Thanks to all for the good comments! We Indeed liked them. To all of you with not so nice comments, shame on you! Hope you love these fresh pics. Any 40 something couples that want to trade, leave us your e-mail. P.S. Wifey came Trio times thinking about posting these pics!
March 2025 11:36:23
My Old Honey took me to a Couch & Breakfast retreat for Valentines Day. I like to play when i'm away ! There are also some RC type shots - but I think I'm too timid to send them. I do have another post that shows my Titties - they're spectacular. See more of me afterwards.
March 2025 7:36:42
Stanco di poter vedere solo le foto delle fidanzate altrui vi voglio fare ammirare anche la mia! Scusate se non vi faccio vedere anche la faccia ma mi ammazzerebbe se solo lo sapesse. Ne seguiranno altre, molte altre!!!
March 2025 5:38:26
hot and fine shots, sure the very first time? that faux shaft is pretty thick and lengthy, love the shots of that contraption deep in your hot asshole - and ah love meaty lips - excellent to play with while doing your asshole with tongue and thumbs and afterward on fucking it
ALL THAT for NO FACE and a pair of boobs??????SERIOUSLY????
I got your pleasure gel right here!
He's dangled like a 12 year old boy....geez....
Hot Scrub-A-Dubable buns ;-)
very nice more would be superb ...
Now that is a beautiful bod I'd love to manhandle in a sexy joy packed way. I just find hairless and slick so very erotic. I'd spend hours eating that!
complimenti angela, bella modella e belle foto. le tue foto parlano di te?
One naked chick and no cootchie shot? Just a lot of tits.. Yawn...
Rox, trouble is you still look like the man you are, even with the faux tits!
I liked the pink garb. I would have liked at least one photo with you standing in it. Oh well. Love the boots and the smile. Thanks Juliette for demonstrating your [email protected]
Good tits .. Fugly shoes!
ciao sono un voyer 38 enne, amante delle situazioni intriganti, ma pulite!!!! avete la mia mail sono molto serio P.s. Potrei realizzare ogni Vs. desiderio.
AWESOME Figure, glad to see some pubic hair.
loved it...especially her saying."what are you doing, baby??" Priceless!!
Can I also comment if I DON'T want to see more of you? Less is best.
Wow, you got a bit crazy on us!
Tangie, I hate you. (just joking)
granny naturist photographsHallo sehr schöne Bilder von euch
Baby that assets is hot. you got this black man accomplish attention.
beautiful bod. i would hop that in a heart right there on the sofa. please make some more pics. and maybe a movie. would love to see that sweet labia and arse getting what it needs. email me for help or hints. thanks.
doesn`t look good on pic 6,it would be nicer sans it
why you post stolen pictures? you have no woman?
trick or treat.... Your aficionado [email protected]
granny naturist photographsGood pics, sexy lady, thanks for sharing. We are a 40ish married duo who have also posted a contri on VW, and love private photo and private xchanges with like minded couples. [email protected] We hope you are like minded, and welcum back!
you all are faggots ,,this is a real pusssy ..ausssie and the rest are called platttpusyyyyy///lol
Do you keep your driver's id or social security number in your thumb's nail?
BEAUTIFUL!! GORGEOUS!! AMAZING!! BREATHTAKING!! There is nothing in the world as YUMMY as a knocked up woman! Send lot's more pics soon!
Excellent SHooting! We would love to see more. We are 22/27 from Germany and love to see and flash. pls contact us! (other couples or damsels are also welcome)
TOP notch pics...but then for a Bombshell, that ain't nuthinn' fresh huh???
Superb set of pics Thanks votes superb
this is sexy as hell
superb figure, nice tits, love to see you with your undies off, very hot, very nice, let's see more. [email protected]
assets looks beautifullook forward to next post
Like to munch that bootie and feet
So where's the nudity?
woooow....Altschlampen sind einfach nur geil.....
granny naturist photographsNasty is one thing BUTT fucking N i g g e r s is another. Nasty plus! &$@%#^%.
These would be supreme if I was a silk worm BUT I AINT!
hes a lumberjack and hes alrighthe sleeps all day,and fucks homos all night.fuck off puff
Excellent, Aniceswed! Mail me:
Polski good looking and I would love to have those gams packaged around me.
So much potential. Homeclips please.
You should leave the blindfold on, and invite ten friends over and let them add their fountains to her mouth. You'd love watching, they'd love fucking her face, and she would love not knowing exactly who was feeding her.
deine email Sven ?
A superb vote, not so much for the camera work, but she is just so sexy. You must have done some RC photos, if not, shame on you.haha Thank her for me.
Smacks like a shemale to me. But whatever. Totally inappropriate comment by "panhandler" tho, always flag a racist.
just another nude vulva, nothing titillating, no activity, take it to Private Shots
Nothing dumber than throating a rubber....
ciao anche noi vi [email protected]
She's wonderful!!! Thank you!!
yeah, I'm horny, wanna fuck, but people are around. I don't care, me neither, lets fuck!!! hilarious vid
Looks like Anderia.
You are the ultimate tease!
gotta like the piercings, how about a bud piercing as well?
Now that's the right fuckhole. Awesome. Too bad she's an ex. Looks like a keeper to me.
...what ever turns you on!...turns me off!
Buddy...when she is mad you will know it...LOL I said wrong once while she was getting ready for couch and chased me naked...I didnt put up much of a fight... ; )