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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    sexy day at playa part 1 2015

    By now most of you know Duran and I posted together many times. Well, when we wished to take more pictures the day of this shoot we found out that the batteries in our fucktoys were drained from over use, mostly with Duran. So, we resorted to other measures to sustain our level of entertainment.

    March 2025 21:54:56

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Cape Cod Soft Wanking on the playa

    here are some pics of my wifey flashing she never wears undies when we go out and she likes to shock unaware guys. I notably like the reactions she gets from truckers going down the interstate.

    March 2025 18:47:38

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Spycam. Nice Tits on public plage

    Camera: Canon FTb (primitive needle & lollipop metering, set your own f-stop, set your own shutter speed, actually have to concentrate for yourself, and HORROR OF HORRORS... you gotta use your own thumb to advance the roll of film)

    March 2025 20:20:15


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    Wrote beschnitten

    Salut les Belges sont assez rares pour que l'on rate l'occasion de se saluer .Nous sommes de le region de liège et si vous desirez faire connaissance, echange alors repondez nous. Nous aimlons faire des photos de mm styleSky_nemo

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    Wrote joe543543

    Suck that gut in, even skinny arse pro models do it. Sorry didn't like your creative idea for the contest.

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    Wrote mugsymaho

    "Good to the last drop"

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    Wrote Bridgette77

    46 and Fabulous!

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    Wrote viccreed

    Good lady, stylistic but not effortless to see, pictures. Photo art belongs on a photo art site, clear, bright, effortless to see photos belong here.

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    Wrote RelliK

    You are truly lovely. Supreme contri.

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    Wrote ARES1

    beach spy vouyerI have to say that with every fresh set of photo'sthat YOU look nicer. You are beautiful and very sweet to the eye. bluev52

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    Wrote Andresdel

    krak hore

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    Wrote hugeclit

    Hot Lickable Bum and Vulva Sweetie and So Blowable Breasts and Puffies Thanks Sweetie ;)

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    Wrote gregen


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    Wrote bad1973

    beach spy vouyerDifficult to get into the scene when every two seconds I'm interrupted by wondering why you are throating into the microphone. And what is that, some cheap cell phone camera that takes only Three blurry frames per second? I want to like her but the mechanism makes it unlikely.

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    Wrote axelstoner

    display me your donk

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    Wrote GT69bothw

    (Continued)do not break the law (do not molest or harass under-aged girls) then

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    Wrote Carolinee

    I have voted superb Three times now. I came back to love and get the thrill of watching your sleek mons and cunt lips. I would give anything to slurp YOUR sleek mons and suck YOUR slick pusy lips. And It would be immensely titillating to have the chance to at least one time, trim you and make everything down ther silky smoth for my tongue. Would you like that? Would you like to perceive my tongue paying homage to the lovliness inbetween your thighs? It would be awesome to hear back as to what you think of my comments.

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    Wrote mgc463

    Supreme HOOTERS, would hubby like to witness me suck on those beauties ?

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    Wrote asdifi

    #2 Photo - FANTASTIC!!!!!!

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    Wrote domoc470

    Cliche as it sounds: the light truly DOES love you.

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    Wrote Albaa

    Very nice. I would have loved to seen step out from hehind the log and seen what you have hidden.

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    Wrote bobby_1175

    do I understand this correctly, this is your ex-wife and you want people to send you man rod pics?

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    Wrote FilipinaG

    hm, das wäre auch mal was wool mich.

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    Wrote iveca

    My kind of joy loving gal.

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    Wrote Leomano

    Mmmmmm....look at that ass!

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    Wrote zootsuited

    doste ta ola re paidia min ntrepeste.

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    Wrote hornygirl1x

    dynamite body- sexy photos- this is everything that RC should be!! bravo !

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    Wrote Blackplay

    SUPERB!! I have always Loved looking at you SWEET Body!! THANKS for the wood...eeerrrrr... I mean sharing.. [email protected]

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    Wrote Natalia31

    Wow! I love eyeing close ups like this of your wifey Diana's tits. Sweet nipples!

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    Wrote tomica79

    geile fotze, bläst klasse

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    Wrote Pawllus

    Absolutely amazing!!The 3rd, 4th and 5th picture are absolutely amazing!!! What a body!! It must be so damn amazing to grab those butt cheeks hard, and make them bounce all over while doing you...OMG!!! I would love to do you!!! It must be a desire vision!! This is David from Portugal 34yo, and just find you absolutely astonishing!!Please KEEP POSTING!!!Would also love to trade few words with you, even if it was just to suggest on your future contris. E mail me if wanted:

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    Wrote kabu23

    Chapel Hill RULES! Excellent pics I would love to see more!! NC guy!

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    Wrote assabarani

    See how many loser fatso's say..liked it but the ink screwed it my flacid old dick is even more look good. :)

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    Wrote goobins

    Green tongue?

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    Wrote sviking24

    I just threw up things I ate in the 50's

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    Wrote straightp

    Kaylee Lyn, another hot set and another superb vote from this soldier! You have me standing at attention both ways! Love to see more of you and possibly display you how you get this soldier at attention! email me please hot stuff!!

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    Wrote altijdfijn

    hm hopefully a nice thick manstick in the ass!

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    Wrote banditss

    Wow,.. you are to good to be; Martin scandinavia...marsfend

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    Wrote eddf001

    you could fry an egg on that tummyhow old are these pics?she hasn't put on any weight that i can see

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    Wrote CountMyst

    fucking that would be like attempting to climb on a frozen ham..shes cold

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    Wrote tusker

    Ten photo's of a g-string covered bum just don't cut it here.

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    Wrote mishkavor

    Nice cock...would love to play with that puppy. Thanks for sharing.Hope to see more of you shortly

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    Wrote hard_boy

    fuck year butt

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    Wrote mmm28

    wish I spoke French, but right now it wouldn't matter 'cause I am speechless. Wonderful and thanks. [email protected]

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    Wrote Farid_Bang

    pretty looking lady with a wonderful assets and you are a lucky boy. Where in Indian is she at :) Love to see more of her. apsajith

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    Wrote kleegish

    I would gobble, but it does not look clean...Sorry, wash it good and post again.

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    Wrote tolis23

    Just a word, and you won't stay alone !

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    Wrote Schland87

    nice hard asslove to spread your sexy cheeks

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    Wrote filmlurrer

    playa spy vouyersuperb nice smile

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    Wrote E2sexy

    something they all need to be instructed. does the gf know how to arse fuck?

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    Wrote stevie6808

    I've been looking at you on VW for about a year. I love masturbating and looking at the photos (duh) but I've grown to love the ones where the women are looking at the camera. I guess I sense like the women are more of a participant in the expe

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    Wrote simplyecks

    It looks to me you are fucking your friend's wife...Good for you! She is a mouthful!!Bad luck for him..

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    Wrote boowie69

    guys have humid wishes about honeys like you, so few with such a fine donk and you're gorgeous too!

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    Wrote doug-e-fr

    I can't believe you didn't give that beautiful cunt a big dirty smooch. Dang man, where are your manners ???

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    Wrote ParkerMN

    Lucky Bastard!Witch one is your's?

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    Wrote Itsmeyeah

    iam sitting here naked looking at your naked assets, my forearm on my hard-on and my buttplug in my bum, iam going to print one of your pictures out and use it to slurp on and jizm on and then gobble my jizz off of it just like if you were here, hope you send me a spe

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    Wrote tls2004

    Or were you planning to just crawl in there and sleep?

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