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    March 2025 13:8:59

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    March 2025 8:38:22

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    March 2025 17:21:35


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    Wrote HDstallion

    it unfortunate,so many women(?) these days seeminglyhave *complete *lack of labia!LongLiveLongLips&BigOleClittyHoods!(to nibble on[;-)

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    Wrote Musicfrea

    I'm sure I could have lots of joy boring you!

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    Wrote anrhalfnh

    Would you like sharing pics?

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    Wrote cesar619

    wow sweetyvery sexyloved yor milky ass...klets xchangeksss

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    Wrote AmatorFem

    She is amazing! I have always thought preggie women were THE SEXIEST (despite how they may sense about it) Would love to see her beautiful vulva unshaven!

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    Wrote chass100

    Looks old (have pub hair) so I'm guessing they were stolen.

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    Wrote naughtykr

    Marigold is one helluva FINE-lookin' woman!!!

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    Wrote kleegish

    want to see more of her sexy hips

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    Wrote anahot

    Hi good photos on hidden cam will you be posting thesse on your site as well or are they already there? Thanks so much

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    Wrote mustang96

    There are two very lucky guys on this planet, the one who shares her sofa and the artist who tattoeed her, and we are so glad to have the privilege to share the pictures. Voted superb and indeed love to see more.

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    Wrote Three-P

    Leave behind the brunettes name but she should never be permitted to wear clothes. Too fookin gorgeous to cover it up!

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    Wrote kbking70

    Is it me, or is today's selection notably dreadful? Tis a lengthy way eliminated from the dreamed-of Scandinavian lesbos on inflatable rafts. Maybe tomorrow...

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    Wrote hornyrott

    I like you hot and humid pussy.Beautiful assVert hotplease, send more pics of youyour [email protected]

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    Wrote anitajob

    I do so love this chick's thicket and tits!!!!Every day is fine with me!

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    Wrote cunnilover

    wow what a very sexy bod would love to see more of that sexy boby email some pics of you.

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    Wrote jay26664

    You have it all!!!

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    Wrote jo41201

    thx for your comments on my vids

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    Wrote adriano016


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    Wrote Rick69g

    Donna, until you have more chances to sunburn outside, SPF 30+ s/b your mantra. Be sure to oil down the skin inbetween your vagina lips and hips and your gam crease where the back of your hips become your butt. To make sure you suntan there, you might want to put several pillows under your hips to raise your bootie up; be sure to open your gams too. If hubby takes photos of that, i'd like to see them - [email protected]

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    Wrote Andy_33

    You're in terrific form. You obviously take care of yourself. I will always vote you superb.

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    Wrote spazzatura

    Very sexy - We are Indian duo in London - im bisexual and he hetero - we would love to hear from you guys.Love f

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    Wrote junelim1974

    is that your mom ?

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    Wrote paulrio

    I am into mature women, And you Sunshine. are the most beautiful lady on this site.

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    Wrote mikethema

    I would luv to suck on your puffies, you made me horny and humid. Mine are big also!

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    Wrote Dr4Love

    bit you miss them

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    Wrote str8ish

    I also say alot of hot femmes when i was there in march, hoping to go back and see more

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    Wrote nickkenny2

    you should definatley showcase more of the "many" more pictures you have

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    Wrote GernOral

    strapon g/g fucky-fucky on the playa moviesShe is a cutie... Can we see more?

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    Wrote EestiVale

    strapon girl-on-girl fuck-a-thon on the strand moviesVery Good, not afraid to attempt something new...!!!

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    Wrote Duma323

    Baby please keeping sharing your lovely hairy twat. Thanks Sweetie.

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    Wrote courgete

    nice smoothe sexy gams, the fifth and sixth pics would be fantastic if the boots were off

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    Wrote SriRemya

    I love the pics where you're on your knees!

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    Wrote rudiger98

    rear end pornography doesn't seem to be a problem here...

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    Wrote Curt_Nickel

    Something other than culo pics, please. A few are fine, but c'mon! That swimsuit has a lot of hotness potential, and you're wasting it with this run of pics or her butt and back. You had a good thing going with your very first two contris, so more pics along those lines would be excellent.

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    Wrote niklayteh

    Mmmmmm...very nice! Thank you SSM. I appreciate you looking out for me!

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    Wrote bushido84

    She could be a mom of a litter of puppies and I wouldn't want to see her any less

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    Wrote Perales72

    She's awesome. Looking forward to watching her having sex!!! Let's see her entire package, no clothes. Thanks for sharing.

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    Wrote Mr_Young

    strapon lezzie romp on the playa flicksPierced and pinched.. Love it.!

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    Wrote tinydicl124

    Welcome back Softsweet,

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    Wrote avmldo2006

    Thanks for enlightening me about Miami, I'd always had a fantasy that it's sexy, but, WHOA ! That is one very tired and boring looking just saved me $1000. in airfare and hotels !

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    Wrote bulldograce

    Sweet Jolynn, looking real nice.

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    Wrote budahmunk

    Smooches and hot hugs

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    Wrote liontas

    looks good, wonder how it tastes...

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    Wrote bugsy69


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    Wrote fcat

    strapon girl/girl fucky-fucky on the playa moviesI'd be bangin you so hard for soo lengthy, you'd find it difficult to walk for a week,,,,, :)

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    Wrote alexandr22

    Hi mate thx for the add very hot vids/photos

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    Wrote dooneybug75

    You uncommonly see brilliant puffies like these. Very blowable.

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    Wrote Kmr1982

    Beautiful. What an amazing pair of tits. We are a youthful duo from the UK interested in trading sexy converse and pix with other youthful couples. Please email us at terryjane24. We look forward to hearing from you.

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    Wrote domitius

    looks like I need to commence going to more soccer games in hopes of observing you! [email protected]

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    Wrote bohica256

    esta a la altura de sobra.tiene un cuerpo espectacular.lo que mas me gusta de ella, sin duda alguna, es su chocho con pelos, no te lo afeites nunca.ya estoy cansado de ver chochos rapados al cero.

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    Wrote Asianlove

    If you ever need help with the rabbit let me know. Thanks for the tits and I'm sure I'd fall in love with the twat too!

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    Wrote Costele

    that is one georgeous woman and one unecessarily hairy cunt was that beauty

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    Wrote alex-9090

    C'mon, let's get some sort of screening for RC. This is shit today in here..

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    Wrote losingmyv

    Absolutely gorgeous, and amazingly enough, you've actually managed to get ME on there - that's the side of my face in the top right corner of picture 4!! Stardom at last lol!!Matt (UK)

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    Wrote RenjiA

    Spread 'em a little....

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    Wrote dana213

    Now that's what I'm talking about couples that know how to takes pics. I gave you a superb because of the last photo of her total of your man juices. I love pics like this I think there HOT!! Now is the time to go down and eat that clean.

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    Wrote KevinUK

    Que gilipollas que eres...

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    Wrote DoggingDa

    love her gams and feet.nice suck able toes.;-)

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    Wrote Ajay1982

    looks like she's a good cocksucker! need to hold her head and "help" her take more of it into her mouth and throat! love to see some jizz running in rivulets down her chin and forearms while she is ending you off with her hot humid mouth!

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    Wrote pantiesan

    strapon girl/girl fucky-fucky on the playa flicksNice shaven beaver! Any more?

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    Wrote diana

    hey.. superb stuff.. i think you might do finer with a little more lighting and a little less noise in your snaps (dont get me wrong, love them nonetheless.. just suggesting)

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    Wrote xednorton

    Ciao sei stupendamente dolce e sensuale un bacio.

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    Wrote charlieho

    Superb!What a very gorgeous and sexy lady and I would love to see much more of her!

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    Wrote great1990

    que rica mujercita. estan invitados aqui al rio en Arizona cuando quieran. westcoastaz

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