We like to thank everyone who left us a nice comment on our last set "LITTLE BIT." We are looking for bi-fems and couples for a photo shoot. Please leave us a message on the bulletin board if you are interested.
March 2025 8:33:24
Hi you horny dogs, my horny spouse has been bugging me, to post some pictures, for months! so i agreed to reveal my bottom and a bit more...hope you like em, we loved taking them...He always gets sooo hard, i love his big thick cock!bye for now...xoxo
March 2025 14:19:14
By now most of you know Duran and I posted together many times. Well, when we desired to take more pictures the day of this shoot we found out that the batteries in our playthings were drained from over use, mostly with Duran. So, we resorted to other measures to sustain our level of entertainment.
March 2025 11:11:46
I love to pull your chain!
What an amazing body! Please share [email protected]
I'm so ripped inbetween being complimentary and sarcastic... Yeah, she's yours for now... I guess realistic wins.
I always thought that people were being respectful on this site, guess lots of you had a crappy weekend, heh. Good shots by the way.
love to see them Sixty-nine.
Nasty looking submerge so methinks nasty beaver.
I love your total bootie and your gorgeous, tasty vulva. Photo five is my beloved. Thanks.
what a DOLLnothing finer then two hard nips
Looks to be a nice body...uh, couldn't tell. Please take some more and next time...nothing but air in inbetween the camera lens and that body! ((Kitty looked good))([email protected])
looks like a joy big sexy honey. lets see some more latest and some shots of her donk.
Oh how I wish you were here in Jax, FL we me. What hot looking hard-on, I would resally love providing that bad boy some pleasure.
don't wink.
gams like a female elephant. Not that sexy, sorry.
Too bad she doesn't know what her mouth is for.
Wow. If you were attempting to turn me on, you suceeded.
God bless the woman + alcohol combination!!
this is not voyeurism. attempt something else.
What are the chances of taking this sweet lady to my island home for a month of wine women and song, much oral, anal,and any thing else she would wish of.
A fine pair of twins indeed!!
naturist beachesNice shots, would love to see here face. I've a softspot for Irish nymphs. Supreme assets [email protected]
I just luv to say arse
Good sexy joy pics...love to see more
she hot....love a lady that luvs sex!
Supreme Tits and lovely gams doll! [email protected]
naturist [email protected]
Can I fuck them while they suck your dick?
beautiful chick - fine gams - wish i could see your face
naturist beachesI would love to plant some seeds in your garden!
amazing tits, and the rest looks nice, too. bring your lovin to west texas.... [email protected]
get your twat out, you know you want us to wank over it! i will. do it now you dirty bitch!
Love that she shares with us.....fantastic body.really, indeed desirable....I would like some more of her...send to nurvr
Pretty too. [email protected]
Oh Mary... Mary, Mary, Mary!!! My, oh my... how have I missed your posts? You are SPECTACULAR, girl!! What a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL assets you have. I absolutely love your breasts... and those sweet pink nipples! Wow... and what a wonderful butt you have!! An
Que bundinha maravilhosa. Por favor continuemandando mais fotos. Vc e simplestemente perfeita.
Hi Carolina Boy.I get up to 95 all the time on biz with the government.Love to take a closer look.Hope to hear back.CG
Would love to see one of her arched over and pussylips spread open! Damn she looks hot.
WOW! What a fucking HOT body! Albeit I understand why, it sure would be nice to see her face. Lady, you have to be gorgeous.
Nothing like haveing a hot whore wifey i so lucky and u are too
unusual rush on your penis. im recomment: consult a doctor!
naturist beachesStop fucking and get to a clinic ASAP.
A picture of an arse is explicit????? You dumb moron.
NICE FUCKIN TITS !!!!!!!!!!!
EAT CHILI.............
naturist beachesNice bod, too bad the ink doesn't come off lightly.
Both of your contris are so Hot!!!!!!!Bella please let me eat your pussy,looks so tasty!!!!!!!!Superb vote!!!!!!I love your heels!!!!
I like your jeans...your melons and suntan lined booty cheeks!
can I rip off your clothes to see your beaver
Love her...she must be fine for those BJs! And that O-face is so fricking hot!!
Hot pics, looks like joy