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  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Steffi and Katia on the sand munching FM14

    I've had fairly a few request for more pics of me in undergarments. (You know who you are!) ;) So Damion determined to take some pics of me in my fave purple teddy. These are actually the tame ones. The nastier ones will be posted in RC. Enjoy! Smooches, xoxoxo Angelique

    March 2025 20:16:39

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Hilarious report on brasilian naturist plage

    Duo of Friends this one is a duo of friends. #2 is a sweet snatch another g/f cootchie she gives good head what an caboose strap-on..any takers? Two goes are finer than 1 smoothly-shaven and slick another bj wife's bes

    March 2025 10:7:36

  • Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis gravida
    Laura Strand Nude Soiree Costa Rica Damsel

    My wifey is 34, mom of Trio, truly timid and does not like at all taking pictures. One night, she was in good mood and here is the result. I hope you will like her and wait for your comments. Of course she doesn't know.....

    March 2025 17:46:10


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    Wrote Reflectio

    Her breasts look nice, yes, but the rest of this lot is FOR UNDERWEAR FETISHISTS ONLY!

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    Wrote dbldutch2

    you work fine for me stunner, pls post more

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    Wrote kole4ka

    With a sweet man sausage like that and a spectacular face, I can give you something to do. I could make you smile big time if you let me take care of that hard-on. mmmmmmm

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    Wrote mido20202

    Please, let's see more! Maybe next time your photogrepher will join in! Would love to see some jism running in rivulets out of you!

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    Wrote monkeyonf

    compliments for your good figure. a smooch from italy at your

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    Wrote osfp

    Welke regio in België?

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    Wrote Sox11

    my b friend is taking pills to attempt to get a caboose like that he drools over it

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    Wrote AliceTheB

    I'm working "it" at home right now!!Hope to see more real briefly. I need to finish, please help me!! HC

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    Wrote oratipren

    that can take a big fake penis all the way. most pretend.How about her ass??

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    Wrote mrslevin

    You have one of those bods I could hump all day.

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    Wrote jennydwts

    WELL? :-0

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    Wrote Babben


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    Wrote assesever

    DAMN. i love ur big bod. make rock hard, would love to drill that vulva and suck those tits. please send me more, sexy baby. [email protected]

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    Wrote Blackmail

    Love those big nippled soft sexy floppy tit bags!!! Let's see some more of em - bet they look supreme dangling!

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    Wrote devinkayne

    This is RC. Slide that Michelob up her butt.

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    Wrote aladingo

    Sexy activity photo of your wifey Katy. I like the way the water hugs her form on the way down. Voted superb for all three of her photos.

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    Wrote kroos7

    There go the whining children again.They're just startled of real women. Nice pictures.

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    Wrote Fantile

    U r a desire well done sweet

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    Wrote mmhonore

    What a sexgodess she is....everything looks so beautiful, sexy and hot that i indeed love all your pics! Please keep posting!!!!!! Adore them!!

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    Wrote lina_tv_b

    I would love to volunteer, you are fantastic.

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    Wrote fordeluvo

    Did we get a fresh hair do?

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    Wrote smorgasbj


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    Wrote mima_I_al

    puffies are to diminutive for tits

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    Wrote charlesat

    Jolies photos. Je suis un devotee des photos de personnes dans la vraie vie. J'ai vu que tu as pris pas mal de photos sur les iles en face de Cannes. Je suis actuellement A  Cannes et jusqu'au Two au soir. A‡a pourrait A?tre sympa d'en parler!!!

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    Wrote capandtrib

    Would sure LOVE to spend a lengthy weekend in sofa with her, lovin’ that awesome body!! dace1949@gmail

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    Wrote blakamamba

    BEAUTIFUL, and those are some of the best tits ever seen on the VW. The wifey and i voted superb, and we would love to see more, so PLEASE KEEP THEM [email protected]

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    Wrote openminde

    focy lady

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    Wrote cybersexman

    where are the vagina shots

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    Wrote Maniacc

    Bea, sei fantastica.

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    Wrote wwlover

    Beautiful figure. We need to see her inserting some household items like contraptions, bottles, veggies, etc. I want to use her 'till she can't even stand up much less walk right. 'Till she can't even catch her breath!

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    Wrote shemy

    Let's see a real hard-core HC version of that: no panty, leaned over your knee, fingerblasting her bum and snatch inbetween spanks, squeezing her naked tits on the other side, flashing her enjoyment on her face...

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    Wrote siram

    Gorgeous pics.

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    Wrote lovearub

    Love your pointy Nips - They look so inviting and willing to be sucked Mmmm

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    Wrote brankica

    I like the natural hair too.

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    Wrote Rainbowri

    Roxy, for years I've been saving all your pics, (the ones with the catsuit, the miniskirt, on the floor, etc.) I am your number-1 admirer, and would like you to know you are one HOT lady. Disregard the bad coments from some of the people here, they have n

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    Wrote cumonover

    Nice shots, very lovely. How about some outside?Ignore the children's comments. I luved them

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    Wrote buchards

    OMG you are so hot, you would look so good on the back of my Harley. I lovethe pics of you suggesting you pretty lil cootchie, may I have a taste? Can I eat you? Want many orgasms? I will please. Smooches smooches Darlin

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    Wrote svet_pol

    Not bad for a very first time. I hope she has more to suggest next time. No beaver, no face, no culo. not much of a woman to see here. Please attempt again.

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    Wrote forcedelta6

    ...dick and tit..........boring.

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    Wrote mcloven169

    Oh good, The daily fairy picture.

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    Wrote deuxxx

    looks greatwould like closer picsamd the roll side

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    Wrote bbc4149

    hot!!!!!!! but why is she orange?

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    Wrote freiburge

    Leave your gams right there, Hon, and I'll lay some pipe up your donk.

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    Wrote fart2002

    gorgeous bod to caress and please

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    Wrote justlooki

    Damn, would like to fundle and suck those nice tits. You are so desirablePLease send beaver pics

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    Wrote DScottyto

    Superb set of picsSuperb set of tits andI would love to see more if possible?skunkfx

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    Wrote optimussa


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    Wrote Laila_Jade

    How are you able to take these pics? Does the strand permit it or are you secretive? I find this subject very interesting.

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    Wrote bethredit

    Auch wenn s natA?rlich gestellt ist Ihr Vagina, Votze 8 und Nine oder Nine und Ten *grad keinen Plan im Sack LOL, die Blonde eben* hat so einen richtig geilen Bumsboller!!!Da musst du als Typ locker 20x die Woche einfahren, sonst kann du nur n Schlappschwanz sein...bei so einem Hammer Fickarsch hA¤t ich andauernd hart...und ihr Luschies??? FIIIIICKEN

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    Wrote broerek

    just my thought. but i think your very pretty.. have a nice figure good looking twat. but i gotta say no.

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    Wrote pantyhozed

    A SUPERB Ten all the way A Magnificent Asian Queen I would love to take you in my arms and cover every inch of your magnificent, flawless, naked bod with sultry hot raw smooches Michael [email protected]

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    Wrote Exibicion

    Love the hairy cunt. Send some sans the dick getting in the way.

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    Wrote damien29


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    Wrote bitchfuck

    Supreme Cootchie shots! Very Lickable!

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    Wrote america0827

    I would gobble her ankle continously right up to her bunghole and circle it and go back down to the other ankle all in one movement untill she begged me to stick my crevice face and tung up her snatch.

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    Wrote sg14Shag

    Ding! Ding! Ding! The bar has just been raised. (Damn I don't think it can go any higher. Whew! Gettin' mighty hot over here...)

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    Wrote wrigglepup1

    Awesome! You have me hard enough to drive ravages thru boards with my dick! Voted you very good. Any chance we can see you vapid on your back, belly exposed, total bod shots up close, with your gams and vagina spread broad open?

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    Wrote sweettoot

    I love your gigantic boobs...jacking off looking at your pic!

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    Wrote s-e-fan

    Very nice,you're beautifull and naturel. lovely cootchie and strong breasts.Want to see a contribution of you in sexy underwear and stocking and some pics of your butt. Voted superb Yasmine

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    Wrote playxlvr

    I truly wish that were the case, "j76," as this site is suffering due to their manhandle of women. Look at the number of contributions and how they've plummeted. If they would stop posting their attacks, I'd stop attacking them. I just have a elementary belief; all women . . . ALL women . . . deserve respect irrespective of their age, their w3ight, race, or any other corporal feature. I'm sure all of us were told at one point, "If you don't have something nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all."

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    Wrote karencrem

    Beautiful face & smile, killer figure, Amazing beautiful Big T's & simply stunning arse & cootchie :-)))))))

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    Wrote guy4dadbear

    WOW!!!! lovely MASSIVE MOUNDS!!!! would love to see more and trade pics privately at [email protected]

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    Wrote palladin2

    No idea, no insight...Always these f..... foolish poses that everybody already done...This lack is a mortar with a such model.

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    Wrote iulian3

    love those high-heeled slippers sexy feet and painted toes

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    Wrote bedroomeyez

    fabulous hooters. they remind me of my wife's!

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