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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida

    Further sexy posing in my spare bedroom on the floor, using the drapes as a backdrop. Hoping this pleases those who wish to see my pallid milky skin against something will a little added colour to enhance the assets a little. I do love the experiencing of unspoiled nakedness. Hope others love it too x take care all x

    March 2025 9:54:4

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    tom gives nat a good headjob at the sand

    Hi, my name is Marie and i am 37 and bi-curious. As me and my hubby are both fan's of vw we determined to take a few pic's of me and send them along. If i get a nice response from the dudes and ladies out then i will send more as it was a turn on having them taken. Smooches

    March 2025 24:26:12

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Queer Antique 50's - Ed Fur covered, On the Sand

    Is the very first time for Fanny! I hope You can love looking our pictures, so we hope to receive many comments and suggestions; if it will happen, we will post more briefly. Tell us what you think about ok? Have a supreme day. Smooches.

    March 2025 14:46:43


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    Wrote rachelmic

    just yummy!

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    Wrote housewife

    I'll pass.

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    Wrote jocksy

    love the bootie, i would do you hard and deep. dam your so fucking hot, keep sending pics

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    Wrote little-bl

    I just jerked off looking at those acute nips. Thnks!

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    Wrote Yago_29

    You may be big but you have a fine arse.

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    Wrote tallsuk

    This is a fine view of your tits Paula. Fantastic! Thank you.

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    Wrote jackmoi78

    next time you go to haulover playa contact me to take pictures of my wifey. withsail at yahoo

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    Wrote grizzly2004

    Mmmm, what a beautiful woman!Wish I was that lucky to see her like that at a lake...or anywhere else ;)Love to see much more of herdutchman02

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    Wrote oleblueyes

    lucky dude. you have a wifey with good tits and cunt. please showcase bootie shots and back door.

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    Wrote renegadeb

    Wow! She's fine. A lovely lady. Please contribute some more photos.

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    Wrote love_extr

    Enough already. Enough of the trailer trasH "women."

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    Wrote nudeinca

    Now that's a dick! Please post more. One question. If that ring keeps it engorged how do you get the ring off?

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    Wrote CandidSpa

    She has a garter belt on wouldhave liked to see thosestockinged gams.

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    Wrote skipper2089

    keep it up nymph. you are hot

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    Wrote lele0023

    webcam your an culo get rid of web cam or im OUT

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    Wrote Volki1972

    sure wouldball deep

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    Wrote Rick69g

    MMMMMM Flawless for spanking tonguing and fucking!

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    Wrote jarvola

    Attempt it in color next time

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    Wrote antonio38

    ...una milanista...gnocca...:)

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    Wrote zooboss1

    russian teenage naturistsI voted superb, Beautiful trimmed pussy,huge blowable titties ,you are smokin HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please post more

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    Wrote pablo6989


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    Wrote didddl

    awesome tit parade!Thanks!

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    Wrote pepitadel

    What a sexy preggo. Please post more.

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    Wrote biggary666

    bonjour Nico ,je vois que tu ne m as pas suis content que tu te fasses jouir en me voyant et en pensant a nous dans un frequente le 2plus2 a paris proche de la tour montparnasse rue e.quinet.vendredi dernier je faisais l amour a ma

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    Wrote sexqueen000

    felicitations, faites vous plaisir et partagez (-:

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    Wrote breedme-

    Good photography with a fine model.

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    Wrote frank2000

    Bude lidelad bisexual budel. Teren ten teng un bum. Wede harz el bad zel.

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    Wrote bugsy69

    sehr ästhetische Bilder. Es war bestimmt für beide, Leo und Autofahrer, ein sehr schönes und unregendes Erlebnis.

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    Wrote okirah

    I am thick devotee of stockings and pantyhose! Those stockings look amazing on you! I truly like the milky ones, please send more!!!

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    Wrote jusblanc

    Superp! Wifey and I would love to go out with you guys. Yuoe rock! Ever jism to Florida?

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    Wrote cogelon777

    Her posts always make me hard. Nice moist hairy snatch [bet it tastes WONDERFUL], love those smallish tits with the perky nipples--would love to shoot this cumload on them.

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    Wrote Barry51

    beautiful feet

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    Wrote Seniorwic

    Do it again, but don't shave! :)

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    Wrote mmmenoe


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    Wrote RedOrb44

    u drive us wild, you are built for fucking and we louve to seu Two paramours, MORE PLEASE and THANKS for sharing the fever and beauty, we would luv to eat you before and after hubby fucked the day lights out of u !

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    Wrote Fran_11


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    Wrote Joex21123

    Looks like vw processing glazed up pictures a little bit. But at least they're real chicks and not the same old paid black sea ladies.

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    Wrote IWanttolo

    Very beautiful assets. You are clean-shaven and that is very nice too.

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    Wrote rolllana

    Excellent gams and ass......Would love to slipped up behind you and talk about what pops up.

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    Wrote burkina_p

    Baby please trim that pubic hair, trim it

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    Wrote timidman

    beautiful woman.there ought to be a contest where everone has to pose like this. It would be hard to choose a winner. but she is FINE!

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    Wrote SlutHolly

    Very very nice . excellent figure and the photos are pretty good. and arent you the plucky one? What do you think would happen if the railroad dick had caught yuo? my guess is he would have spanked palm cuff on you and your spouse and made you stand there buck

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    Wrote sweet_dude

    I would love to inspect your caboose. Instant hardon on this contri.

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    Wrote lookin4pix

    Beautiful tits with wonderful nips :DFrom Spain, one smooch in the ( * Y * ) and other in the ( Y )

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    Wrote q8koko

    but you need to come clean about those implants

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    Wrote dillet

    I'd love to have you jack off into my mouth or on my face.

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    Wrote OG_s

    No Mo Motofest. They suck

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    Wrote Zaubersta

    Big tits....Big Gut...etc...etc...etc....

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    Wrote bi-zarr

    Well i know id like to give her my flow of spunk fred.bear72

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    Wrote sea1980

    Hubby loves how nice your caboose looks with the g-strings. Very sexy! Your hooters are very nice!

  • Avatar
    Wrote Lennon29

    And a little boy is exactly how you are behaving by making this woman jiggle, squeeze and pinch her titties. Only thing you didn't do was to reach out with one finger and poke one of them...jeez, no wonder she's gone.

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    Wrote snoopyraw

    lets see her but fuck hole spread those cheeks broad open

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    Wrote rainer00044

    Bellissima, que guapa, uma linda mulher, quiero conhece-la

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    Wrote prasica

    You go nymph. It's excellent to see a mature women playing and sharing the "goods" with us. Disregard the negative comments. We may be a bit older, but we did it before and We'll do it again. (just not as often) Please display more.

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    Wrote salvo8five

    Checked out all three contris and I gotta say Your wifey is the greatest lady I've seen yet. Supreme titties and those beaver lips are what fantasies are made of!

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    Wrote iwantfuck

    Lovely gorgeous assets and I bet you are wild as the winds in January!!

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    Wrote Pitecas

    Would LOVE to fuck that hot pussy!!

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    Wrote gotsikici

    awesome lady! I'd love to see you fucking hubby's boss!

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    Wrote shaved120

    You are getting close to demonstrating us your face. Just a little more and we will be there. Thanks.

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    Wrote WoodrowWa

    Amazing! You actually managed to find a braless dame on the playa in Europe - in Gran Canaria no less.

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    Wrote loveshema

    What a Big cootchie you got. Strap the 2'4 on to the donk of the next unlucky stud with you. He might fall in!

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    Wrote kulaspogi

    Thats nasty...worthless

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    Wrote face6617

    Marsha should understand that underware is not required on this site, in fact it is preferred that you show up nakid

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    Wrote berluscon

    russian teenage naturistsciao, complimenti per le foto...soggetto e natura si fondono alla vi va di giocare...scrivetemi [email protected]!!!

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    Wrote fullporn888

    And the chick who runs and flashes titties. That was awesone

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    Wrote trae74

    russian teenager naturistsKeep these wonderful posts nutting please!!!!

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    Wrote Hottbaje

    Lovely post. You're beautiful. Love your trim, your suntan and your courage to be out in your pool in the nude. Hope we'll be witnessing more of you here. Thanks for sharing!

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    Wrote Ram6955

    Spread marks and a pot belly - the folks that think this is beauty are clearly out of touch w/ reality

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    Wrote Eric_Graf


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    Wrote bisunamigo

    love to join.......and love to suck those puffies, wow!! Your figure is divine!!! Hairy puss?? Love to see more! Drop me a line! Thanks. Steve

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    Wrote bigtittsl

    that was awesome! sure would love to get into you, however i'd have splattered your pretty face with a big hot flow of man juice!

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    Wrote kameron

    russian teenager naturistslets save her up some money for a breast implant

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    Wrote itsallgoo

    i'd fuck ya bitch!

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    Wrote mildronat

    Nice!! Me so horney!! Lets see all of the titillating lady!!

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    Wrote triplextr

    I've never seen a Chick like you... You are unbelieveble!!!

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    Wrote jezus666

    russian teenager naturistsHoneypots are there for enjoyment and it seems you have your thumbs where they will do the most good. [email protected]

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    Wrote chaspinkney

    Anglea you are hot. Please demonstrate us more of those hot titties, and that wonderful, hairly little snatch....We need to see more

  • Avatar
    Wrote bceazy

    Gorgeous, my wifey wants to make out with you while you play with your fake penis. [email protected]

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    Wrote lucky412005

    What a hottie! Keep having joy together ;-)

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    Wrote mecadom

    beautiful simply beautiful. Your a tasty treat from head to your blowable toes.

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    Wrote cultxxx

    Why the bra?

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    Wrote juicy2341

    oh come on, you gotta demonstrate more than that

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    Wrote opps2

    Craig you are a lucky fellow to have a chick like Aussie Louise! Please, on behalf of all of us, plead our case to her to proceed posting! She is too sexy to stop; have said before but will say it again, I can't believe she is 50. many 20-somethings would be proud to look as good. Super hot woman, simply wonderful tits - oh what one could do with those.... davidw023

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    Wrote poweron6

    Love to see her with a strap dildo deep inwards you.

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