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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Sensuous spycam In Strand Cabin Bathroom - Part 1

    Howdy Guys & Gals Very first of all i would like to wish Glad Fresh Year to everyone. I havent sent any pictures for the last Two months or so and after hubby's persuasion i determined to send you some more... I hope that you like them. You can see the rest of the series at my web site: Smooches

    March 2025 10:23:53

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Faggot Antique 50's - Ed Unshaved, On the Plage

    Hi, Like others, been a admirer for a lengthy time but never had the courage to submit (pictures, that is!). Thought I'd give it a attempt tho and see what happens. If the good people that look at these pictures think they're o.k. then I might just attempt something a bit riskier.....and why not? PDPME

    March 2025 2:14:26

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Mature masturbate at the strand with vibro

    Here's some more photos of Bambi I thought you might like. Hopefully I'll be watching her in a few weeks... would you like me to take some more photos of her to share with you? Any damsels in the SF North Bay want to model with her?? Love some more of this incredible woman...

    March 2025 21:50:49


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    Wrote rhodieguy

    I appreciate pretty, sexy feet but to pull it off you have to include gams, bootie, tits along with the peds pics. These aren't all that superb either so the other figure parts would have helped. Attempt again please.

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    Wrote warlock196

    cuanto tiempo sin ver ese culazo y esos hermosos pechos, sigues estando tremenda.Tenemos fotos nustras, podeis escribirnos a: [email protected] Besos

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    Wrote ukwolf

    flawless damsels. que poses hermosa mujer. si lo desean escriban a mi mail.

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    Wrote leeecker666

    boys moet toch goei goesting hebben om zijne lul in jou te steken.zelfs al ben je de laatste vrouw op aarde, steek ik hem nog liever in een molshoop.dan heb ik de hele wereld aan mijn kloten hangen.walgelijk wijf.

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    Wrote tonymicha

    Hey Peach..get some fresh glasses. REAL bad.

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    Wrote chbuck82

    Nice load!!

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    Wrote dingdongfr

    This is a wonderful woman.Hope to see much more of her

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    Wrote lovingten

    Gorgeous and superb!

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    Wrote weedwanker

    ...and that ass! Wow!

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    Wrote noobsaftp

    i loved very much... thank you

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    Wrote cannedup

    I like em big,

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    Wrote Donnersta

    love the way your big titties string up ready to be sucked. sexy kinks. love to see you on all 4's with titties suspend and hard nips ready

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    Wrote Ijhel

    WOW!!! She has an incredible body....and that's fairly a nice manstick too!! Thanks...hope to see more of you. -jay

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    Wrote h0tty

    summer time joy

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    Wrote hotraging

    Nice pair.

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    Wrote fatasslov

    where is the fuck??....upload the utter flick, mmmm is so hot!! thanks!

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    Wrote snyffer

    Supreme style.

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    Wrote gher

    Lose the undies demonstrate me more of that hairy labia.

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    Wrote canada2014

    Nice attempt, for a CD okay. Those who spam this comment section display that they cannot accept people which are differt than they are. But VW lives fom people that are different that others, not everyone has the nut sack to post pics of the gf or ladies that like their pics to be published.So pls be more tolenant - you want to be tolerated too.

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    Wrote Innocent-

    Only a hubby could appreciate.

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    Wrote dcthugina

    The very first photo promised a excellent shoot -

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    Wrote crazytuni

    I love you shots and I can see you are haveing joy, me to keep posting, what a assets

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    Wrote need2grow

    Kos has it all in all the shapes

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    Wrote SweedishE

    I wish your tits were real, you'd be ideal.

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    Wrote rimming-fan

    sweet taco/boobs-I'd eat her fingers!

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    Wrote JeromeSURI

    Supreme beauty. Love that figure. Super hot and sexy. Good tits and blowable puffies. Flawless bald pussy!!!! Thanks for sharing. Love to see more. [email protected]

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    Wrote scorpion01

    However, rigorously as a matter of aesthetics, you should have put the lid down on the restroom before you got engaged with the camera -- unless the open rest room is a sexual thing for you or her.

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    Wrote longpott

    All I can say is WOW ! If you are almost Sixty-nine years old you are beautiful!

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    Wrote nycapollo

    I would love to arch you over that sofa and fuck you in those nylons! I would love to hear from you.

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    Wrote Crosini011

    Superb! You are a very gorgeous and sexy woman! I love your gorgeous, utter and natural tits and notably your gorgeous, totally hairless, and very delicious looking pussy!

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    Wrote drakepiston

    Very nice little gal. I'd love to see more of her.

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    Wrote TinyUNC


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    Wrote manroker

    Hot sans a doubt Jenn.

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    Wrote Roundpaper

    Mandy, do not worry about your cheeks. I have a special rubdown mechanism that will not only restore them to standard, but will encourage you to take part in a special missile workout.

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    Wrote carp2


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    Wrote cappachin

    Inderdaad geil! Wat een heerlijke dikke lippen...zou d'r zo aan willen likken en proeven hoe lekker ze smaakt

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    Wrote skocak

    LUV YOUR HARD Puffies & SHAVEN Labia !!!!!!

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    Wrote CarlosY

    AWESOME, GORGEOUS breasts and sweet, blowable nips!! Would LOVE to see LOTS MORE of her!!! Would love to take LOTS of pics and cuddle and play with her all nite!!! dace1949@gmail

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    Wrote dielvond1

    love to have your ex/gf tits suspend in my face while stuffing her cootchie

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    Wrote raveendag

    Hot damn you are hot!!!! This 36 y.o. shaft got hard instantly looking at you . Thanks for displaying and would LOVE to see anything more that you have.

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    Wrote BAC1001


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    Wrote cemertu

    Lovely but erotic woman, with some excellent underwear also. We are a plus 55 duo that would love trading pics with you. email us at [email protected]

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    Wrote restonman

    Thank Mom,,,, hugh?

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    Wrote AlwaysLau

    - love her black panties; what joy would it be to hump her w

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    Wrote gostryder

    excellent bod but the face has to go ! Can you blur it out next time ?

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    Wrote BelgradeCD

    this someone must be some retard can't read the post at the commence just goes to showcase you what happens when your dad fucks his sis moron u r the lose

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    Wrote silverbac

    Sara:You are a sexy woman with a superb pair of tits!!!As you can see from most of the comments, you are admired and appreciated.Unfortunately this site is infested with puckers and morons who sense compelled to post childish, hateful remarks.If you have observed this site for any length of time, you will have noticed that even the most stunning of women have idiotic comments posted about them, asserting that they are photoshopped, have implants, or are trannys.IGNORE the rantings of the degenerate scum, and relish the admiration showered on you.Thanks so much for sharing!

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    Wrote buzby

    I get my back waxed, because I cannot reach back there. But for the rest, a razor and pruning mayo is the finer way to go. I cannot imagine having my pubes ripped out! You are braver than I, tormentor.

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    Wrote xednorton

    Superb attitude. Indeed loved it

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    Wrote altavis

    Nice vagina, could we see more of her?

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    Wrote bloodlight

    yes, very hot lady,luv the breast,please post more!!!!!! only thing i would switch is a finer man.

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    Wrote Flexible-

    Ever see the movie "Straw Dogs"?

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    Wrote bill94

    Nice manstick, would love to help you with it,

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    Wrote e28

    very hot, pretty face that looks even finer when she puts her mouth to work.

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    Wrote ville34

    typo error. Title should read as "Miami Blobs"

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    Wrote assslvr

    Courageous gal. Voted Superb.

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    Wrote xxxmad

    Best hangers ever

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    Wrote greeklove

    Good figure top to bottom. Clean skin, nice nippable puffies and indeed prettily built.

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    Wrote kev04

    99 % das brasileiras sA?o muita feias.

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    Wrote bipirate

    good vid Thanks for the posting

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