My first time storyline is somewhat unique, at least in some manners.

I’m 37, and 7 years ago I was leaving my job, and went to Happy Hour with some co-workers. By the end of the evening, it was down to me, Ron and Shelly, both of whom I worked with.
We were talking about all sorts of matters, and somehow it came up that they both sleep nude. They inquired if I did, and I said yes I did, while I didn’t. I actually don’t understand why I said that – I guess I did not want to sound lame. I stayed in touch with the two of those two, we were all close friends. 3 years after that, I moved in with my b/f, and I was telling Ron in an e mail that the bedroom was freezing. He answered back “I imagine you can’t sleep bare anymore afterward”. I’d forgotten all about that whole Happy Hour discussion, and I really couldn’t believe he remebered! I said something like “Yes, too chilly in my new place”, at least understand I was being truthful. 2 years ago, I broke up with that b/f, and was quite depressed. In an e-mail trying to cheer me up, Ron said (among other things), “Now you can sleep bare again”. Yet more, I could not believe he was still talking about it.
I found myself really glad that a male was thinking of my body – not that I ‘d feelings for Ron, nor he for me, it simply being alone and depressing, it was fine that a man was talking about my body. I actually wanted to keep the nude discussions going, so I started making up stories about being nude around my flat. It was entertaining to discuss, but oddly, I wasn’t actually doing any of it. Eventually, I did start to sleep naked, and loved the feeling once I woke up, and had sheets touching every element of my body. I got real curious what it’d be like to be naked around others.
I found a location that held monthly pool parties in the nude. I was incredibly nervous in the beginning, but they assured me that what ever state of dress I felt best with was fine. as soon as I got there, I chose to keep my suit on at first. I chatted with some folks, plus it felt really comfortable. In certain ways, I felt slow being dressed. Then low and behold who do I see, but my old buddy Shelly from that famous Happy Hour. I’ll never forget it, she was completely naked and had a large grin. She seemed so amazing, so happy, so uninhibited – she was everything I was hpoing to be. It was so different seeing someone from my “ordinary” world nude.
At that point, I was overcome with a urge to show my body, so off went the suit, and I ‘d the best time of my own life! Everyone was so open and interesting, and I adored the feel of being naked and .

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Shelly presented me to some people she knew, we all had an excellent time. Since then I’ve been a routine at those pool parties and other bare events. It gave me the motivation to work out more, and get toned up. I am in the very best shape of my own life, am closer to Shelly then ever, and even found a great man. And it was all because was frightened to say I slept with my clothes on 7 years ago :).

I’d like to introduce myself first, before presenting you my development to nudism. My name is Didier.

I am french, so please excuse me, my english can contain some blunders… I am 25, male, soon wed, and I’ve been living in French-speaking Switzerland for nearly 3 years now. I was born in a family, in which the concept of nudism itself is thought to be a pervert thing. Consequently, I hadn’t even heard about nudism or naturism before the age of 12. I’ve likewise never seen my parents, or any member of my family, naked.
So, why did I become interested in nudism ?
Everything began in 1991, in the summer. I was then merely 12. I was at home, my parents were away, and I saw a report on TV, with a nudist couple, being married in the nude in the south of France.
I still recall some quite amusing things in this TV programme : everybody was totally naked, including all the guests and also the mayor of the village, but not the priest ! The husband was wearing only a hat as well as a butterfly-node, and also the partner merely a wedding voile. This TV report interested me, and for the first time, thought about going naked…
The next night, I then tried to sleep bare for the first time in my entire life. I didn’t sleep a lot during that night ! I was cold, and wondered what could happen if my parents came into by bedroom and noted that I was bare. But anyhow, I discovered it fairly good, because I felt unusually free (I usually slept in pyjamas until then). The day after, my parents were away again, and I tried to remain bare the whole day. As the weather was hot, it was a excellent day. I did all the normal items in the nude, and this was incredibly plesant. The evening, when my parents came back, I was quite depressing to have to wear my shorts and T shirt again. The drug of nudism had found me, and I’m still addicted to it !
But as I still dreaded the potential reaction of my parents, I didn’t sleep in the nude every night. But from then on, when the weather was hot enough, I tried to stay bare as long as possible when my parents were away.
About one year after, I had abandonned my pyjamas, and I was slepping nude more and more frequently. One morning, my mother, who came every morning to awake me, discovered my pyjamas, and that I was slepping bare. But astonishingly, she did not have an extremely negative reaction. She was quite surprised, but after I ‘d described her, that I couldn’t bear pyjamas, T shirt and slip during the night, she agreed with me and accepted my sleeping nude. The first victory ! The life continued so, sleeping nude, and remaining nude at home whenever possible. A couple of years later (in 1994), I liked to strive to be naked outside for the first time. I ‘d the possibility that there were little woods close to the building where we were living. With the other kids, we were used some years before to go playing in these woods. One day (not particularily hot…), I went out, into these woods. I went back to the place where I played in the past, and I took all my clothes away. During 1 hour, I walked in the woods, caring that nobody neither came nor could see me. The sensation of freedom was remarkable… I attempted to renew this experience once or twice, but not more, as it was too dangerous : if someone had seen me, I would have been promptly denounciated to my parents…
Throughout that period also, I attempted to go without panties. I did it a few times, but immediately stopped as, although I recognised it was more comfortable, I CAn’t prevent my penis to erect at any time, and my erections were clearly seeable. I was naturally not comfortable with this, and abandonned the idea for decades. During the summer 1996, I made an important step : I revealed to my mother, that I liked to remain naked at home. One day, while she’d gone away for several instants, I went into the restroom to take a bath, but before, I wrote a little message describing that, when I’d go out of the washroom, I would stay nude because I felt better like this.
When she came back, she first refused, but I told her that there would be no way that I’d swear because I did not like it, and she accepted that I remained bare. She revealed herself as being more open-minded than what I really could believe… So, I spent almost one month nude, only swearing when my dad was at home, and even, only when I stayed with my parents… The rest of the time, I remained naked in my bedroom. It absolutely was one of the greatest summers I Have ever had !
Following this summer, I went to high school in Lyon (in ‘Classes Prparatoires’, a high level scientific qualification after the ‘Baccalaurat’). I had to share my room with 3 roommates, so I was prevented to sleep bare during one year, except during the week end and vacations, once I came back home. It was the last time I ever wore something to sleep.
The year after, I ‘d my owm room, so I went on again sleeping nude. Since that time (June 1997), I slept non-naked less than ten times, because I only had to (sleeping at friends’home, during the military selection, or at hospital) During the summer 1997, the local TV channel aired another programme, about a place near Geneva (called ‘Etangs de l’Etournel’), where naturist folks were used to go. As this was not far from dwelling (50 km), I went there on my bike. The very first time, there were no nudists as the small lakes and beaches were overcrowded (it was the 15 August week end). But the next time, there was … I stopped, installed myself in a little isolated grass area, and got nude. For the first time in my life, I was bare in public, with others who could see me. I appreciated 2 amazing hours. I went back there fairly often during the next 4 years, with good experences, and much more poor ones…
For the good ones, I’ll mention that I Have meet my first bare girls here 🙂 I also spent many hours here, completely naked, reading a novel or enjoying the silence along with the landscape. A lot of people could see me, but noone had a negative reaction, as nudism was pretty weel tolerated in this area except during the week-ends in the middle of the summer.
But I also found, for the first time, that nudism may also be related to sexual perversion… Lots of homosexuals are used to meet around these lakes, and do not be unwilling to attempt to have sex with any nude guy they see… I needed to reject them quite frequently, and I ‘d generally no trouble, but I eventually stopped to go there when I met my girlfriend (and future wife), to prevent further difficulties.
I tried to go to lots of other “nude areas” in the area, however they were ultimately all homosexual meeting points. I didn’t go there again… In 1998, I settled in Grenoble, to enter an engineering school. For the first time in my life, I had my own “flat” (in fact, a student room at the first floor, facing a street, with 3 neighbours). I started to remain bare here more and more often, only swearing for going out (in class or to ride on my bike), or to bring something in the common refrigerator on the balcony (1 for 4 rooms). When my neighbours were all away, I even could go out on the balcony in the nude.
I never had the nerve to tell my neighbours that I was a nudist, not knowing what their reactions could be : French people are quite less open-minded as anglo-saxon ones towards nudism, and nudism is still like a taboo in France… So, during 2 years, I had to keep my windows closed, subsequently secluding myself a bit… I also documentated myself a lot about nudism on Internet in these times, which encouraged myself into going on practicing this “closet nudism”. The third year in Grenoble, I’d moved into a larger room, at the 6th floor, whithout direct neighbours, so I stayed increasingly more bare. I even started to do the cooking in the common kitchen in the nude (when there were nobody), or walk between my room and the showers in the nude. Always fearing to be found… In April 2001, on a very small scaling road with no traffic, I even tried once to ride on by bike in the buff, during roughly 10 km. That was a wonderful experience, but I didn’t have the chance to attempt once again…
My progress in “full nudism” went on in Lausanne. There is, not far from here, on the shore of Leman Lake, a little public beach, where nudism is let. It’s there that I had my first actual nudist encounter in public, without dreading gay advances, during summer 2003.

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I truly loved it, and I now wait for the heat once more to spend new good times on that beach, with my girlfriend, who I’m attempting to convert to nudism also. A few months before, I determined once again that I wouldn’t wear underwear anylonger. I packed all my underwear in a bag, and stored them in an inaccessible location (except one chemise for utter necessity cases). As my dick is now much more quieter, there’s no difficulty at all, and I now never wear panties, under any type of clothes, including jeans that I wear most of the time.
My girlfriend does the same, and does never wear panties either; though she’s still not really converted to nudism, she appreciates the comfort of not wearing any. So goes my nudist life, slowly but certainly. The following steps will be :
First, the end of the conversion of my girlfriend (who will be my wife subsequently) to nudism; I know she’ll do it, as she’s not opposed to this idea, but it’ll definitely take a lot of time until she is as comfortable with nakedness than I am… After, spend vacations in nudist resorts. I hope this will become the truth next year. Well, that is all; Thanks to all of the folks who had the bravery to read my litterature until here

It’s tough to understand precisely when or where my first nude experience was like except being really youthful playing in the water.

I used to be an associate of a club where my favourite area and activity was to swim laps in the pool. It felt free being there without a swimsuit. Back then work used up much of my time, however, those trips were well worth the drive as it was a area which allowed me to become more socially & spiritually joined with the few very special people there. It was pleasant to attend an event; although it was the nature and quiet times I enjoyed the best. Being there appeared like of heaven’.
Frequently there were times, while driving freely down the frontage road on hot summer days, the highway to the right was crowded with cars inching their way to the seashore. I had chuckle inside thinking . . . if only the folks knew of this better area just around the bend! My doctrine of naturism is that all of us are born naked since this is natures way of saying it is totally natural to be naked. Additionally it is nude beach models to be also. Having the ability to swim without clothing and to sense the cool water, the winds, and open air, even the raindrops — this has been among the most freeing experiences Ive ever known. It’s especially fine in the shared company of special friends.
After reaching my 30s I got a better sense of myself and started accepting my imperfections. When the 40s came around, I stop caring so much about what other people may be saying or thinking. Being a part of the naturist community has taught me to be more accepting of myself and also of others. I believe there is a great deal to be gained from this, i.e. losing the masks of insecurity and showing there is nothing to conceal.

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This has also made me a happier individual.
If it were not for a longtime mutual friend, I Had never understood the Clothesfree site existed either. Since then I Have learned a lot by reading the varied themes discussed here. The vast majority of people here are open minded, non-judgmental, insightful, caring and supporting of naturism. Being here makes me feel part of an extended nudist family

To make a long story as short as possible, I started out sleeping in the nude as an teenager,

and I’d also occasionally go skinny dipping.
In my twenties, after graduating from university, I spent some time doing some travelling. My first real encounter of ordered societal nudity was at the Swanbourne Beach near Perth, Western Austalia. This was in April, which is in the early fall in the Southern Hemisphere. I remember the weather being totally bright and lovely as well as the water of the Indian Ocean being warm and crystal clear.
After Australia, I headed to Japan, where one of my college buddies was employed as an English to Japanese translator. Some of his coworkers and I did a night out on the town, which included a visit to an onsen, which is a geothermal hot spring. Based on , both genders bathe completely bare in an onsen. I discovered lying about in the hot water of an onsen to be among the most relaxing experiences ever.
As positive as these experiences were during my travels, I ended up in my thirties immersing myself in my career, so I did not need to much time to do much in the way of clothes free recreation. It is only recently that I have really been able to arrange my spare time so that I’m able ot get away more on the weekends. Nonetheless, I am having the time of my life now that I’m able to take russian nude beach in clothes free activities on a regular basis.
Take care and remain bare.

Nude in Oklahoma

Some time ago my lovely wife and I were discussing what we’d like to do and I said, “I wish we’d some property so we could run naked in the woods together”. She thought that it seemed like fun.

Fast forward a few years and the matter came up again, but since we still didn’t possess any property she said what about one of those nude areas (seems like she might have been thinking about this a little). So we Googled nude and Oklahoma and located two locations inside an hour’s drive of us. We sent an e-mail to both and got an extremely nice answer from OakLake Trails near Depew. So I get a call from my wife at work one day telling me I needed to take a day off as she had made a booking for a night’s stay during the week we figured that less people would be there as we got our “feet wet” during the week).

We arrived at OLT and were given a tour of the resort. After completing the paperwork we were off to . We disrobed, grabbed our towels and stepped outside for our first ever nude in public experience. We decided to walk one of the trails to get comfortable. As we were returning down a road to our cottage we passed by some people clothe, I didn’t understand it was clothing optional.

I told my wife, “If you had told me three weeks back I’d be walking down the road buck nude in front of people I Had have said you were mad,” but there we were doing just that and it didn’t even feel weird. We then headed off to the pool and hot tub to soak and relax.

We met several nice people that night as we soaked in the hot tub and spent the next day lounging round the pool, but soon it was time to leave. On the way home my wife said, “that’s the very first time I felt comfortable in my own personal skin.”

How soon did we go back? Five days after we spent the day there and have since become members of OLT.

Nude at Big Sur

My ideal of camping is roughing it at the Hilton. LOL! My boyfriend is an avid camper and had been after me to join him.

We continue releasing stories shared by our female subscribers – young nudist girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time

Finally, I agreed and he offered several destinations and I decided Big Sur.

Arriving early Friday for a long weekend, we pretty much had our choice of camp sites. My boyfriend decided the site and we headed over to set up camp. The chill of the morning air was gone and temperature was in the mid 80’s. I had always harbored a fantasy of being nude in an outside setting but never dreamed I was going to recognize my dream.
I really had no hint about setting up camp so mostly watched until it was time to raise the tent. I was really starting to feel the temperature and since no one was around, slipped my t-shirt off and had my bikini top on. My boyfriend only smiled and kept working. I began to get the very best feeling and suddenly had this uncontrollable urge to take my bikini top off.

As quickly as the thought came to me…off came my top. Wow! What an awesome feeling! My BF said he loved seeing me topless but see for other campers or camp rangers! I laughed and soon he ha dhis top away. Practically set up when a car stopped and 3 girls asked if they could set up in the next site. I said sure. The unpacked the SUV and before they did anything, all three were topless. They did ask for some help with their tent and my BF obliged. We had lunch and a beer and by this time I ‘m feeling over dressed with my short pants on…and just that quickly I was down to my panties. Two more SUV’s drove by but not even a second look. We grabbed our towels and cooler and began to the beach when our neighbors asked us to wait for them as they had never been there before and did not need to wander into the wrong region and cause an issue about being topless.

In minutes, the 5 of us were headed down the route to the shore. We did pass a family coming up the path but they weren’t upset of 4 topless girls. When we arrived at the sand, there were several other couples in various phases of dress on the beach. Two of our neighbors immediately dropped their bikini bottoms and continued as though absolutely normal. Hey, if this works for them…off comes mine. I was so excited I didn’t see that my BF was also nude. On the beach, completely naked and feeling the finest feeling of independence. As the sun was setting, we all headed back to camp. We girls put on the bottoms of our bikinis but never bothered with our tops.

By the time we were nearing our campsite, we found the camp was almost complete and yet no one said a word about us being topless. My BF as well as our neighbors pretty much spent the weekend together and around camp, we had our bottoms on and were topless until the night air chill arrived. Naked on the beach Saturday and Sunday and it was about a 50/50 combination of folks naked and clothed but there were no issues. I still have mixed feeling about the camping but the freedom of being absolutely naked ourdoors never loses its appeal. We also appreciate nudity at home.

Chino Hills, California
Nude at 12

Much to my mom’s chagrin, I elected to bypass PJ’s during the warm summer nights of my 12th year. Raised Catholic, nudity was frowned upon under any conditions. A swimsuit was regular attire in the backyard pool until one day I decided that swimsuits were non-essential and I wandered out to the pool completely nude. My father tried not to see but Mom immediately told me to get a suit on. I shrugged and spread my towel and laid down on the adjacent yard. I never felt awkward or tense being nude. After Mom addressed my nudity and said it was no satisfactory particularly in mixed company. I paid no heed and the next afternoon, my parents and aunt, uncle and cousins were all outside at the pool and once more, I strolled outside absolutely naked. With a few gasps from my parents and aunt and uncle, I acted as though there was nothing new or different. About 30 minutes later, my 15 and 16 year old cousins casually removed their tops and astonishingly, nothing was said. Soon to follow were their bikini bottoms.

Here we were! 3 fully naked young ladies when my other cousin opted to join us and shed his swimsuit. Still nothing was said. Late in the day, we BBQ’d and we did set the bottoms on while eating. After dark, we were nude again only this time,my aunt stood up and slipped off her sundress and underwear and joined us in the pool.

Mother, not sure what to do or say, merely sat and watched. My aunt started to tease Mother and amid all our laughing, Mother stripped naked and jumped in the pool. Later, dad warmed the Jacuzzi and all the grownups were enjoying a naked soak.

After everyone had gone home, Mom came into my room with merely a sarong wrapped around her waist and sat down on my bed. I’m certain that she thought I would tease her but I acted as though I did not notice her naked breast. Mother was a bit nervous so I asked her how she felt being naked with the family and she said she had always wanted to try being nude but never had the nerve. She admitted that she admired me and was happy she finally realized her want to be naked. I think that was the last time anyone wore a swimsuit in the backyard and pool.

as soon as I went away to college, we’d different pools for women and men. There were several other girls that were topless in the pool and I followed the first few times but eventually walked out of the showers naked one day. Shortly, a lot of the topless ladies were nude and after several weeks, it was pretty much naked for everyone. That was Berkley CA.

One afternoon, a male student came into the women’s pool and stipped nude. He got a couple of stares but no one objected. Being friendly, I approached him to say hello and struck up a conversation. We met there often and soon began seeing each other socially. We were collectively through 4 years at Berkley and we have been happily married for nearly 15 years. We still go nude at Mom and Dad’s but have a beautiful small home with a private lawn and we often entertain both our nude and textile friends.

Ontario, California
My wife made me do it!

30 years ago wife and I were in the Caribbean at a private resort on a tiny island. We’re early risers and walked to the end of the shore near our bungalo. Nobody was about and my wife took off her top and then dared me to go skinny dipping. So I tossed my trunks on the towel and went for a swim in the surf while she sat and read her novel. The surf was rough and when I got back I just flopped down to rest never covering up. With the warm sunlight and sound of the surf I fell quickly asleep but felt safe with my wife on guard.

Later I woke up to voices. Two ladies we met the night before at diner were talking to my wife. Apparently my wife had waved to them to join us but she did not awaken me. I reached for my trunks but they were gone. My wife had taken them and put them in her tote so she had set me up. I was lying face down but was still very awkward with the specific situation.

The ladies, sisters, acted as nothing was wrong and they sat down to chat. Eventually one said family nudist sex was fine for my wife to ask them to join us as they haven’t been on a clothing optional beach before and one of the sisters asked my wife if it was ok to join me. My wife said sure and she took off her suit. Her more self-conscious sister did not. After a bit they asked about the rough surf as they saw my wet hair and my wife offered me to be their life guard as I was a competitive swimmer. They women thanked me before I could say anything. So I rolled away from them and jumped up and ran to the surf and jumped in before anyone could get much of a look. My wife merely grinned.

So the sisters got into the surf and I kept a respectable distance from them. Eventaully the shy sister removed her suit too once she was in the water and was delighted until her bolder sister stole her suit and chucked it up onto the beach saying that now she’d need to walk out naked. I felt horribile for her, so I walked out onto the sand and got her suit for her. Nobody should be forced into anything.

It was at that moment that I didn’t feel naked in any way. I walked out of the water, got her suit for her and walked back to give it to her not care who was looking at me. Soon after we all got out and returned to the towels where my wife was still reading. That’s when the sisters noticed I was a smoothie. They made a opinion and my wife just said “I prefer him that way”.

I stayed naked until we were ready to go back for brunch. As we got up and the sisters began to put on their suits my wife proposed that it’d be foolish for me to put my suit back on and that I walk back to the bungalo nude. It was her manner of challenging me. So I look down the shore and as there were only a few folks on the far end I said sure. With that the more daring sister decided to join me in the naked walk too, and so we went.

They joined us several time that week. I was consistently bare, my wife never was, but on the last day the fearless sister decided to become a smoothie also! My wife still likes me to be naked around the home, but not her!

NYC, New York
Hot Springs

We simply went to a clothes-optional hot springs in northern California. I had never experienced social nudity before, and I was extremely nervous.

I went into a dressing room to undress, and my heart was punding outside my chest. The time came to step out into the public area, and as I did, a girl was there undressing. I asked where to put my bag, and she said she only leaves hers there by the bences. There I was, bare – in front of total strangers.

I went into the Osan to get into one of the three flumes, and there were about 15 people there. I got in and waited for my wife. About 5 minutes after, she arrived and joined me. It was amazing to stretch out in a bathtub of hot water with nothing on!

Soon I needed to get out as well as cool off in the swimming pool, I grabbed my towel and put it “stratigeclly” over my shoulder and walked down to the pool place and hopped in. I ‘d not skinny dipped since childhood, and I was instantly taken back to that time. I swam around for about 10 minutes, then went back to the hot flumes. This went on for about three hours. At about the thrid trip to the pool, I was not even taking my towel to cover up. It was odd – I didn’t even really notice that I was naked, or anyone else for that matter.

I’m now hooked and will return to this facility often. After just a few hours, I felt so completly relaxed and rejuvinated. Hopefully my wife will soon come to understand the freedom and relaxation that can occur when you shed your shell. My only regrets were that I hadn’t done this earlier and had to get dressed and go home.

-Scott P

Hello to all, this is my first post on this forum and it comes after my first visit to a clothing optional resort.

My first nude outside encounter happened when I was probably 10. My cousins challenged me to run around our grandmother’s house naked. I took the dare and adored it. I’ve looked for opportunities to be nude outside ever since. However, being raised in a traditional family and now married to a wonderful girl who was also raised conservatively I haven’t had many opportunities.
I’m nude round the house as much as possible, but that is becoming restricted today as our daughter is getting old and our old-fashioned upbringing and ideas of modesty are causing me to be clothed more around her. The cover up was causing me to go a little insane though, I needed to be naked somewhere. I was doing stupid things, going nudism in areas that if I was found I could get in trouble.
All that said, the wife and kids were out of town this weekend, so I took the chance to visit a clothing optional resort nearby and try it out for a little while.
I ‘d two main issues going in, one of which had been eased by reading other posts on this particular forum. I was afraid of getting an erection. Didn’t occur, not even close. My other concern, and men you’ll appreciate this, was that after swimming, exercise, or simply being nervous my penis and testicles shrivel up and I feel like I look as a five year old. I was scared that the anxiousness associated with my first experience being nude publicly would cause this to occur and I ‘d be self concious about perceived size. A fast test of the specific situation about five full minutes before nudist porn arrived confirmed that anxiety. I was anxious and so were the boys. Yet, after a fast tour with all the owner and checking in for the day I was feeling quite relaxed. Less worried about a first encounter and much more delighted with the opportunity to do something that I understood I wanted to do. Without nervousness or reluctance I parked the car and used it as my locker. With folks walking around both clothed and nude and stripped off right there and headed for the pool. And I’m happy to report the boys were hanging loose, so fear number two turned out to be a non factor.
When it comes to visit itself, it was so so. I went alone, and while the folks were friendly and said hello, most kept to themselves.

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There wasn’t much going on at the time. There were probably 30 to 40 individuals round the pool and that was it. No one was in the lodge or hot tub, or so the pool and lounge deck where the only alternatives for socializing.
All in all is was a great experience. Like most who post about their very first time, my nervousness was gone very quickly. Now I simply need to convince my wife that it’s advisable for her to try it.

Nudism isn’t a faith.

The characteristic of is blind beliefs in an intangible. Belief in something which can’t be demonstrated. Nudism is a lifestyle and also a form of recreation.

We continue publishing stories shared by our subscribers that are female – young nudist girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time

Nothing else. The benefits in the type of physical and mental health are tangible and easily established. The person who started this movement to possess nudism declared a religion obviously did not believe through. As things stand in today’s political climate a nudist religion couldn’t be practiced on public property, an ever growing quantity of real estate, nor could it even be mentioned in schools. While sexually oriented nudity could still be shown in the films and TV wholesome, family oriented nudism being a religion could not. These three things are essential to the growth of family nudism. 1) More public lands ought to be set aside for clothing discretionary use 2) nudism ought to be taught in school as a perfectly satisfactory alternate way of life and diversion and Social Studies courses should introduce pupils to the many states, mainly former Socialist Block countries, who espouse nudity 3) nudity should be depicted in the films as well as on television as being totally normal and natural rather than being sexually billed and titillating.

I have a buddy Tasha whom Ive known since my college days. I am very much fond of her

, for in my opinion she’s everything I lack -shes considerably hotter than me to begin with, and then she’s an adventurer. She has this streak in her, always being on top of the world. So it doesnt come as a major surprise that shes constantly surrounded by a bunch of admirers. But I can say that being her friend for so many years must have rubbed off on me by now -this friendship altered me in a good manner, and now I ‘m more open to new opportunities. I let myself go from time to time, saying yes to most ridiculous things -like that film with Jim Carrey, should you know what Im talking about.
So this one time me and Tasha we were spending a weekend by the riverside. Tasha phoned me a night before and informed me that a bunch of her buddies from squash courses she had lately taken to were encouraging her to join them in their field trip. She wasn’t participating in the competition, being a newcomer, but she was very much welcome to come along and bring her plus one.
The majority of the day we’d be left to our own resources. Wed go out and have a light brekkie, then go to a shore and spend the remaining part of the day there while Tashas buddies were active at the parties. In the evening they would join us on the seashore and later in the day wed hit a cabaret.
We were having as much fun as we possibly could for fuck on beach , and then, all of a sudden, Tasha came up with one of her fads, and this time it was around going stark naked on a public beach. She was not cool enough, you wee, with sunbathing topless the majority of the day, which already had made us a number of the most famous bathers on the beach.
I understood that with Tasha it was no sooner said than done, and so I brazed myself and set my thoughts on making it to the ending of the day no matter what, thanking heavens above that tomorrow we would be leaving home.
It still took me a few beers in the morning to get used to the notion of following my skin-naked buddy to the shore.

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Don’t get me wrong, I am not a Mrs. Grundy -if I had a body like Tashas, why, Id expose it on every occasion! So I guess understanding how much hotter she looked with her awesome palpable tits and toned butt was getting to me in a way. nude beach girls though that I was able to shrug it away and have a few really good time in the organization of my friend at the end of the day!
But on top of everything, Tashas squash playmates were supposed to really have a day off their sparring and might join us on the shore as early as forenoon. I wasn’t in any way convinced at how they’d require Tashas nudity -to me it was asking for trouble and being downright provocative.
The first thing Tasha did when we came to the beach that day was taking off her swimsuit top, just like she did a day before that. As usual, she turned heads of a dozen of men which were enjoying a Sunday afternoon within our closeness. My buddy, however, didn’t seem as courageous as she had the day before; it wasn’t too long before she started nagging me to take off at least my top. She was going on and on about me being all blindfolded and narrow minded, but that wasnt a furtive ground to plow. What finally got me was the manner Tasha said that to her I looked hot. Damn it girl, – she said, – Youre way hotter than I am, what are you so darn aware about?! To say that these words got me by surprise is to say naught of it.
For starters, my thighs are on the fatter side and an object of my life displease together with the way I look; my breasts could be more considerable, too, but one thing I can say for them is that they’re nicely shaped. I ‘ve an hourglass figure that I understand a lot of guys take for an eye candy, but I suppose thats about it.
Oh well what can I say, another beer -and I was match When I dismissed my bikini top I felt like my very nerves were denuded. But against my worst anticipations, nobody got to pointing fingers at me or sneering; more than that, later that day one of Tashas buddies complimented me on the shape of my breasts.
Tasha lost her bikini bottom as soon as I took off my top; the two of us made the conversation of the shore. I wasn’t that fond of the encounter though -certainly this feeling didn’t let me relax till the remainder of the day, and when Tashas team mates came along I felt totally embarrassing. But this encounter brought me the comprehension of what nudists see in this pastime -absolutely it takes a special place to be nude with the nature around you and a crowd of soulmates. Perhaps someday I will try it again!

The Sunday morning dawned bright and early and we had plans to check out of the flat as soon as possible

, catch some breakfast, organise some lunch and head to the beach before driving back to Brisbane and our flight to Sydney.
Nevertheless, we hadnt reckoned on this being the weekend of the Noosa Half Marathon and the Hastings Street area being closed down for this occasion. The agent we had reserved through was right in the centre of this region and we ended up parking farther away than our flat had been from the representative. This was our first barrier soon followed by attempting to find somewhere for breakfast, which ultimately proved too challenging and we headed over to Sunshine Beach to grab several baguettes, fruit and take away coffee.
Speaking to a few surfers while we breakfasted over looking the beach we also found that access to Alexandria Bay was possible from Sunshine Beach and was a much shorter walk than from the Noosa side of the National Park. So we quickly headed off and found a parking space from this side of the park.
The walk in was shorter, simply just more than 1km but had none of the spectacular scenery of the Noosa side. Anyway by 10:00 am we stepped out onto the beach and started looking for a space to settle for the day. To the right and south end of the shore there was already a group starting to form but it seemed to be mostly male and past middle aged so we headed back towards where we had camped the last day.
The site was easily located as the branch Shani had stuck in the sand the previous day was still there. As we stripped down Angela and I were fast out of our clothes and settling out on our towels.

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Shani was still fully clothed and shuffling about in her backpack she then pulled out her bikini and draped it over the branch, then the towel was carefully laid out, she sat down and started to disrobe halting when all she had on was the most miniature lace thong Ive ever seen. I asked her if she was going to take that off, and she clarified that she might get nude after in the day, if her confidence came again.
We placed there and sunned and chatted for about an hour before a swim was suggested, we looked up and quite a number of folks had assembled in our area and along the whole shore. Shani slipped out of the thong and into her bikini bottoms, as well as the three of us headed off into the water, Angela and I both naked. When we got out onto the sandbank the water was about waist deep and we stood there and crashed against the waves as they rolled in, shortly Shani removed her bottoms and tied them around her ponytail.
When we turned to return to land there was a line of five guys just standing on the waters edge watching us frolic. None of these guys had been there when we had entered the water and we would need to walk past them to get back to our towels.
Lying in the gutter (the deep water between the sandbank along with the beach) we waited for these guys to proceed before making the water. After a few minutes this hadn’t occurred so Angela used her normal diplomatic fashion and hollered at them, Would #$*%#ing perverts, piss off!
She had an immediate effect and also the guys scattered, enabling us to walk straight up to our towels and settle back to some serious sunbaking. We had been settled for some time when a female voice interrupted our quiet.
It was the girl from yesterday, who had been nude but her boyfriend had stayed dressed. She introduced herself as Sarah, from Melbourne and was asking could she sit with us. We didnt have an issue with that and conversation readily followed.
It appears she and her boyfriend were having a ten day break and he’d proposed Noosa for the surfing and really enjoyed surfing in the very light bunches at Alexandria Bay. She’d found the area suitably isolated that she had started sunbaking topless and on their fourth day (yesterday) had determined that nude was wonderful.
We inquired if the boyfriend (I dont recall his name, but I think it was Nick, or Mick) had had a problem with her being nude. Sarah went on to clarify that he had an issue with anyone looking at her and he considered she was getting naked to upset him. Seemingly Nick, Rick, Mick was surfing at Coolum that day and so she had walked in by herself expecting to locate some female company and they’d meet up much later in the day.
Sarah didnt say it but it was clear that possessiveness was a real dilemma between them. Anyhow the day glided on and we watched people come and go, we had a couple swims, the pervs stayed away from us, or at least remained imperceptible. The four of us remained naked for the remainder of the day and Sarah and I walked the length of the shore together, and took a few photos of the beach valuing naturist photograph etiquette. Sarah is 19 and unemployed and not studying and really doesnt know what exactly is happening with her life, except a vague strategy of marrying Nick, Rick, Mick when he completes his apprenticeship and moving to Queensland. It’s a life plan I struggle to understand.
At three we packed up to head home. As we were flying and we remembered the second rule of travel (the one after consistently carry a towel) constantly wear fresh knickers we all had the novel experience of getting dressed into proper underwear, on a beach surrounded by twenty or thirty individuals. I asked Sarah if she meant following the nude thing when she got home and she said she would, but I guess it’s merely a holiday thing for her.
The trip home was uneventful except that Shani had burnt her bottom merely at the top and her thong was rubbing and giving her hell, so in the Qantas Club she went into the toilets and removed the offending thing and flew home commando.

I had an experience now that was new for me. I was wondering if anyone else has had this occur to them?….

I had finished my workout, showered, disposed of my towel in a near by bind, and was walking back to my locker (bare, of course) to get dressed. As I turned the corner from toward the lockers, a girl was standing in the path with a bathing suit and towel in her hand. “What are you currently doing in here!?”

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she asked. “I was about to ask you the same question” I answered. Both of us being shocked by seeing the other, I said, “This Is Actually the male locker room.” She responded, “Oh, my god, I’m so sorry….I am in the wrong location!” “Please forgive my intrusion” she continued, as she followed me to my locker. As I was trying to get my locker opened, she continued to talk to me about the facility we were in. This went on for a great two minutes before another guy walked in and, took a look, and pulled away behind a few other lockers. Finally, she said, ” apologize…it was great speaking to you”…and left.

Now, while I was surprised to see her (and she me), I stayed calm and naked (since I ‘d nothing to cover with)
in our dialogue. She apparently somewhat appreciated this situation, since she didn’t immediately run to the doorway.
Looking back on this, I’m somewhat surprised by her actions. If this had happened in her locker room, I’m convinced that I ‘d have been thrown out or arrested!