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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Japanese Grizzly Nude on the Playa

    It is beginning to get warm again, and we thought we would send the 2nd set of Enna lightly clothed. She had done some reading on the balcony that day, and toward late afternoon we determined to go out to take a few pictures. She put her high-heeled slippers and a sundress on, and out we went.

    March 2025 5:41:28

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    NOT My grandmother trained at the sand

    This is My Wifey Miz Shiesty Luv I took these pics on Holloween of 98 & 99 1998 she was Legitimate , she is clothed (as little as possible) in black 1999 you guessed it Nineteen, clothed in crimson. no pics for 2000. 8 months prego. and thinks she is too fat.

    March 2025 3:32:26

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Monster Manstick Daddy at the Playa

    Visto il successo vi mando unaltro contributo delle mie amichette mi raccomando votatemi che cosi mi aiutate a inviare altri contributi Hi i have seen you like many that my friend so i have post other contribute hope like it please vote me so you help me for fresh contribute

    March 2025 11:44:9


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    Wrote cirecela

    Samantha, nice set, love your prior ones, too. Excellent sweet little bootie, nice lengthy slender gams, lovely sexy slender assets, love your sexy silky lengthy black hair, your sexy stockings and knickers, love to see your sweet little titties, love to see your face, or a

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    Wrote RamonaLo

    You like to continiu and I like to see the entire woman not just her beautiful ass!

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    Wrote lefty1224

    Would love to see total figure shots [email protected] Perceive like playing tag with an Aussie couple?

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    Wrote devoterma

    Black and milky photo's suck. They peculiarly suck when they are so photoshopped to hell.

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    Wrote Jack1987

    I would love to be the boy who gets to fuck her every day. I like to jizm at least two times every day so I think we would indeed get along well. She wouldn't need to buy a lot of clothing.

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    Wrote succhiame

    hell yeah - you're a bizarre tramp i'd love to fuck in all your fuckholes - your bootie looks so good from behind and sure you'd love having it rammed with my manstick and and then packed with warm jizz - keep wearing the stockings and hopefully high-heeled shoes - i

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    Wrote Depravity

    You are a very beautiful youthfull woman. How about some fully nude photos? Fine figure.

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    Wrote KimGoodwin

    haven't voted skimpy in a lengthy time. please reminisce to take your meds EVERY day

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    Wrote tellrand


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    Wrote Ih8breast

    Good photo's!!!Nice and sleek. Wish I was there!!

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    Wrote Gentlman1

    Have her do a flick talking about being a damsel with big guys have loved guys look at them...dirty talking....HOT!

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    Wrote avamarie73

    love to suck on your tits. and more. moonzz8

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    Wrote biathlete

    There is not one bad part of Tammy.....but I would very first go pouch deep on that fantastic bootie.

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    Wrote kovit16

    I'm with dabone, please stop. We'll even take up a collection if it would help. Hey pasty, see the old cut/paste is still working for you.

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    Wrote djsubterr

    cant help it got a thing for you tits thare grate thanks

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    Wrote kinky_pri

    jane also 50+ i would love to mae love to yuo honey u got me so errect wow pls e mail me ok

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    Wrote hammerluver

    Not much PUBLIC, and you've chopped your face out of the pictures. You're obviously FAR too ashamed to indeed be seen "exposed in public", so why bother?

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    Wrote JSMoody

    Nou van die belge moeten we het ook niet bevben!!!!!!!!!!!!!Uit met die zemkledij en in de blte kont graag .Maar er word door jullie meer ingezonden dan de nederlanders ,dus wij zijn minder vrij? ja een grote mond dat hebben ze hier wel??????

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    Wrote fkkfan

    Everyone has a right to smoke in my opinion, but just so the ladies know, it DOES age you way beyond your years. So if you desire to stay youthful looking with sleek skin and perky figure as lengthy as possible, please throw away the smokes.

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    Wrote bonvoyeur

    I have said it before, and I will say it again. When in Greece do as the Greeks do. Therefore this 38 year old [really?] Greek godess gets three stimulating deluxe missile exercises. The Greek way, naturally.

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    Wrote KaraJay

    yummy sexy alice, what a beauty of a've got it all and slew of it. love all your posts ans contris. thanks for barin' it & sharin' it!!

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    Wrote mlanky

    I love women with pubic hair

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    Wrote Curt_Nickel

    so lovely emili, i just suggest to flash more of her tits ;o)

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    Wrote Bangkok_us

    get ready for my sperm to blanket your figure

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    Wrote Sven40

    Nothing nicer than your flawless natural tits-i love them-they are tits which i would lick,suck,play with, jizz on, have a titwank,turn you on by licking,stare at endlessly and sleep on!Send me more pics-i would love to see more!!Thanks gorgeous

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    Wrote azest

    From Cathy and Jay realy lovely breast but Jay realy loves your tummy and hips.

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    Wrote FoxyElisse

    Oh my. That last pic makes me think of french smooching your lovely lips. Thank you for sharing such sexy [email protected]

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    Wrote bentborg2

    naked sleep playaWOW!!! What an AWESOME woman!!!GORGEOUS face, AWESOME body!!! Would sure LOVE to see LOTS MORE!!!!

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    Wrote cpc83

    one hot hot lady! I love the eyes, the hairless vulva all perky and ready and I'd love to see both your cums all over her blowable tits

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    Wrote meatwich

    You can stop now.

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    Wrote teodora57

    Would love to see more buddyw123@hotmail send me some pics of your self when you are experiencing wild.

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    Wrote harryjonson

    brilliant Yvonne

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    Wrote mmm50

    naked sleep playaPlease, do not post again til you lose 50 pounds.

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    Wrote northern_

    I like your profile pic.

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    Wrote bigjuanpa

    I would be willing to forgo taking your picture and go directly to the "good mood" part. ron 327 @

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    Wrote sch124

    Nice shots, including an original close-up view of her pleasure button. Would like to see more her gorgeous tis.....

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    Wrote lausebeng

    NO! just you being tragically boring.

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    Wrote DR99

    naked sleep strandvery nice, i would love to taste that twat

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    Wrote riddler420

    and this time we can see her pretty face too

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    Wrote RFX

    you look amazing......very sexy and erotic.....i could just well bounce and feel/squeeze those tits....they are amazing....and those puffies are super succulent and mouth-watering...gosh what a turn-on....wooohoo!!

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    Wrote Vinnys

    Love to see a man love his hard-on. Looks like joy. Nice looking manstick too.

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    Wrote zakynthos

    Smooches and licks on your pink parts from

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    Wrote kihem

    You've got to be kidding, right? This site is mainly for the viewing of naked women, but I guess catering to the homosexuals is only politically correct. (I don't have to like it though)

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    Wrote prot2


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    Wrote babojay

    Very hot but gasped at that pubic hair. Cut, hack, trim, thatch, and then go for laser hair removal. You'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner.

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    Wrote jeanderodez

    so did you fuck her?

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    Wrote dukeduke1


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    Wrote peepfw

    hi" i think your pics are good and me and my damsel like to do the samething. it is nice sometimes to just see a little then a lot at very first you can email us at [email protected] and we can talk. thanks

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    Wrote Ernesto33

    TrA©s jolie mais pour l'exhib: nulleLes "spectateurs" sont derriA?re et regardent...le photographe !

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    Wrote olch

    Ciao bella gnocca, sei bellissima ed il tuo culetto e' una vera e propria opera d'arte!!! baciotti

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    Wrote motorarz

    This is Wife5 if anybody's been following the postings. Hope you like it!

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    Wrote marit11

    dual yuk

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    Wrote Jack_Meeoff

    Love to have my big milky jizz-shotgun in that thing!!nice pussy!!

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    Wrote emiel098

    I would have to kneel and have a taste of that pink.

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    Wrote BlackHole13

    It would be hard to determine which slot to eat very first. Think I would go for the culo very first.

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    Wrote blowjob66

    It is lighter to find a japanese bike than a beautiful doll in those rallies

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    Wrote ldn1234

    I have commented on your snatch shots before. I love the looks of your fabulously sexy labia. You say in this contri it is the way your man likes it. Well, I have to say he has good taste. And I mean that all the ways you can take it. I'd love to taste you. I'd love to have you sit on my face and paw your sweetness all over it. I want to practice the thrill of you jizzing on my face or and in my mouth. Oral lovemaking of any persuation would be fantastic with your sweet cunt. I wish I could say it is the beaver I have in my sofa.

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