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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Bare-chested plage woman with massive tits

    They say Santa only cums once a year, I think he'll be back before next year when he sees what I have waiting for him. Its not cookies and milk! Albeit he can suck on my nice rock-hard tits as hard and lengthy as he wants!

    March 2025 16:52:11

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Daddy milking his gigantic man rod at the sand

    Dave and I went out to eat, and determined to take some pictures. Some inwards, some outside. And then Dave dared me to run naked across the parking lot to the car, so I did. He didn't get a picture, however, which sucks...but we got a bunch of others. Hope you enjoy!

    March 2025 14:5:57

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Nude Playa - Another Day at the Playa

    Hi. It's amazing what Nascar, Beads, and Beer do to a woman. Been on VW/RC for the last duo years and love it. Went to the Talladega race this past weekend and ended up with a duo good shots. I've got more to share and will submit afterwards. If anyone is interested in trading, leave a message. PDPMEA

    March 2025 12:32:15


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    Wrote chivalocz

    Daryl,think about, it who is sitting in front of their computer typing about a life???? He was out somewhere actually living a life!

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    Wrote sann1-

    Becca UB ONE OF THE BEST EVER VW LOVELIEST*****************************************************************************************************

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    Wrote ceesflodder

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    Wrote Cameltoem

    Your beautiful cunt is calling me. Lovely!

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    Wrote bigkev40

    Wow. Thanks, your wifey is gorgeous.

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    Wrote titi06

    Lil Sexy, you have won six more deluxe missile exercises. If you keep this up I may be a permanent building guest. That is one dreamy bootie.

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    Wrote pleasingd

    nothing finer than a sexy lady wearing a daring attire flashing

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    Wrote Voyeur_du

    Thanks for the nice comments, guess you guys needs to do a research what means "Voyeur". You guys are too hilarious, let me go back to my Bermuda's vacation and wait for more jokey comments.

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    Wrote sk8erps

    whats the matter fuckhead....afraid to admit thats your wifey.

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    Wrote squashwit

    corps magnifiquement mis en valeur par la lingerie,j'adore la Five ou tu montre ton cul sans aucune pudeur,offerte,et si une bite se prA©sentait la,s,infiltrait sous la soie pour penetrer en toi,mais j'exagA©re ce rA©cit,soudain me rend tout humide,a bientot pour de nouvelles belles photos

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    Wrote hornyrott

    I'd do my best not to work that hard if she was waiting for me at home. damn you are sexy as hell i would love to taste you and be inwards of you. thanks for sharing. [email protected] if you want to share more. mmmmmm delicious.

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    Wrote kingbbc69

    You need a orb job grandma!

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    Wrote joschi500

    Stestoresk area ???

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    Wrote somluk

    wifey and i love the pics. pls send more

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    Wrote beg4ignore

    i love it - particularly the tummy.. please e-mail more

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    Wrote frankyboyo

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    Wrote MikyBerlin


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    Wrote VOSPOROS

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    Wrote Cosmichar

    she need to borrow a gun?

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    Wrote tekohas-tv

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    Wrote seriousian

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    Wrote hawk_colo


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    Wrote Jupiter9 make my mouth water. Disregard the unappreciative...keep doin whatcha doin.

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    Wrote coitusmax

    c est tres gonfl

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    Wrote gaygreece


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    Wrote spm36

    Number Ten looks like Croatia, while the other nine look like other countries. Like someone has said above, "stolen from all over the world"...

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    Wrote mcloven169

    most appreciated, pls. post MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Wrote jonnylike

    Let me be the "bad Wolf of the Forest"

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    Wrote mrbillvic

    OMG...u r so sexy. Hope to see more. Can u post some with oil on???

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    Wrote zontarx

    Samantha - love your pictures, love your sexy figure.

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    Wrote agi_71

    very nice, would love to have them nice crimson lips around my 10inch hard man sausage, love the nice puny tits not sure about the rope,would love to see your labia and gams in stockings,

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    Wrote joumit686

    I love your pictures. Love to see more Jug shots they look so soft and sensitive. If you are ever in Tampa FL email me. Your Great!!!

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    Wrote Cumloving

    love your sweet assets. Fine witnessing you open your cunt AND culo. Yes I'd fuck you in a heartbeat, but since I am old it takes me a little longer after I get embarked. 8)

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    Wrote sirxxl2008

    Definately have earned yourself a fresh devotee in me. My wifey and I loved this movie :D See you briefly :D

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    Wrote cc8978

    lots more preggo pics please sexy lady

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    Wrote bendb4me

    Spam Alert AKA (watch out) Has never made a contribution here, It says the same old lame thing for over two years. Can we punch this @shole off this site?. I make comments here on posts, it never has, and never will. People like it and daninhbg need to be banned from this site for life, either make a comment on post or go away @sshole. And a comment about a comment does not count. any @sshole can wait for a comment and then pick it apart. Attempt Something original. as for private pictures. there is no sutch thing on internet.

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    Wrote gaymale1957

    stupenda come sempre babiesarei veramente curioso di vedere la foto scattata durante la foto nr. 10ciao

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    Wrote hallelui

    Plain and simply hot FOXX. My goodness what a sexy behind. Love the stockings too.

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    Wrote dave0824

    Good tits! The rest of her is very nice also.

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    Wrote olch

    that donk needs my tongue in a bad way

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    Wrote hollyalam

    Awesome tits and the are REAL !

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    Wrote hemazezo

    Wow. Some of the best gams I have ever seen. Your entire figure is so cock-squeezing and hot it is incredible. [email protected]

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    Wrote bigsalami

    TRANSALTION from typing error.Qui montre son cul = which shows her assDon't thank me, it's natural.....

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    Wrote Gee3

    if you just smiled an d were able to erase the gruesome ink, you would get superb votes

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    Wrote samurai1999

    frustrated boring photographer!

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    Wrote schwob69

    Goooood big NATURAL boobs! SUPERB

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    Wrote marcbi59


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    Wrote regaz

    Karen, i would like to taste test your sweet looking puffies and place something stiff inbetween them.

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    Wrote melina0595

    fantastic body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Wrote porn6_wat

    Thanks, thanks, thanks for showcasing youre beautiful (hot) assets. It's a superb pleasure to may look at you. I'm Berry from Holland, 50 years old, singleman. My wish is to may also receive some pictures of you privately. [email protected]

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    Wrote Ploff

    Fine Sue keep the posts coming. I recall your Kingswood shots Good.

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    Wrote SensualSe

    when you take em off?

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    Wrote shaunariley

    Stop taunting us & get those massive & gorgeous lookin tits o

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    Wrote blackluver

    I could bury my tongue in her till she screamed.

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    Wrote mick1

    Wow, I am amazed at how tasty you look!! You are all over stunning! Please post again soon! Oh the dirty things I would love to do to you! [email protected]

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    Wrote jacksone2


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    Wrote CumForYou83

    Well she has certainly got one beautiful culo and you tormentor have a nice hard-on. Would love to tongue fuck her asshole and eat that labia. So she shares your jizz-shotgun with others, that is a good thing and you should let her share her twat with others.

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    Wrote DoctorFuck

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    Wrote Nipman11

    I hope someone gets off on my tits. I'm raw just looking at everyone's pics on here. This is so joy, don't know why I ever left.

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    Wrote henryplando

    Boy, you got a problem. Get help.

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    Wrote Julien76xx

    you deserve a good fuck up the caboose.

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