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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Plage Banging - Double penetration - Facial cumshot - Part Two

    You want to know what I like about staying at an old, Victorian B&B? The large windows and lace curtains!! I took so many pictures that I couldn't get them all submitted in one set. I hope you love this Holiday delight.

    March 2025 4:29:37

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    jerking on strand with jizz flows. Russian

    We had a fairly afternoon that shortly got hot , we looked online at the SI competition and thought we could do that . So clarissa got clad and as she did she got hornier and hornier till there was no stopping her.

    March 2025 23:56:50

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Carmen Electra swimsuit movie on the strand

    we are fresh swingers in tennessee looking for a nice clean cpl. for hot time. i am fresh to bisexual romp so, am willing to learn more, hubby dosen't know im' sending these so he will be suprised.we are ready. please NO SINGLE GUYS. nice and nasty comments welcome. just don't be rude it shows your ignorance.

    March 2025 13:32:50


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    Wrote pantyluve

    Jack off to bathing suit catalogues much?

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    Wrote CCTT

    Beautiful and SEXY !Picture # Three was an incredible TURN ON !

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    Wrote Kosh75287

    Love the smallish tit and big nip would suck on those puffies all day wile pounding ur vagina raw

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    Wrote pauljam

    absolutely love the pubic hair - hope you post more.

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    Wrote MatureAngel

    super Bilder, Total schöner Körper. Bitte mehr

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    Wrote Paul_1970

    Trim the thicket !!!

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    Wrote fun_n_da_

    So beautiful, I'm speechless

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    Wrote leilaani


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    Wrote Shanti_Bi

    Would love to see some pictures of your wifey getting fucked in all her fuck holes nice and hard. She mite give us a smile.

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    Wrote beresafre

    my kinda of gal

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    Wrote fuckomania

    stold some more pics hu.that makes about 100 sets

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    Wrote oralfrenzy

    Doll, you are sensational! I have been watching your contris and sense compelled to tell you just how sexy you are! I am 29yr masculine, would love to pic share - [email protected]

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    Wrote kp_killer

    Had to see your big sexy twat lips after eyeing you in the bathroom and dang they are nice. Love to eat and suck on those.

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    Wrote kleinerkl

    Ja, die Schwerkraft. Aber zeige mal die Lustzone, moeglichst unbehaart. Von vorne und hinten. Dann gibt es auch die Maximalwertung. Danke! Physiker Klaus

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    Wrote luv2voyeur

    You look so horny in that last shot. Supreme pics. But you need a larger couch. A twin just doesn't give you enough room to spread out.

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    Wrote bOObsonth

    Absolutely fabulous tits, FABULOUS !!

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    Wrote tsromantica

    Wonderful labia lips, good tatas and I'll bet

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    Wrote Tryyourli

    BELLISSIMA BAZOOMS********************************************************

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    Wrote FrankTorc

    Joy stuff. Yeah, the one you call "pale goddess" is fairly a feast for the eyes. Bet she'd be even more sugary for the arms. Oh, and I love the ass-hat tattoo. It frames those exquisitely squeezable buns very adorably. It is kind

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    Wrote PeggedByA

    I look at you, cannot imagine a man not wanting you, sweet pubic hair, loveliest bootie, the smile on your face, your eyes looking right at us. If I lived anywhere near, I'd attempt to get in you.

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    Wrote gotenkss24

    ask your wifey to stop French fries and mayonnaise now, so she'll be watchable next summer

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    Wrote Eddiechino

    DAMN she's a nice lump of ass!!!!

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    Wrote cattg85

    oh they're winners allright. most drunken women award

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    Wrote cire88

    I hope we get to see you with your nymph friend.To think someone as sexy as you can go either direction, WOW!

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    Wrote peaceX

    There is a entire lotta droop going on there....

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    Wrote loco1806

    Chango sweetie you are superb!!!!!!!!!!!You look superb and welcum back.Miss you [email protected]

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    Wrote tamisn

    Hey, not the Puss in Boots I was waiting for....???????

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    Wrote spudguneng

    Please take the clothes off and display her beautiful big belly along with her beautiful big tits next time. Tanks! Er, sorry, "thanks"!

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    Wrote supertrip

    too dark. showcase more diversity. you have a lot to work with. get a grip

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    Wrote dirtyomni

    hi there!great contri - got my superb vote!!Thanks for sharingEsteve

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    Wrote Nylonboy26


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    Wrote Scopatore

    SO damn cute!

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    Wrote Mrallenii

    very hot! love your caboose and gams.

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    Wrote johnsmithx

    that is one fine culo this dame would love her tongue in her fuck hole

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    Wrote jjc49

    threesome naturistsLove the smoking pic, had me indeed hard and came all over you.

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    Wrote humburt

    Photos of the guys looking at her naked. Story could be made up.

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    Wrote Barbi_x

    Well she has a very sensuous and inviting bod. I'd love observing much more of her sweet eatable snatch.

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    Wrote cajen

    your sack tits zombie

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    Wrote matschi2

    Love the natural fuck - hate the faux tits !!

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    Wrote blondii

    I always get a thrill when I see there's a fresh post from Jenny. This one was a special treat. I'd like to spend some time inbetween those gorgeous gams, gently massaging your inward hips, making sure they were good and shoved apart, and lap up th

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    Wrote gate89

    wake up you jack, just attempt to be like and do what the other guys bring to this site....

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    Wrote OG_s

    threesome naturistsIsn't it hilarious that the jackasses leaving insults have never posted pictures to this site. What a coincidence.....NOT! You have to HAVE a woman before you can take pictures of one, so I guess it's NOT a coincidence.

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    Wrote hobnobgob

    WOW!! The twins look more like LARGE!!! Undoubtedly not petite, and OMG they would be AWESOME to hold, smooch and suck on!!

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    Wrote otto751

    What a superb sense of style she has, the shier black sundress is outstanding, and the blue is identically as good, particularly on a fine figure like that!!! keep em coming

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    Wrote redassrandy

    threesome naturistsI would smooch your lips and then stir up to your bellybutton.

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    Wrote i4ublacki

    Anyman who doesn't find you beautiful must be queer. Thanks for sharing

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    Wrote SarahRockZ

    excellent thankyou, can we have more please.

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    Wrote robertplant

    threesome naturistsNice shoses for a SM play. Do you use it some time not only to wear it ?

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    Wrote AnalisaTr

    Who says Mercedes or Rolls-Royce have the best fetish mask ornaments? I'll take this BMW adornment anytime. Excellent body! Thanks for the photos.

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    Wrote max1369

    Nude cruise? As far as I can see she is the only one nude.

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    Wrote BooTzar

    SHe is AMAZING! Makes my 30-yr old man rod HARD as a ROCK! Delicious!

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    Wrote brianbigd

    Why did the exact same contri -- same photos, same order -- run two times in the same day?

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    Wrote gentv

    What a beautiful figure. That bootie is amazing. You have me so hard I can pound a plow with my penis. How I would love to fuck that caboose with my tongue and shaft. [email protected]

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    Wrote dec01

    We I have to say that you have aged well... Keep them coming... Love the thicket don't ever trim it... Awesome shoot...

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