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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Sexy and nude on a no naturist sand

    Hi. Very first time posting on Naturists but have been members for over a year now. We love to take pics and digital movies of us having bang-out. We have lots of pics and would love to trade with other couples / females.

    March 2025 22:47:16

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Playa spycam movie - donks and jugs

    A lady I been conversing with off tinder, one thing led to another and we embarked sexting. She sent me this vid to keep me entertained. Notice how her beaver contracts and bulges when she holds the wand on her love button.

    March 2025 1:47:51

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Nude Strand - Hot Dark-hued Fucking

    More pictures of my lovely wifey from the set of pictures which comprised our last contri. Can you believe she is thirty-ish? I am still attempting to woo her to be more "adventurous." Perhaps you can help?

    March 2025 18:47:49


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    Wrote sunnyyyt

    I am not queer, but this man sausage is so pretty that it almost makes me want to guzzle all of that spunk.

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    Wrote diggar

    Nice family photos, but doesn't belong here.

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    Wrote big_titty

    Excellent pics! I loved them the very first time you submitted them, too. Why are you submitting something you have submitted before? Won't she pose for you again???????

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    Wrote asiankitt

    Do you want to know what I think........GET NAKED!!!!!!!!!

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    Wrote teejay21

    Zaza, si...sans Didi!!!

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    Wrote firstking

    Dear Katie,

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    Wrote hamadashika

    awesome lady would love to spend some time with/in her nice love to see more [email protected]

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    Wrote cesar619

    BEAUTIFULL stunning gams as well doll a real woman

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    Wrote elbashasona

    I bet it grows

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    Wrote dundrum14

    very very ideal figure

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    Wrote penntoull

    Love the way you work that clit,i think we came at the same time.Come over to nudes a poppin in july.

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    Wrote limedust

    perfect nudist tubeHey,this was some proud momma's little boy.

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    Wrote Mannfred75

    Superb!!! Cant believe those comments! Piss reigns abd you are a Queen! U must be awesome in the Loo! Please keep door open! [email protected]

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    Wrote i4ublacki

    I love being naked too. It's so much nicer than wearing clothes. ittakes2269

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    Wrote lozo3

    If you are bored then you should have called me; I can make your day a entire lot better!

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    Wrote mikebi34

    supreme peach there, but why f - up the shots with all the editing?

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    Wrote bringinth

    Marianne, you've got a gorgeous looking bottom should be totally bared.

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    Wrote Bigmantri

    Geez, I sure do love (nekkid) skinny women with a nice rack... Thanks for sharing!

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    Wrote botorut

    GOD NO

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    Wrote neweramili

    My god I've died and gone to heaven

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    Wrote dirkdiggl

    Superb vote So hot very sexy Love to have you play with my 10inch man sausage big time, Love to see a lot more of that awesome bod, Your newest devotee. Taz.

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    Wrote Amad99

    Hola hermosa, ese culo estA? delicioso, que cosas no te harA­a, riquA­simo!juan_gj2

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    Wrote Nooneis

    much love Dayton!????

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    Wrote givemebaby

    che flick fantastico!! me lo hai fatto diventare subito duro!! impalati sui miei 22 cm!! [email protected]

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    Wrote sweetbott

    Superb!! She is a very beautiful and sexy woman! I would love to see some more photos of her gorgeous breasts! I love her gorgeous, totally clean-shaved, and very delicious looking pussy!

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    Wrote vlvr

    even your spread marks have stetch marks

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    Wrote school5xlx

    All ladies who give us a shot at what their paramour sees just before he does what he does best is worth a superb. Fine layout!

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    Wrote doitsu_jin

    ideal naturist tubehi from germany. you look very sexy with your black underwear and your boots. your tits are a desire. hope i hear from you. by rolf

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    Wrote sven007

    A sugary figurre of a REAL WOMAN, whose incrediblee hips I would love to get in between!!! SMALLER Titted WOMEN ROCK!!!!

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    Wrote bonjours1

    Hedo is a my fantasy, more pics of you in this wanderful place please !

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    Wrote moatboat

    Awesome1 I would love to eat that pussy! Thanks

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    Wrote aqualoon

    che sega con le tue splendide tette...son proprio 1000 e 1000 curve.....ciaoooo

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    Wrote LadiesmanN1

    And now you're "Ms pac man." What's next . . . you going to become "Donkey Kong?" How about Q-bert?" Let me know if you plan on going to "Space Invaders" at any point.

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    Wrote readyman123

    GREAT! Attempt to get some more, please! Thanks

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    Wrote Jeegzer

    what a sexy invitation to stuff your cunt

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    Wrote chivalocz

    I love your ass!!! I want your ass!!! let me gobble your ass!!! Would love to give your caboose some cock!!! What an ass!!! demonstrate me morejQuery110202663857084698975_1398277371352? [email protected]

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    Wrote Three-P

    Dear Peggy, very sexy and lean love to gobble your beaver

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    Wrote sex4pleas

    amici italiani e non,finalmente sta ripartendo al com pu trasgressiva italiana,desidera la mia ragazza,la com è gratuita basa registrarsi ,è divisa per aree,area cuckold,coppie,singole,bull,fotoscambio,incontri ecc,ptete anche alle

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    Wrote benjamin3

    Hey there DJ49er.....I wish you had an Legitimate inch manstick. then you could twist it around your gam and stuff it up your butt and go fuck yourself!

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    Wrote camoman2

    flawless naturist tubeGood set - you have a fantastic assets and indeed know how to taunt. I am so hard for you right now.

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    Wrote wetnwild65

    SUPERB!!!! You are so hot...please email me, I am dying to ask you for a favor! Your man is soooo lucky...i'd love to have a beautiful sexy pet like you!

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    Wrote darina_bl

    Loved them mmm delish

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    Wrote axelstoner

    I came back to look at Butterfly again. She is just as lovely as I remembered. Attraction few can match and made for loving.

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    Wrote cureton92

    All I can say is that you are a fantastic looking lady and please budge your mitts.

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    Wrote tomot6988

    Gracias por aceptar. Te invito a pasarte por mi perfil para ver mis movies y galerías de mi mujer peluda y yo, a ver si te gusta

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    Wrote xxvideoxx


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    Wrote caderreip

    Maravillosomas y masmehr und mehr

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    Wrote Malarkey

    there should be a weight limit to women on this site....what a turn off.....

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    Wrote anitajob

    I had to give you the highest vote, sweetie, You have the most delish, looking snatch. Please Jizz Back! I am wanking for you baby

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    Wrote hexe0961

    Classical and fantastic! Thanks very much for posting. PLEASE keep posting.

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    Wrote divedog1960

    brilliant naturist tubeDamn that is hot. A SUPERB vote and please let that sweet cootchie hair grow out some more

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    Wrote Jova

    Very nice contri of one fine good-lookin well-kept hottie! Have you ever been to Avalon in PawPaw, West Virginia? Look it up in your aanr book. VERY nice [email protected]

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    Wrote inannax

    Would love to stick my dick up that hot butt, as you fuck yourself w/ your faux-cock. Fuck all of the negative comments. You are hot and I would love to fellate my fountain in your mouth baby.

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    Wrote ladyrimmer

    Fine balls...nice jizz-shotgun.

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    Wrote Krauselmann

    the south's gonna do it aginwhat she look like now? I like southern belles, they are not too complicated.

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    Wrote dondm2003

    This is not facebook. What a crappy posting. Absolute nonsense even for facebook

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    Wrote erectwill

    ideal naturist tubeVery nice. Superb. Attempt some fresh poses, tho'.

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    Wrote bignatura

    Superlative.... lovely labia Stefi, please send more. Thanx for sharing, welcoming from Argentina [email protected]

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    Wrote altosalto

    good sjots, as usual. but i wished you'd taken your top off so i could see your gorgeous areolas! does he ever jism on them? you look supreme sucking a shaft while vibing yourself. wish i could give you some joy and some jizz.

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    Wrote Achab

    Too bad you didn't get a shot of her sneaking off to pinch a loaf!

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    Wrote bollicky40

    He didn't eat that fabulous sweet area's of her's.

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    Wrote KatyTravice


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    Wrote MisterFer

    Oh What Joy It Is To Rail Her In A Slay Tonight, Tonguing All The Way, Playing Doogie Deer Into The Night, Fine Post Folks, Very Tasty Looking, So Festive, LOL!

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    Wrote Hasuki

    Nice sexy undies.

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    Wrote xednorton

    ideal naturist tubewe also like you naked and yes we like you...

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    Wrote Byron6555

    You are very hot and sexy ... fantastic bod ...i love that sundress. more please smooches

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