Hi, Viewers and Team. lost a bet. Didn't think she would climb that tree than flash (at least she was incapable to make it to the top). Oh well.....(lol). 44 YO, mom, paramour, reasonable form. Plays well with others. Love. Al & Pat
March 2025 2:49:16
My gf is insatiable all year. Her only way to insure you get gifts is to wait for Santa to demonstrate up on Christmas Eve. She will have a introduce for him to unwrap and hopefully he will leave her a few introduces in come back.
March 2025 16:17:4
My wifey was getting ready for a big wedding we attended this Sunday. This is what she goes throug to get ready , and what see needs underneath to hold in her broad arse. Lets hear comments on 49 year old Girdle Mommy
March 2025 22:38:57
she's hot, you're not.
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get it clipped queer boy
I'd love to pound you indeed good!!! You sexxxy thang!!!
don't post in RC...send photos to chubbychasers.com
yaaawwwwnnnnn this is what this web site has become....yaaawwwnnnn
Hi Kitty,
tambem achei uma gostosura, Empreste para mim provar tambem? Alo gostosura, como esta?? Beijos na sua vagina! Kissesk from Brasil!
Beautiful and SexyI'd love to do you
absolutely awesome again...thanks michelle
I am a 29 year old bisexual woman and absolutely adore you..
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I want so bad to arch you over and munch that vulva and asshole till I made you jizz all over my face. then I would want you cowgirl railing me till I was ready to jizz, and I would LOVE to see you on your knees looking up at me with those beautiful blue eyes as i spunk all over you face and fantastic tits! PLEASE post more shortly
Guess..... Ok, well I guess "perfect". Yay! I was right!!! I almost couldn't stand leaving one picture to go to the next, but each one was even nicer than the one before! Damn, where do I find one like this girl???????
You are a walking, talking work of art! If I had access to your insanely fine self, I'd think I had died and gone to heaven.
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Kira, kira, kira... what a beautiful cunt you have.
Don't Let This Bitch Into This Country.
Daddy likes the youthfull ladies
Milky undies indeed suck.
Drop those drawers !!!!!!!!!
It is just me, or do the rest of you notice how every time the intro starts out "she doesn't think she's all that"....SHE'S RIGHT!!!!!!!!!
Fine photo, love your curves!!! Please post more!
how boring is that
I'd begin by smooching her lovely face if I could only see it.
Excellent bum and tits like to fuck you in the face
Am going to guess that pic 8 or Nine is your old lady , and as to pic Four take a good look ladies thats what faux tits look like when you get older.
Think it was for hubby too
She either has big palms or your dick is pretty petite.
supreme everything!pussy, asshole, gams
Awesome! What a hot babe!
Do you ever pose with a stiff dick in your vagina or mouth?
Bull SH*T. She knew u were there - All set up
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Tp notch. we are there often. Keep it up it keeps you young.lol
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44 y ?
Gotta love LBFM's!
That is a GORGEOUS snatch. Bald slick sassy.
i like the way you're airing that thing out!
most wonderful curves....very hot
Just absolutely delicious. Can't wait to see the next part. Hope there's a story to come, like maybe a Fresh Year's four-way? Lady, you are one HOT broad!
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nice looking cunt. I want to munch you until u jizz in my mouth and fuck your hot arse
Hey, very voluptuous and inviting shots. Love that soft cootchie hair. I'd love watching much more of that sweet, eatable vulva.
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Another lose, is it cold out or shy??
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Do you also have a picture of her butt?
Superb post. Don't wait too lengthy before you attempt this again. She would love to be munched clean aftr the Two explosions are put in her.
Wenn Sie sich so bA?ckt... ficken, ficken, ficken!
uk fay ouya in the garage, nes pas?
Voted superb - the last pic took my breath away.
I think your hot despite other remarks .Would you like toemail me [email protected]
Superb here too!
I'd suck that and finger fuck it for days... Mrs. Sky....
WOW!!!!really lovely girl...i wish to munch all of her...at the nice booty to incredible titsto passing for a SUPERB pussy...wehn i desire i jizm on your pics
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I am just going to extend a HUGGGEEEEEE thank you to Redbunny to following thru with her promise to mail her undies to me. I don't think that there are words in the English language to tell you just how incredible she smells and tastes. To say it is an never-to-be-forgotten practice is so inadequate. I am now officially in Enthusiasm with this gorgeous sexy wonderful woman. Thank you Bunny!
fit assets and i'd certainly suck those pert tits - superb - thank you
Female is a gender, not a species.How fucking dumb can you get?Homo Sapiens is the genus and species. That term is also 'genus' not 'genius', bonebrain.Throw your camera away, get a life, and get more than a very first grade
looks like it could have been a good contribution, but your subject matter is soooo far away I couldn't see her.
The final pic shows Michelle loosening drink a cup of coffee thinking about all the ironing she has to do.She is amazing and one hell of a good ironer. She got all of the wrinkles out of my hard-on sans lifting a finger!I love a wo
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WoW what an amazing rack keep them coming
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