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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Inexperienced on the Strand - just married

    Here are some pictures of my sweet Arial. She is a 34 year old mom of two teenagers and just loves to have her picture taken. We have an archive of several hundred on our hard drive. Pls do not post email.

    March 2025 10:34:28

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Spanish Beauty From Plage To Couch BVR

    Sorry for the lengthy wait. Here are some pics of my fresh fiance pleasing herself. If you like these, wait until next month when we pleasure each other. Thanks for all the support. We will proceed to read each and every one of your well appreciated comments. Until next time---enjoy.

    March 2025 19:11:9

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    quick plage genitals shot spy 153, nice cameltoe

    This is a brief compilation well-prepped from our archived pictures. All pictures are taken from our 2007-2008 photo sessions. The pictures from this contri weren't posted before. Nikola truly likes THIS taste, that's why we have so much pictures with her face, and mouth utter of sperm.

    March 2025 15:16:49


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    Wrote klothomat

    Love the landing unclothe. Post more pictures please.

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    Wrote jaylove234

    This gorgeous woman-creature is and always will be a vessel for an amazing array sexual fantasies and longings

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    Wrote kiki3340

    Why bother coming back?

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    Wrote Velvetswa

    I'd luv to gobble your armpit , cootchie & pack you with my hard-on then pump my jism over your hot bod !!! Respect to that jizz-shotgun to !! :-) TYVM Xx [email protected]

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    Wrote Kotzen

    Can I jizm over too????????Please?

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    Wrote expectro19

    simply fantastic!!!

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    Wrote punkmast

    che peccato che abbiano tagliato le tue foto, un bel culo come il tuo andava mostrato per intero!

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    Wrote coitusmax

    Nothing to be even slightly timid about, those tits are fucking fantastic!! You should do a utter nude post because from what i can tell it would be great!!!! Or send total nude to me would be greatly appreciated! ;) [email protected] Thanks for sharing!!

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    Wrote kwlos

    That was awful.

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    Wrote davidrgrs

    nude nudismWTF is this? Only outsidenaked could possibly like this none post.

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    Wrote LordofPorn

    That big man rod makes my mouth water and my jaw ache just looking at it.

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    Wrote danzauto

    Love the HAIRY Pubic hair peeking out from the rear view. MORE of THAT, please.

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    Wrote pebbles6009

    Is it significant to keep your beaver cool while killing something?

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    Wrote jomfruen

    nude nudismI perceive like big sausages

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    Wrote deadjoker

    I have never toyed with one but yours sure makes me want to. VERY nice. I would love to attempt to pleasure that.

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    Wrote the_dealer

    Would indeed like to see more!! The pics are going in the right direction. Your hot darlin.

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    Wrote teenlover67

    Lovely hairless shaft, so sleek, love pruning to, maybe we could suck eachother off and fuck each other.

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    Wrote eric_69

    Supreme pics and I get the same treatment most nights so know how much joy it can be. Keep posting

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    Wrote karlkerl

    I just should NOT attempt to post from my phone! As I was saying...having some pervy neighbors would be a hoot! Thanks again, & y'all love your can find us on the porch!!

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    Wrote porterhaus5

    Thanks for the response. As a further comment, I am fairly taken with what I call your hookup saddle. The area from your tummy button down to your upper hips. I like to have my counterpart in lovemaking lie back, gams together and me above and in her with my gams sitting astride her hips. I raise up and see as I stroke in and out. The bang-out saddle looks so arousing in that position. Yours is awesome. I'd lke to be in your saddle.

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    Wrote Jasper50

    Nice!, Last pic drives me wild. Get tired o looking at nurdy nymphs.

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    Wrote marino90210

    mi amor eres la mas bella y deseada estas divina para hacerte de todo un beso...

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    Wrote bluebird10

    Oh hell yes love your booty. Would grab your hips and rail for hours. Do I see some sexy thicket on your sweet pussy? dave_fun

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    Wrote roligkar

    BOBO Why the fuck do you subscribe here All you seem to do is slag off people

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    Wrote partymanny

    Eh Valkiria,quem te viu e quem te ve,vc continua gostosa,se lembra de mim?? o Neg@o do colegio,eu ja bati varias em sua homenagem,mande mais fotos,PS,vc e ainda casada com aquele BABACA???

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    Wrote lucky181

    Another woman who needs her face blurred out because she's so ashamed of being seen on a plage. Sad. What a waste of a flawless bod.

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    Wrote verybi

    nice tits but to far a part

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    Wrote colin123

    Nice Double penetration and cum-shots.

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    Wrote Heinrich69

    nude naturismThat is one oddly shaped woman

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    Wrote zbzbzbzb

    Trim and fit and hot hot hot...ya stunner LEGGS UPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Wrote semenmania

    remind me not to drink out of that cup if i'm ever there.

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    Wrote ishp

    Dump the photog if you're serious.

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    Wrote Hung8inch

    tof eens een vlaamse blote billenshow ,ja toch he ???????

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    Wrote drwho6

    thank you for kicking off my day so well

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    Wrote facciomale

    Did she hear your camera or something?

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    Wrote darkelf829

    You indeed have it all!!What a magnificent bod and what an Caboose you have!!It must be so damn amazing to do you doggystyle and witness those bum cheeks bouncing all over...

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    Wrote gyoll

    That is one hot hot woman if she's a supreme fuck she is a keeper!

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    Wrote bolchevixxx

    A lovely mature beauty!!

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    Wrote IHaveANew

    nude naturismshe is very hot, fine figure, beautiful face, I love her eyes.

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    Wrote cumsecs

    superb shots. Where did you get the head for the wand?

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    Wrote easy_going_

    Come to Greece and find me at the beaches of Macedonia's province!

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    Wrote hajarupaiya

    shall i put my finger in that fuck hole

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    Wrote here-eye-

    kinda scary. please do not post again

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    Wrote johntherock

    love the little titties and the amazon jungle

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    Wrote Pornfan1

    Not fairly nude enough to fit the theme.

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    Wrote average14

    i have missed you....its nice to see you again.

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    Wrote coolguy48

    nude naturismHold that pose luv, while I slip into something more comfy. Meaning you;) it's gonna hurt a little;)

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    Wrote triangle2

    superb! superb! superb!ciao ambaramba!complimenti per le foto!sei stupenda! sei davvero molto molto sexy ed eccitante! hai un corpo perfetto!sei la ragazza dei miei sogni!spero di poterti incontrare un giorno! se ti interess

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    Wrote fullthrot

    this candid stuff is fine. superb.

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    Wrote gatago

    Please more of this angel and her hot fountain.

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    Wrote ashoemanro

    lets live it up. gr8 post well done. bring your woman and strawbs n juices and live it up.... jacqui

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    Wrote hopping

    we voted the best! Pleases send more!

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    Wrote iwantoneo

    Ho Amanda,

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    Wrote tommtomm5

    She is very sexy. I would love to help with her. You are one lucky man. Care to share her with others. Are you in Florida?Mike

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    Wrote billy38

    I would give anything to be there when you get horny. Two very stimulating aphrodisiacs for me would be would come from your being horny. I love the smell of an excited female. And when a female gets horny, she give off scnt from her cootchie. It is very arousing to me. Also the taste of her liquid excitement turns me on like very things do. 'd love to mell you and tatste you. As far as my masturbating is worried, I said in nother comment, I havn't mastyrbated a in years. But, maybe if you keep posting and very likely if you would react to my commnts, I miht take it up again. Your voluptuousness has some very aphrodsiac qualities to it. I'm fairly taken by its erotic promise.

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    Wrote criscrimint

    awesome, get more !!!

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    Wrote BiMale35

    Terrific. A woman who emerges real and warm. More, please!

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    Wrote jamesdean51

    I'm sure your weekend will be awesome...the way it's commencing out, how could it be otherwise...?

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    Wrote cybersexman

    nice assmore nudes please

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    Wrote florige

    take this dog away...

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    Wrote cocktocock

    Before lovemaking the vagina looks like a fresh blooming flower, after romp it looks like a bulldogs face after it cleaned out a jar of mayonaise.

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    Wrote tanda36d

    nude naturismIt's a fucking MANATEE!!! I thought that this was for humans only!!

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    Wrote milence73

    She need a good spanking.

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    Wrote aldotty

    Thank's for sharing;{b

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    Wrote manyescor

    I would pull that neck corset back taut while I drove my man sausage in your ass.dave_fun

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