Well admirers, Tamer and I have been married 31 years this month. What finer to do than send you a few pics. Same sundress, same figure and everything as good as the very first time. Never had any real pics of our wedding, so we took these just for you.
March 2025 2:10:46
Here are some more of the photo's taken while we were on vacation. Thanks to the excellent response to our post in PRIVATE photo section. Some of you requested some "pink" shots, so I hope this fills your request?
March 2025 16:13:26
Ciao, grazie a tutti x i commenti favorevoli, Monica e lusingata, eccovi la 2a ed ultima parte del contri stile gimp Hi, thanks for all positive comments, the 2nd and last part of the gimp style contri, do you like it?
March 2025 3:4:24
It looks like this one is looking forward to a career as the tattooed lady in some pervert flash.
I too wish I had been around. I'm the dude who a while back used to comment using the nickname, "I wanna fuck with U. I would love to suck your titty and after slurping them and working my way down to munch your kitty, I want to fuck around with you.
A lotta fine woman there. Thanks For Posting.
Since I love to have your kind of joy and you look ready for some joy, I have to say having joy with you would be the thrill of a lfetime. The joy would begin with the thrill and privelege of feelng my face against your gorgeous hips and my mouth total of those hot and delicious looking lips. Your labia looks like a ripe fruit. Juicey, oh so sweet and ready to eat. THe sweetness of your ripeness would be running in rivulets down my chin as I ate and sucked you off. When you reached your peak and your cootchie began to throb against my mouth and tongue, I would get even stiffer and litterally flowing with my own fervor.
lollipop is a very beautiful nymph, superb tits and such a hot vulva, maybe we can take turns eating lollipops labia one day, would it turn her on? dafunkymonkeyboy
Nice bod. Too bad about the blurred out face.
How do you trim so smoothly? What is your process of avoiding ingrown hairs? Looks very very nice
I like to wear petite string-bikinis.
Awesome!!! plesae post more!!!
you closet queen's give us a bad name little boy
Wow.. very beautiful figure. [email protected]
somos mexicanos nos encantaria intercambiar fotod tenemos muchas mail [email protected]
Love to share a cig with you while we let our spouses observe.
your camera should be confiscated
Holy fuck thats hot
Dare you to walk in a t-shirt of viscose or modal on the street sans boulder-holder.
mmmhh! excelente h e r m o s a! naturalita! mÃ?s por fa.
Looovely sexy!([email protected])
super erotic nymphs sand nudeGood looking woman with one hard figure and sexy as hell!!! Talk about some hard thighs!!!
@msndotcom. Oh my, I would find it difficult at best to concintrate on any shot. UR wonderfully round in all the right places, thanks for taking the time and sharing!
Love the pics of the two making it together. I would love to jack off and spunk all over your hot pics. You make my jizz-shotgun throb. Email me more xxx pics of you at [email protected] and I will jism and share the results back with you.
sneaky pictures ?
Needs a good fucking from behind, along with a good spanking. [email protected]
Awesome ass............love to gobble your rosebud!! mmmmmmm, send me [email protected]
MY GOD!!! I just came all over myself!!! She is SO HOT!!! What a body! AMAZING tits!! Super face.... and VERY sexy cootchie and ass! I am getting hard again! Thanks. send more. [email protected]
super erotic dolls playa nudelove to see jizm on your tits
I like your wife's tit. Voted Superb. Would love to view more of her photos.
Excelente mujer, no me cansaria de verla una y otra vez, asi que ya sabes.... esperamos mas fotos :) Saludos Fer.
Love the wellies. Also I don't think anyone would worry about the blurry face if they spotted her in the field.
booty built for doggying
it it off
Que chocha mas rica. Me la comeria todita. Disfrutala cabron.
Love the pics!! Such a sexy lady. Thanks for sharing.
Hey "Mike"
Love your tits !And she is a squirter..... oh yea we want some more shortly. Thanks for sharing her with us.Two forearms up !
Ummh, Luv Your Pics and Vids. If you are ever in Columbus Oh please email me so I can have you squirt all over mer!!
super erotic dolls strand nudedon't cover your tits, there brilliant, I love the ring on your vagina, I wish I could taste your sweet nectar
are you attempting to fuck this site up completly????/
Woah, these sets of pictures are awesome!!!!!!!!!! Where did you take them? I can only vote superb, because they are just that...... Thanks..... wow....
you just put me right off my breakfast - thanks a lot dude. Will never be able to look a frankfurter in the eye again !!!!
Superb vagina, yummy.
Excellent...I would love to smell and slurp her delicious beaver.
Hi Kris. I just love your kinks ! Would love to taste what you're hiding in pic #7 !
beautiful girl! Very sexy! Hot! Send me more pics ! Thanks [email protected]
They may be faux but at least they still look real.
super erotic nymphs playa nudeNow that is who I want for my gal Friday.
she can go from a three to a ten with a diet and workout. She has a beautiful face.
you have the most gorgeous eyes i have ever seen and a assets to match
superb pictures. You have an amazing assets. I hope to see more pictures of you briefly getting creative. Thanks, gus
Mmmmmmmm,would Love to crawl in inbetween those pretty gams and give you a nice,wet French kiss.Email me(54)more of the Angel I want to jizm for [email protected]
super erotic ladies plage nudewanderful tits! please reply to [email protected]. ciao
good pics-you go girl-hot with numerous rewards-Happy [email protected]
Thanks for the demonstrate. I like the natural look.