Florence Afternoon Joy - Sometime we use to spend some hours fucking hard. Capita che ci troviamo in questo appartamento ( effettivamente poco decoroso ) per ovvi motivi. Qualche coppia intrigata dai nostri giochi ? Capitiamo spesso a Prato quindi....pratesi avanti ! ( orari 16 - 20 )
March 2025 3:37:42
Hi everyone. This is the love of my life. Married 22 years and she still gets me hot. These are the very first pictures we ever took to post online. Let us know what you think. She's not bashful but would love to know if anyone wants to see more. Thanks.
March 2025 6:2:27
Tiene 50 años y sigue sunburn caliente como el primer dia. Como vereis tiene un culo estupendo. Somos españoles, cambiariamos fotos. Haced buenos comentarios y mandaremos pronto otra serie. Gracias amigos.
March 2025 1:54:32
plane butt & faux titties ... rednecks should luv this bullshit !
Delicious,,,,,,,,,other pic's?.....)[email protected]
Absolutely gorgeous tits! I'd love to see more. [email protected]
Sandfly, you've made it once againI trully luved your comments.By the way, it's spelled "service"...TC
very beautiful preggo bod, voluptuous hairy pussy!
more-no clothes and get a real camera
BORING, go away
You do have supreme gams.
Utter pubic hair best.Blurred face - too bad.Thanks.
This is not the jizz-shotgun flash section. Stop this shit.
You are totally sexy and gorgeous from head to toe. Never get tired of your contri's... keep them coming. Love All of YOU!!!
they are pretty spectacular! thanks [email protected]
ca c'est de l'exhib
Thanks Four posting
done with this site. Peach and other commenters are fucking morons.
Very nice jugs and assets
is it effortless to fuck in an all nude disrobe barex gf from YEARS ago??? the pics say dec 2006...are you in some kind of fucking time warp?????
iS thaT thE waX oFF thE cukE ';- )
Please, more gams and culo.
ooo i'm 1st
thank you!!! you're absolutly stunning,and your pictures revved me on to such a degree that after parading around for two hours with an erection my wifey determined to take advantage of my situation.
chevelure d'ange
BURBR is an idiot. These are the best strand pics I've seen in a while.
i waS noT borN witH enougH middlE fingerS tO gradE yoU properlY!! sO holD stiLL whilE i piSS iN youR facE
superb butt on your whore..ever share her??
Esta puta esta rebuena, te cobra 100 mangos, pero te hace unos petes de aquellos...asi que si la ven...suele andar por la cabaA±a....con el marido....
Looks damn good, but next time, concentrate the camera, for eyeing her in a blur does her and us no good.
Hi...! Thanks for the invite
Needs a little finer razor work
wifey n I love it.....we are admirers. Its superb to have a hot kinky wife...and obviously keeping her high-heeled slippers on during the bj...a must! . . [email protected]
is it effortless to fuck in an all nude unclothe barI would like to paw them, suck them,make you moist, then eat up the juices.
Like to see more off you what a super sexy woman you are welcoming from holland like to showcase you my pictures mmmm [email protected]
I vote superb. I love your tits. They are brilliant and you are super-hot. Thanks so much for sharing.
Dear Gawd Grandpa what the hell were you thinking? I have seen socks on a rooster that was sexier. Get some help.
wonderful sexy Lady!
guess it seems sexier when doing it and filming it than while watching
wow... you're indeed sexy... nice assets
superb figure, love those big thick hips YUM!!!
I'd love to see your PP and I'd like to taste of PP. Having you PP in my mouth would be so erotic and stimulating. Munching and sucking your PP is on my bucket list. You are so insatiable, nasy and down right dirty when you display your PP. A PP is a pretty cootchie. You very likely thought I meant something else, didn't you. You have a dirty mind thinking I meant something else. I truly do like to taste a pretty snatch. May I taste yours?
Can't stand faux tits, but other than that . . . .
is it effortless to fuck in an all nude unwrap barYou had some joy taking pics,I have some with them.Want me to flash you?
Voted superb and thought you were the best. If you have more to send I would appreciate them. Thank you Robert
How did we miss you before?!?!? I hope you're still checking your comments.... You look FABULOUS!!! So ultra-cute and such a awesome bod. You carry pregnancy off beautifully! We'd LOVE to see you getting plowed from behind!
I think I fucked her last night...
muy zorra, no hacen trios?
You must be hard up mate if have to play with her.
Please post the same type pics with a little pair of Undies on...
SUPERB SUPERB SUPERB, please send me some of your pics withopen gams, want see your open [email protected]
Next time come back wearing suntan, or milky hip high Nylon stockings, and display your sexy feet and toes too! Then I will vote superb the next time.
Looks sexy, but I'd like to see more of her naked bod - [email protected]
lol.... planted posted and executed... :-) ....o'h my wha??
Get rid of the blower. This is not the site for that.
would love to see more..Lovely
I love your contris and I can imagine you talking dirty with that sweet accent!
Sei bellissima.Sono venuto + volte sulle tue foto.Ti ho votato.Ti ho dato il massimo.
is it effortless to fuck in an all nude unclothe barvery nice string.lolyou are very beautiful we voted superb
GD that was hot.
WOW! WOW! WOW!!!You are MARVELLOUS!I love that classical cello figure with a so desirable back.It's a pitty that we cannot see the front.Such beauty claims for utter nakedeness and more light in the pictures.So, could you send som
hi habt ihr eagerness mit uns, sie26 er29 bilder zu tauschen? emailt uns doch einfach mal. danke. [email protected]
Amei essa praia e vc eh linda. Gostaria de saber onde fica esse lugar maravilhoso.
amazing assets, just need nicer pics to showcase it off nicer.
Finer shot than normally seen in a set like this.
Voted Superb!!! Gosh how nice she isTo me you are top class!!!Wow!! Very nice and sexy!What a beauty you are-a true beautyI think you have an amazing figure â Very nice breasts too
You must consider "in public" pix!With those gams and tits,a mini miniskirt worn in the right places would be great.Bent over in a store or "up skirt" at a bar or restaurant would be daring!
superb, take off your footwear for me after the taunt. [email protected]
[email protected]
is it effortless to fuck in an all nude disrobe barWow Trusie I love looking at your gorgeous bod you are a very sexy woman thanks for displaying your stunning bod I want to see more of your very sexy figure [email protected]
More pics of her,, Less bullshit from you.
Babe,Nice bum and well defined sunburn lines!Please send me some pictures of your nude ass.Thanks for showing.Petrovi [email protected]
Watta loada crap!
You could have used zoom more often. Maria Redhead