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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Daria Glover Anal on the Plage

    Just a ordinary little silver ring thru the labia. We thought we would share a steamy afternoon of hook-up with you all. Please provide positive comments as this truly just gets you more. We should have some for the bathing suit contest next visit. Hoping to make the HOF with a shot.

    March 2025 22:38:40

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Shameless naturists fucking on the playa

    It was good to receive so many nice e-mails from my fresh devotees. I didn't know I would get many requests for my breast shots. I want to say thank you for all the ones who gave me positive remarks about my pictures.

    March 2025 6:37:52

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Fully Clad Fuck on the Plage

    Thanks for all the supreme comments everyone. Were truly glad you luved the very first bunch of pictures sent in. Here are more pictures taken by a friend of ours. He did a good job and we had a ton of joy that night.

    March 2025 23:37:37


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    Wrote Aristippo

    Has potental tho

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    Wrote sync923

    Knockers look fine to me fantastic body!

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    Wrote Hotcock01

    Give that sow a mud pit to wallow in!

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    Wrote Loripetny

    The very first bit of pictures were too dark to see anything. Then when you can eventually see her, she's covered up in some stupid blue apparel. She's gorgeous, but this is Naturists. Leave the clothes on the floor next time.

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    Wrote SexMidas

    That's the same duo from that other awesome plage spy set. Now I'm thinking that maybe that wasn't so much a spy video...But still awesome.

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    Wrote bi-stud-m

    pic Nine is awesome. splay on it.

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    Wrote ckatt

    tie you too the sofa. THAT'S what I want to see!. Sexy post... lovin it.Once you are tied to the sofa. put the post in HomeClips for us.... Please?

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    Wrote Nanatoucher

    this is one nasty hot woman,....and by the looks, OBVIOUSLY LOVES HOT Fuck-a-thon !

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    Wrote aktivtpar

    Oooh Baby I luv your floss! I luv how it vanishes into your sweet little tushy! And I would luv to strap it to my face and snuffle it all night long!

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    Wrote bobinsocal

    This is most likely the most bizarre conti of the year.

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    Wrote kenbilt

    Kickin what?

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    Wrote KeyserSoze

    Dear saabie,you made my dayjust the way I love you..nudenice culo nice titttiesplus vulva munching good

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    Wrote rolando797

    Now THIS is an fledgling.

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    Wrote rspop21

    can i order this for christmas to under my tree

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    Wrote xMichael-x

    Mmmmmmm gorgeous! Would love to see more please mail me at [email protected] Thank you! :-)

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    Wrote footboywes

    smoking hot bod. love those tits and puffies. would you sit on my face, play with your tits while i eat you inwards. then jizz in my mouth?? would like to tittie fuck you

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    Wrote renoren

    After a day sunning nude you must have been very horny, so nothing finer than a cold mayo soothing rubdown. Then, I would love to have you rail my face.

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    Wrote sucher1970

    WOOOWWW, What a sexy hot diva you are...

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    Wrote vin_jordan

    awesome pussy! ideal for a lengthy night of tongue work!!

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    Wrote glove_boy

    master lolo

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    Wrote Leatherma

    more titillating with a chick wearing fluffy MOHAIR sweater :

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    Wrote urloto

    I agree. Awesome natural tits. Please post more

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    Wrote moedee

    aren't you fucking her balls-deep in her hot taut ass? pack it with a gigantic blast then pull it out and showcase us the anal creampie!

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    Wrote admiring

    Let's see a lot more of that magnificent cock!

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    Wrote petershaz

    Lovely figure, superb O face

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    Wrote chefdrew21

    keep your day job

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    Wrote vallonia

    Con ese culo ha de ser mamA? de tres... pero vergudos a los que se las chupa, mamacita estA? re buena

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    Wrote Travis_Bi

    The nude photos were nice. Please continue!

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    Wrote Mrallenii

    i love indian nymphs they have big nips.

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    Wrote zbzbzbzb

    family nudeist picslooks like sweet nectar i'd like to sample... please send a movie clip... or stills of your ation with the power tool/toy... looks like you get going... ; } thanks ; O [email protected]

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    Wrote fordmed

    Kasia jest piekna. Pozdrawiam.

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    Wrote lily90


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    Wrote teejay21

    All thru this series, she looks worried and frightened. She did NOT want to do this and you MADE her do it...You are an offensive prick that does not deserve this woman. Besides that, she has cleanliness issues with all that hair and discolored skin...I might give ten bucks for a deep throat but no more than a twenty for the entire package...But I would whip yer bootie for the joy of it because you have hurt her so bad. If she is awkward with this, you should not make her. tonyb1968 is where you send all your empty threats..I will reply promptly. Again, you are a masturbate. Take these pics down and make her sense safe before you attempt to exploit her again.

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    Wrote dee7er

    Awesome body! Keep showin your caboose too!!!

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    Wrote lpluto

    Are you wearing it also at public beaches?

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    Wrote lizatit

    there is color film out there now

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    Wrote PeggedByA

    Just te way i like a woman.

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    Wrote mayday0331

    I just love crimson hair and freckles. YOu are so georgeous. I could munch you labia for hours....mmmmm

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    Wrote cacter

    You can bring that pretty little starfish over here just anytime...

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    Wrote jayke1981

    They don't call them furr burgers for nuttin!!

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    Wrote AdoNiSTuaN

    Sexy Rebecca is very sexy.

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    Wrote alamoman373

    Would I love to tit fuck those damsels :)

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    Wrote akebara

    Superb assets. Hope to see more and more of you.

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    Wrote cl_dub

    She has nice tits but the pubic hair is a real turn off.

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    Wrote sasaso

    May I attempt it ?

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    Wrote easybigfe

    Nice - Butt, where are the Sharks? Chomp, Chomp !

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    Wrote jane1983

    WOW!! You are incredible. What a spectacular assets, I would love the chance to get to know you up close and individual. Please keep posting more pics of this sexy queen.

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    Wrote londoneye

    very nice looking total hairy thicket just the way they are to look

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    Wrote anoncumme

    Good cutie. What a bod. Excellent breasts. Love that figure. Super sexy. Thanks for sharing. Love to see more.

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    Wrote piltshire

    SO HOT thanks for sharing, may u Two jizz hard and often, we both want to taste ALL (pussy mouth asshole) of her before and after u have your way with her pls post again shortly THANKS we r revved on and off to sofa now

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    Wrote vstar15


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    Wrote WH7IN

    tiene una matricula en condiciones si señor y todo un reportero en frente de guerra capturando las mejores instantaneas

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    Wrote sactiger

    sure would like to play with your kinks

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    Wrote Boobster

    I make a compromise!! Next time, I'll fuck her & you hold the camera!! One hot gorgeous lady!!

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    Wrote enoxlitikos

    Nice bod Can i put my nose in that beauiful Pubic hair

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    Wrote pan271

    family nudeist pics51??? Still have the gams and donk of a 20-yr-old! Very nice! Let's see the tits!

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    Wrote ugger

    I would smash it. Nice pics

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    Wrote criscrimint

    family nudeist picsWOW, SHE IS Brilliant. MORE,MORE,MORE !

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    Wrote martini1

    I wasnt to see photos of herbreasts totally nude.

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    Wrote wdk123456

    Your hairy wifey has a lovely and titillating bod peculiarly in blue satin panties.I wish to fuck her , but you are so fare away. So i propose you a game : you send to me some of her satin undies, i could wear them during i take pics of me jizzing on !i hope i'll excite you.Yvan Your French [email protected]

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    Wrote shemaleca

    Beautiful!!! Hot!!! Voted Superb!!! I would be in heaven if I had YOU in my couch. I would sense like I was in heaven if I had you sending me pix in my e-mail. I hope you will. [email protected]

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