Here are some more superb pics of my awesome wife! Thanks for the positive feedback on the very first post a duo of months ago. The nicer the feedback, the more my wifey is willing to do! These are all from this past weekend. Enjoy!
March 2025 12:23:59
Me gusta que opinen que les gustaria hacerme si me tuvieran , recuerden que ando buscando una relacion formal con alguien que le guste el morbo de compatirme y que le exite esa idea, soy de costarica y tengo dos hijos , mi edad es 31 aA±itos aquien le gustaria comerme el culo?
March 2025 20:24:4
We spent Fresh Years Day at a unclothe club. One of the dancers on the stage, pulled up my top and began sucking my nips. It was super hot! The boy sitting next to us liked it so much we invited him out to the parking lot with us. Love the pics. ~R
March 2025 13:13:54
love to be your tp
Augh, that pic #3 will keep me awake tonight! Beautiful, big-boobed women on their forearms and knees tend to do that to me...
Once Your admirer [email protected]
Very beautiful! All natural and very tasteful posing.
I'd LOVE to suck your labia dry then add my explosion to it! For gods sake, showcase us more! Voted superb.
Supreme tits!!!! I'd sure like to see a lot more!!!!
I love 40 labia. It is so pleasing. Yours looks ready for some hot playing of eating and sucking. You can jizm in my mouth any day or night. If you were my sexual playmate, sleeping naked would be the order of the day. Being next to your mature assets would keep things very interesting and very satisfying.
love to eat, finger and fuck your lovely anus!
Why don't you get a life and stir on, the loss is all yours. should know..women love you love great..I would love to see more of you as well as my husband..would also love to interchange some pictures with you two..superb..Amanda
Irina u are a very well put together woman, u are beautiful I would love to suck ur tits very hot bod if u ever get to kansas look me up please
Your exquisite tits look fabulous moist. And the bathroom is a good place to play. [email protected]
Every man in the world should have a chick just like you, it is not fair just to have the access to look at your pics, is there any chance that i can obtain some pics from you to my e-mail? lgilopez
love those shots...esmam hast kami aghe mikhaiye e- mail bokoni touye l . a. hastam [email protected]
AND SO ????????????????????????????????
He is a TEAM player!
3:06 minutes of nip play?
damn you have me hard and milking looking at the way you expose your bootie, would love to eat the panty right out of your butthole,and i can see your butthole peeking out from behind that g-string in picture one, i also love all the other ways you spread your
Love it - a supreme set. She is gorgeous
I'd love to get inbetween you gams.
very hot & delicious, mmm could she solo & treat us to a big joy toy,for our hard moist dicks out here to pump to too , thanks [email protected]
two dolls pissing on strandLove the pics!! But!! Part Two of More "WHAT"
two femmes pissing on plageDirty as in... you didn't bathe?
omg,,,i love her,dam, what a pix here, iam a devotee of the bush,,god i love this,,dam pl do more pixs,,lov this,, hankrei
Oh, spank me nurse...spank me!
two chicks pissing on sandWe wanna contact you
two chicks pissing on plagewifey says if your going to flash it demonstrate it all and those nut
I likes the camo cut-offs pic a [email protected]
Another in a good series of this gorgeous youthfull sexy slender dame, OMG is she sexy! Love her slender figure, her little titties, LOVE her gorgeous smooth-shaven slick vagina and sweet lips, and she looks so fine with a big hard bald shaft in her mouth or cun
As sweet as
Please more of those beautiful feet. What size are they?
two gals pissing on strandExcellent set. Love your suits. Love to see more.
bravo un queu rmplie de ring sa fait bander encore des photo more more photo
Lovely ..
SUPERB, want see your pussy,please send me some [email protected]
The pink and the boots did me in.
These same pictures get submitted every year. lame
Hambeast Ewwe
no matter the time your assets is awesome. neo_salteador
Hope you keep them up.
Totally Delightful,,,,There is nothing finer than a for-real, mature, natural, sexy, woman like this. Thanks for posting.
nice nips, i could go for more.
I like what I see and would love to see more! I can't get enough of you either! Share more briefly, thanx!
Tu eres un hombre muy afortunado con una hembra sunburn rica y sunburn "putita". Yo le pasaria mi lengua por su rico culo y su jugosa chocha por horas y horas cada vez!!
Sweet shots
TU UB PERFECTION - BELLISSIMA*****************************************************************************************
two dolls pissing on plageExactly what I have in mind everytime you post . I want to titty fuck you too!
How do I go around getting a beautiful elegant woman, such as yourself???I think you are absolutely stunning! I would love to converse with you! My email is [email protected]. Smooches and Licks
I need to see more, [email protected] I love your wonderful natural figure, and those breasts,, I want to play with you
SWEET!! display us her butt..send more shortly
Your bum spreads nice n' broad when you arch over. Your tits dangle beautifully in all positions.
Why did VW put this in WiS section? Its so onviously his wifey or g/friend!Great bod - love her tits!
Wifey looks pretty good for her age but the story is unspoiled BS which means a terible vote, put it in the correct section next time
Im greedy, post in RC so I can see it all!
Ready for doggie style
I'd be afraid that table would come crashing down!
It's certainly PoznaA„. Yellow and green trams and buses are only there
Hope to see many more postings from you.
Hey SA, you are beautiful, would love to talk, email pics and stories, let me know...would love to make you flamy hot.
Smokers turn me off. Even sans being a smoker, average at best.
Nice pink!
[email protected]
Bonito cuerpo muy provocativo.
Please do us all a favor and kill yourself. Doesn't matter how, just do it soon!
let me eat that lovely fucking bum [email protected]
she would be getting Superb votes if you did not block out so much of the background. More comments & more quality votes will ensue, she is fine looking
two gals pissing on sandCouldnt find the button where you vote for culo slot of the day
Good looking butt, would LOVE to see lots more, Please post again and soonest too !!!!
I'd want to pack it up with jizm
solamente muestra el culo, porque no tienes cerebro!!!!!!!!!!
mi associo a Max, sei bella, sensuale ed intrigante, penso che il tuo uomo abbia davvero un "culo" enorme advertisement avere una donna come te. Si, mi auguro che pubblicherai ancora, ti lascio la mia email : [email protected] . Un bacio (come si dice) dov
Raw indeed, she is a squirter!
Not fairly doll, I think you need some "special decoration" on those tits, tummy, and cunt. And YES, I'm volunteering...