. I go out of my way to prevent “clothed encounters”. Alas, life isn’t perfect and those occasional “sightings” by unsuspecting others, of my unadorned body have been enjoyable and positive events. After seen, I never cover up(sends wrong message) Freehiking can be a social or a solo action.
Nudism supports imagination. Freehiking is worth adding to your bucket list. – Dan
Randolph, Massachusetts
First Time
I was in the park in a wooded region. It was hidden. I got my clothes away and took a walk. It turned out to be a amazing experience. I kept doing it.
Canton, Ohio
First-Time Nudist
My first societal-nudist experience was at a clothing-optional hot tub in Quad Cities, Iowa. Before arriving I understood that the bath would be Clothes Optional, but I presumed that meant that some of the people would take the choice of being naked and some would choose the the alternative of wearing a bathing suit. I would choose to do the latter, although I had no issue seeing my pals naked.
When I was brought to the tub, I saw that EACH ONE of the people who live in the tub was bare. WHAT TO DO??? I will try it once.” Within 30 seconds I was hooked for life.
I spent the next 17 years visiting every nudist resort and nude beach that I could squeeze into my limited vacation time.
Eventually, in 1999 I retired and I’ve lived for the previous 10 years at a clothing-optional resort in AZ (SLR). 

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Check itThe host of the hot tub party that began all this, moved here three years back from Iowa.
-Judy Mac
New River, Arizona
My First Time
I was a teenaged boy in the mid-60’s and I simply got out of the shower. My mother was watching TV in the den and I wondered what her reaction would be if I went around naked. So I went in the room where she was and sat down right across from her. She asked me why I was not dressed and I told her I was more comfortable not wearing clothing. She said that was alright with her if I wanted to be a nudist.
I then went in the back yard and sun bathed naked. I have been a nudist all these years but my wife doesn’t understand it. I go nude in my home as often as possible, even when her friends visit.
St. Louis, Missouri