Wifey was out doing yard work, she did not realize that her pants were so sheer. I grabbed the camera and took a few pictures, when she witnessed the photos she freaked out that she had given a few neighbors such a good display.
March 2025 6:39:50
Thank you for the supreme comments on my preceding contri (for the one who asked me, my very first contri was too hot for E.I.P). Here I'm getting ready for a fine night on board. If the comments will be good and you will vote for me, I will display a fresh contri around the ship. Baci - Sandra
March 2025 22:49:37
We had fun...hope you love but Baby Doll says we need to end due to rude comments by the 20 somethings..we do not need the manhandle from the narrow minded..we would have shown more on Naturists but it's just not worth it love your 20 year olds with tattoos.. sorry to say but unless things switch bye bye
March 2025 20:55:17
I agree. These chicks are rather beautiful.
hot, i'm popping wood
so fuckin sexy.would love to undress you and slurp your booty and labia
Love your dark-skinned puffies !
I don't know. The pics were bad, but you seem to be very pretty. Ditch the corny theme and just submit pictures of you in nice sexy clothes or nothing at all. Clean up the photography.
I love your contris! You are the best! I could look at you [email protected]
joe ruth ... don't parade your ignorance , it's nothing to be proud of . if you don't speak French just shut up about it ... b.t.w. "plus tard" means "later"
You ladies look like you were having so much joy skinny dipping.
I love your big belly and hairless cunt and I wanna put my penis in your butthole and rectal you. Yum.
nice week end spread
Getting finer, some good shots.
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Supreme PICS.. Got me hard and I had to release.. what a way to begin the day.. thanks for helping me out.
Absolutely fantastic dee...I'm salivating
Definite Wilfy...bootiLICKisssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE display more, peculiarly tits and bush!
hmmm....quite a mixed bag of pictures
not attractive. check out the site & compare yourself to the other dolls here b4 you post.
celebrities on nude beachesLooks like the old Olive Dell ...
Send more of that pussy!
This is a fantastic contrib... i vote SUPERB for your photo
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Nice rack and sweet lips. [email protected]
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You are so joy and sexy. How many apparels do you have? I would love to see them all.Al
don't be such a stranger, you're very beautiful!!!
Love your big natural hangers! Gotta see more! owenmart_70
World class assets. Doesn't get much finer.
Plower in da ass.Fucker in da bootie.
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I'd like to be in your bathroom scrubbing your back (and front?) anytime. Keep on posting
I luved viewing your pics.
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My bro Ivehadda and my only sis Ivedunna all agree you have a fantsastic assets. You look superb XX
Please post again. I want to paint your tits milky.
still sexy, just knowing she is prego makes me horny, i luv fucking prego women if i can, they are so hot and sexy, and horny...
From one DJ to another, good job with your honey.
No, those are just panty covered crotches. Not C-T.
I luv b&w et Sepia exxxpecially when it voyeurs a beauty and honey you are proof there is a god...a goddess!!!!!!!!
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Oh Canada, glorious and free (of clothes)
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Love sexy gorgeous puny tits
good pls fuck him again and take more pics this time with hubby in view in some plz
Bountyman....are you 12 years old?....you make Two comments and that is it....none of these women want a maggot like you.
VERY arousing. Nice.
For me the stockings and garter belt are very sexy.10++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I'm as queer as they come but you don't do a thing for me sweetie. To be fair, I'm sure you don't do a thing for any one!
one of the best ladies on net...
I Would Punch You Out Of Sofa, There Is Much More Room On The Floor Sexy Lady, I Can Almost Taste That Beauty of A Clitoris, Yummmmm.Well I Hope He Gave You What You Wished Sexy, ThanksFor Sharing Folks, Nice Post!
I admire you for posting but please add some multitude. these four posts are all the same and frankly not very arousing.